How 2 Days of personal strategic planning will set the stage for 2009
When was the last time you spent two whole days on your personal strategic plan for your life and your business? Well I can tell you, I just came from doing that, in none other than Martha’s Vineyard. Wow, what a workshop- I attended a Group Vision Day on MV and it was truly amazing.
This time the drive going to Martha’s Vineyard, seemed to go quicker than the last. I made it to Wood’s Hole in 4 hours, so early, I had 2 hours to kill before the ferry. So I waited in the stand by line and got on the earlier ferry- the freighter ferry- now that was cool- not a very big boat, small in fact, and flat, you can see the ocean almost 360 degrees. It was really cool being so close to the water and the waves coming up and splashing over the sides- got a little damp. It was truly refreshing though and of course I got some pictures to savor the moment.
Now I did a bunch of work before I got there, which of course made everything I did in the workshop so much more worthwhile. I spent two days with 17 other people- all perfecting our personal goals, career goals and life plans. I left with a wonderful road map of where I’ve been, where I am now and where I want to be. It was incredibly inspirational to me. One of the many best things about it was this Group Vision Day was run by my two most favorite people in the world- Rob Berkley and Debbie Phillips. Not only did they bring some stellar people together to work hard, we also played hard, had some wonderful food, laughed a lot and totally enjoyed each others company.
Rob and Debbie also do individual Vision Day’s. I’d highly recommend this if you want to get your life, and/or your business on track and in order. I’ve done 3 Vision Days and this one was my 4th. My incredibly successful business would not have been possible without me taking this really important time to put my plan together.
One of the exercises I loved doing and still do today is write down the 10 things I’m most grateful for every night before I go to sleep. It’s a wonderful feeling writing them down and just makes drifting off to sleep so much more fun with a huge smile upon my face! Take out a pen and some paper and start now, don’t delay, this is a wonderful exercise that will surely help you live a happier more fulfilled life.