Whose Shoes Are You Walking In?
Your customers, (this includes those that have not bought anything from you but who have read your blog and subscribed to your newsletter or visited your website) look to you for help, motivation, advice, entertainment, and valuable information.
To really do this effectively you have to walk in your customers shoes.
Everyday I encounter businesses that really miss the mark on this.
One way to really get this is to BE your customer. Go to your website, cruise it like a potential customer, sign up for your optins. Even better, get your friends, colleagues, and those that work for you to do the same. Have them document what they see and how they feel during the experience. There’s a lot to be said about doing this. In fact there’s a huge business that focuses just on that and it’s called “mystery shoppers,” having someone pose as a potential customer and they document their experience. This works well in bricks and mortar places like dentist offices or doctor’s offices. By doing this, you will be very surprised by the results. In fact, you could take it one step further and create a short survey for anyone to answer who you ask to go to your website, your newsletter, etc., and get them to document their experience on your survey. For more information about surveys and how to use them to make more money in your business— www.CreateAmazingSurveys.com
What I would recommend is that you start paying closer attention to your own everyday encounters with other businesses, colleagues, bosses, or clients that are either less than satisfactory or extremely pleasant. Really be aware of your own thoughts and reactions when you are annoyed or frustrated or if you find yourself very impressed.
Anytime you encounter something that starts to make the little hairs on the back of your head stand-up, stop and think about why. What is causing your reaction? It could be something that seems to be very small but is in actuality significant.
Maybe you are trying to download a free report and you are being asked to fill out a lengthy form to get it.
Or you sent and email to someone and they only responded back with one or two words because they are on their mobile device.
Or you get asked for your zip code at a particular store every time you buy something, even a pack of gum.
Or you visit a website for the first time and immediately get a popup asking you to rate your experience before you even have a chance to look at the site.
Now think about what the other party could have done to make the encounter better for you and really make you eager to return or do business with them again.
Could they have given you just a bit more information that would have been helpful? Could they have answered your question themselves rather than just pointing you to a document
or FAQ?
Could they have listened to you more carefully to better understand your situation? Could they use less jargon on their web page to make it easier to understand?
Now go back to your own business and look at every place you interact with your customers, colleagues, bosses, employees, and others. Really pay attention to how you present
yourself, your information, and advice. Are you really providing the best possible experience? Are you really avoiding the mistakes and behavior that annoy you when you are the customer?
Don’t make yourself difficult to do business with.
Let’s face it. Standards seem to be dropping everywhere you go. The real key to creating a successful business is paying close attention to what your customer’s experience is with your business… This is a real opportunity for you to shine and create an amazing experience for your customers. That is the best way to stand out from your competition and create a much more successful business.