The four types of testimonials that get results…
In my previous blog, I gave you a simple overview of testimonials. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper. In fact, I am going to let you in on a secret that most people don’t know: There are four types of testimonials and each are used to overcome different objections that potential customers may have.
1. Benefits:
- Apprehension to trying a new product/service is a normal reaction, especially in this tight economy. Many people have to watch how and what they spend their money on, so often they stick with what they know. With this type of testimonial though, people are not only seeing others buying your product/service but also their opinion.
- Objections:
- When it comes to trying a new product/service, people are not only looking for benefits. They are also looking for flaws or problems current customers may have experienced. Nothing is perfect in this world – this includes your product/service.
Example: “I was hesitant on hiring Shannon because she was new to being a Virtual Assistant. Shannon put my mind at ease by suggesting doing a marketing strategy report as a test. This impressed me because she knew there was hesitation in hiring a new person. I am so glad she was willing to put herself out there because hiring her was the best thing I did.”
- Personality:
- This type of testimonial takes the focus away from the product/service and puts it on YOU. It is important for a potential client to see
the personality behind the product/service. It’s like an instant referral for a potential client to see why other clients chose you.
- Case Studies:
- The previous testimonials are so important for potential clients but this one adds the icing to the cake. Not only are you giving them testimonials but also solid facts about your product/service. Potential clients want to see upfront exactly how your product/service will further their business.
I want to share a story with you. A manager of a very successful restaurant knew the importance of a positive testimonial. Before every shift, this particular restaurant manager would share these words with his entire wait and hosting staff. There was not one shift meeting where he did not end with these
“All it takes is ONE negative dining experience to effect daily business in the restaurant industry. We have ONE chance to show them why we are their top choice when it comes to dining out. Think about how many people ONE dining guest knows. For every person this dining guest knows, will equal a negative opinion about our restaurant. It will not stop there because the people told will then tell another person. Any time after that, if someone mentions our Restaurant that one negative experience will come to mind.”