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Discovering How to Add Some Disney “Mouse” Magic Into Your Business

Here are my two favorite quotes from Walt Disney:

“Think beyond your lifetime. If you want to do something truly great. Make a fifty year master plan. A fifty year master plan will change your look at the opportunities in the present.”

“If you can dream it, you can do it!”

These quotes do an awesome job of giving you a birds eye view into Walt’s psyche and how he was able to accomplish so much in a given period of time. He was the epitome of driven and going after his dreams. After reading his book, “How to be like Walt,” I certainly was able to view how when you have a dream, you go after it and let NOTHING stop you or get in your way.

I had the recent pleasure of spending 3 days in Orlando and two of them I spent at Epcot, touring and learning all of what was in Walt’s plan and how his little city in Orlando came to be. It was a fascinating adventure for me.  I got an amazing glimpse into his mind of how he accomplished his dreams and the flip side, of how he wasn’t able to see his dream of his Orlando parks come true. Yet, how his brother Roy and his team made sure it came to fruition.  When I stood there, it was hard to believe that— he actually died before any of the parks were even built in Orlando—wow…

So I knew there were some lessons that not only I could learn, but that I could share with you… The one thing Walt was through and through was a salesman and here’s how he succeeded as one:

  1. Honesty- He was so honest and forthright and sincere, you couldn’t help but believe in him and his dreams. So how can you be more honest, sincere and forthright in your business?
  2. Enthusiasm– This is one I’ve got covered, when I’m enthusiastic about something it comes through my pores, people can see it written across my face and the same for Walt.  He was enthralled with his ideas and he was infectious and it was contagious, don’t ever forget that in your business.
  3. Confidence- Walt exuded confidence, even when his business was failing. It’s about having unrelenting faith in what you’re doing.  His confidence, like his enthusiasm was contagious and infectious.
  4. Courage- This is a big one- this biggest fear is the fear of failure and the fear of rejection, Walt faced this daily. After all his company was the first one to create cartoons as feature films, which was unheard of in Hollywood and his won his first of many Oscars for doing so.  His first cartoon feature film of Snow White, blew the critiques and audience goers away… He had courage for his vision and his belief in creating cartoons as feature films.
  5. Persistence– according to Walt, nothing that was worthwhile comes easy and he had to have perseverance and faith in his own abilities. So I hope you’re inspired—don’t ever give up—or my favorite saying from my amazing Coach Debbie Phillips, (and Founder of Women On Fire) is “Don’t give up before the miracle.”

There are hundreds of more lessons to be learned from Walt Disney, I just hope you can grasp these few and implement them into your business and your life. And don’t forget to tell me what you think and how you’re going to implement these lessons into your life and your business!

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