What Do Your Customers Want to Buy?
I’ve been asked this question over 1,000 times— what do my customers want to buy? And another question I get is– how can I figure out what product or service to create so they will buy it from me? And I get a million more. Here’s the real scoop on what people want to buy, and I want to give you as much information as I can so you can be incredibly successful in creating the best products and services for your clients and customers.
I stumbled upon this book years ago—7 Steps to Freedom II: How to Escape the American Rat Race, by Benjamin Suarez. It’s a rather dated book, published in 1994, and a very BIG hardback book, so I wouldn’t travel with it. This book is awesome if you’re considering doing direct mail, and if you want some real insides on how people buy, and what to sell, how to make money formulas to be profitable, it’s a really good step-by-step- albeit dated.
What I want to share with you was the ONE thing that I got out of this book, and it was his whole discussion and presentation of “Why people buy.” So here are some key takeaways for your business:
Generally speaking, people buy to spend money, be affluent, feel good, and avoid and solve the problems they’re having. They don’t want to buy things that are hard work, cause risk, or that are time-consuming. I’m talking about the majority of people, not the 5% of entrepreneurs like you and me. The key is people want “Quick and Easy” solutions.
Here’s a list, according to Benjamin Suarez, of why people buy:
- Immortality and Survival
- Power
- Love
- Money
- Recognition
- Acceptance
- Parental Success
- Career Success
- Marital Success
- Health
- Success in Competitive Games
- Avoidance of Hardships
- Recreational Fun
- Avoidance of Unpleasantness
Knowing this list above is hugely important. This gets into the psyche of the REASONS people buy and the “things” they buy for. After I read this list, it made so much sense to me. So the next time you’re gearing up to sell or promote a new product or service, take note of these things above and in your promotion and copy address one or some of these that fit.
Also, take a look at this list, and it might also help you figure out which product or service to create. We already know the popular markets like Health and wellness, weight loss and physical fitness, and of course, love. But don’t forget about recognition, immortality, acceptance, fun, and making money!
AND if you need any help with trying to figure out what next product or service to create or offer, check out my latest presentation on the 17 Ways to give your customers exactly what they want—Never Guess Again what your next product or service will be.