5 Goals to Achieve This Year
If you’re up for it — I am going to push the envelope a little today and actually give you five goals to try to achieve by the end of the year.
Remember you are never going to know if you are capable of something if you don’t take that first step.
1. Go small
This may be a big one to start with but here goes-Downsize. Look at all aspects of your business whether that includes employees, vendors or service providers. If you find that there is a way for ONE provider to handle multiple jobs than cut back. This may sound strange but sometimes less is more when it comes to project management as well as financial costs.
2. Take Time to Invest Fully
Make this the year that you completely focus on not only getting to know your customers but also their specific needs. Once you make this commitment, find the best way to communicate. Whether that is through a blog, social media, QR codes, or even a weekly newsletter; find out which option works for them. There is no use in spending quality time and content on an area your customers do not even use.
3. Refresh your website
Take the time and really go through your website. Analyze and make notes as you look over what you have currently. Then, go on the Internet and find your biggest competitor. Look at their website and make notes on what things stand out the most. Once you do that, write a plan on what to change and a timeline to get it done.
4. Real Life Social Networking
Put some effort into networking by signing up for an industry conference or seeking out a local meet-up group. These are invaluable ways to develop relationships and share advice with fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners.
5. Put time for you on the calendar
It’s up to you to keep yourself motivated and inspired. Be sure to reward yourself for specific milestones like a big client win, meeting a tough deadline, or working “overtime” for multiple nights on end.
Sticking to all of these 5 goals is a lofty for anyone. Follow the tips that ring true for your situation, and adjust as needed. Do you have other goals for your business this year?
One Comment
You are too brilliant for words, and I agree each of these are things every one of us should be striving to achieve.