Have You Hugged Your Customers Lately?
There’s been a lot of hugging going on this week for me, which I love since it feels like the pandemic madness of “no touching” is slowly being lifted as more people have gotten vaccinated. (In our little part of Northern CA, if you can believe, only 28% of folks have gotten vaccinated – hmmmm…)
So what’s all the hugging about?
Well, it was my spouse’s birthday this week, and yesterday was our 2 year wedding anniversary. So lot’s to celebrate and happy we can do that with friends.
There’s just something about hugging. You know when you get a really good hug that lasts a few seconds more than usual.
There are certain people in my life who give awesome hugs like that – my spouse, my mom, and my friend and mentor Debbie Phillips, who’s pictured below with me at our wedding two years ago.
With all this talk about hugging going on, this is definitely something you can do with your dream clients/customers and your current clients/customers.
I picked up this awesome book when I was at Goodwill this past weekend. I sometimes go there with my spouse Ally to peruse the items and books. This book must have slipped past my radar when it came out years ago – Hug Your Customers by Jack Mitchell.
One thing I love about books is this ALWAYS happens – when I’m ready for the info, the book always appears.
I’ve been working with a client this past month, and we’re ramping up her business to make way for hundreds of thousands of subscribers. When I started reading this book, it was like “popcorn,” that’s how my client describes her idea factory in her head. So I thought it would be fun to share a couple of ways you could “hug some of your customers” right now or in the coming weeks.
What does “Hugging Your Clients/Customers” actually mean?
Well, it’s not really physically hugging them. It could lead to that at some point. (Of course, if it’s safe and folks are vaccinated.) It’s more about how you can hug them emotionally and financially. And about doing everything you can to help them, even if it doesn’t give you an immediate financial gain. It’s doing your homework to know what your customers want.
Do you know what your clients/customers want?
Find out and then give it to them.
Here’s something really cool you could do right now – send out a note to your top clients/customers and ask them:
–What would you buy from me if I was smart enough to offer it to you?–
I just LOVE that question. AND – I’d LOVE YOUR ANSWER to that question – just leave a comment. And of course, use this in your business too.
Once you know what your customers want, then go above and beyond to give it to them. It’s about how can you keep your clients/customers happy?
What can you do above and beyond that your competition doesn’t do? And do that!
Also – here are some core concepts from the book:
- Build a hugging culture in your team/business – Hugging your customers is a mindset and one that needs to be developed and spread through your organization. When I worked in HR I learned really fast that we hire for ATTITUDE FIRST, then we hire for skill. You can’t give someone a better attitude.
- Treat every customer like royalty – Send them birthday cards, anniversary cards, or personal letters. Keep up with them on emails. And even send them some surprise gifts in the mail and not just around holidays.
- Build long-term customer relationships based on trust and respect. It’s definitely NOT about the quick sale. Remember the stats from last week. 50% of the people on your list will take 12 – 24 months to buy something, so don’t give up on them. Keep giving them terrific value and information.
- Give your customers and employees a system that gives them access to the information they need. Many folks create membership sites to give their customers access to specific member information or create private Facebook groups. For employees or contractors – use a system like Trello or Slack, or both where you can all communicate and keep track of projects.
- Create a business culture that is customer-centric, and that embraces your customer. Think Zappo’s – Tony Hsieh’s book Delivering Happiness. Without clients/customers, you won’t have a business. It makes total sense for your business to be all about the customer.
There’s so much more in this book. I’d highly recommend it. This book is actually based on what Jack Mitchell and his family learned by running several highly successful clothing stores in the northeast.
If you have a brick-and-mortar business – there’s a ton more information in here specifically for you. One of my dreams is to open up a curated bookstore/coffee shop. And when I do, I’m gonna be able to use everything in this book!
NOTE 1: I’m serious – I’d love to know the answer to this question – What would you buy from me if I was smart enough to offer it to you? leave a comment and let me know. I’d really appreciate it!
NOTE 2: Plus, whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can help you achieve your business goals.
- Jump on a Free Call with me – just go here and answer a couple of questions – then you will get to my calendar. The reason I ask these questions is so that our call will be much more productive. And I will give you at least three things to help you transform your business immediately.
- Get my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It contains all my best stuff on creating and launching your products. Plus, you get proven templates, tools and worksheets valued at over $4,056! Leave a comment and I will send you more information.
- Work with me and get your course, product or service launched. Or maybe you want to create or increase your conversions on your online dream client/customer experience. Or if you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients/customers and launch your product… justleave a comment on this post with the line “Get launched”… at the beggining and tell me about what you want to launch, and I’ll get you all the details.
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