The interesting secret of how Warren Buffett & Other great leaders create success
Have you ever read any books or articles about great leaders like Gloria Steinem, Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs, or Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
The one “secret” they and many other successful leaders have in common is the mindset that I LOVE — A.B.L. – Always Be Learning.
This is a critical piece to creating a life you love – always be learning, growing, and being open to new ideas and new things, which leads to having a beginner’s mind.
Have you gone to a live event or virtual event, and you’re sitting there listening to a speaker, and your mind says, “Oh, they’re not saying anything new. Go check your email and pretend you’re still listening.”
Being in the online marketing space for over 16 years now, this used to happen to me constantly.
I’m sitting there in the back row (so if it’s boring or not something I’m interested in, I can easily make my great escape) of a live event, and the speaker comes on that I’ve heard before and I just check out. I would do it for many reasons.
The main one was that I decided I didn’t need to learn anything more about that subject or felt like I had enough knowledge, etc.
Granted, there are legitimate times that I could tune out because I’m not interested in learning more about a certain subject such as Facebook ads.
Yet, it wasn’t until a good friend pulled me aside and we chatted about this that she suggested I adjust my lens – look at these speakers (and experiences like that) from a beginner’s mind.
Once I started doing this, I ended up sitting closer to the front of a talk, and even if I’ve heard a lot of what the speaker had said before, I would walk away with one or two nuggets that would shift my business and also help my clients too.
That’s why I’m constantly investing in my learning. This month, I bought two copywriting courses from Perry Belcher and the other from Csaba Borzasi.
Then I also bought several new books too – my new favorite is Alchemy – The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life by Rory Sutherland. Perry recommended this in his course. I’d never heard of it before.
I got the audiobook, and the author reads it. I love it. He’s the Vice-chairman of Ogilvy. Some fascinating stories about how a beverage that all the testers absolutely hated and wouldn’t even take money to drink became a phenomenon – hello, Red Bull. How does that happen? You have to read (or listen to) the book!
I just LOVE learning. And I also love sharing what I’ve learned to help others, especially you, for being here and reading my emails every week. Thank you!
And yep, I hear you about not having enough time. It’s ok. You only need 15 minutes to read (or listen to) a couple of book pages or a new course.
Don’t make “not enough time” or you know enough about it be your reason for not learning. If it were important enough or inspiring to you enough, you’d do it. Wake up a little earlier, stay up a little later. Find that “thing” you want to learn about that lights you up.
Feeding your brain with an A.B.L. attitude will help shake things up, and you will start to create synergies with your learning – promise.
One last thing – when it comes to learning, every year I always have a strategic goal for my business. So this year, I’m focused on copywriting and improving my writing for content and sales copy.
I’d encourage you to have an A.B.L. goal for the year and only buy things that will support it so you can stay focused and Always Be Learning!
Note 1: If you want some motivation and help to stay focused to get more done from llamas – this is for you!
Note 2: For something a bit more obscure and curious-minded – The Great Food Hoaxes of all time –
Note 3: Plus, whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can help you achieve your business goals.
- Jump on a Free Call with me – It’s easy! Simply answer a couple of questions – then, you will get to my calendar. The reason I ask these questions is so that our call will be incredibly productive. I promise you will walk away with at least three things to help you transform your business immediately.
- Get my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It contains all my best stuff on creating and launching your products. Plus, you get proven templates, tools, and worksheets valued at over $4,056! Reply to this email, and I will send you more information.
- Work with me and get your course, product or service launched or optimized. Or maybe you want to create or increase your conversions on your online dream client/customer experience. Or if you’d like to work directly with me to get more clients/customers and launch your product… Simply hit reply to this email and put in the subject line “Get launched”… and tell me about what you want to launch, and I’ll get you all the details.