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Best Copywriting Formula that will help you promote and sell anything

Since I’ve been in business, I’m always searching for the best tool that can help me be a better entrepreneur AND help my clients as well.

Over the years, I’ve collected HUNDREDS of courses, books, tools, tips, techniques, mindmaps, formulas, and more.

And I do LOVE sharing what I learn in hopes it can help propel you onto more success in your work and your life.

As I’ve talked about many times, I’m in the midst of taking several copywriting courses.

And a fun fact, while in Las Vegas, I got to meet and hang out for the day with Parris Lampropoulus, who’s a legend in the direct response copywriting world.

He’s also a really nice down to earth guy and shared some awesome copywriting tips:

Get Your Messaging to Match Your Dream Clients – Getting new people to come through your door (or optin to your email list) is terrific. “Yet, if you can’t keep them, it’s like bailing out a leaky boat.” You have to have that message to market match to keep them.

It’s Not About Pitching Them Every Email – “If you bludgeon your list with pitch after pitch, you will begin to alienate them.” It’s best always to email good content 80% of the time. And if you have something to promote – put it in the P.S.

Good Ratio for Free Content to Selling – 80% free content, 20% selling pitch.

Focus on Wowing them – Share something new and then share something surprising. “When you have novelty and surprise, you will get them addicted to your copy.”

The next thing he and I talked about was how important it is to have a formula for your copy/messaging that you resonate with. To date, I’ve collected over 13 formulas to write copy. I have it as a part of the Soulful Marketing System course. If you want my Copywriting Formula PDF – private message me 🙂

Now here’s one more formula that I just discovered this week that needs to be added to the mix. It’s from another top copywriter – Ray Edwards, who’s also a colleague. And he has several books I’ve recommended over the years – notably Money Words and How to Write Copy That Sells.

I’m in his monthly group, where he shared his copywriting formula (P.A.S.T.O.R.) that you can use to sell anything from sales pages to webinars and anything in between.


P – Person, Problem, Pain – Reach out to dream clients with their pain, problems, struggles, etc.

A – Amplify – Their pain and struggles and show you understand it and the price they will pay if they keep ignoring what’s causing them pain.

S – Story, Struggle, Solution/System – Then share your story or a client’s story and how you came up with your solution – system.

T – Testimony, Transformation – Share your experiences and clients’ experiences of their transformation.

O – Offer & Overcoming Objections – Tell them exactly what they will get and how much it costs – AND – focus on their transformation, not just the stuff you’re going to give them.

R – Results – This is where you tell them what to do next – to get the transformation they want – “Hit the button…”

What I love about this formula is that it’s easy to remember, and you can use it with ANY copy. You can use it on social media, sales pages, getting people to optin to lead generators, training, live events, and more.

That’s what I love about having so many formulas. There’s always one that’s bound to resonate more with you and how you write than others.

Happy writing!

Note: This week has been sweltering – Temps all week are over 110 – eeekkk. The dogs and I are up at 5:30 a.m. to get a walk-in before the heat melts us. Then we just hunker down and cool off. See the photo below of what we did on Labor Day. Yeah, lazy day for sure.

Good news – Next week, we will get a reprieve with lower temperatures finally. Falls coming, after all!
 image. image
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