• Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience

    Core Article: A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience Paragraph I’m Pondering: Turning The Page on Reversing Alzheimer’s Powerful Affirmations to Inspire:  I handle setbacks with grace… Book Review: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Cool Stuff: Why Did Australia end up with koalas and not squirrels? AI Info & Resources: ChatGPT is partnering with Arianna Huffington A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience I debated with myself on whether to send this email. Then I realized this has more to do with mindset and how to cope when the literal sh*t hits the fan. And the ultimate goal is how to stay sane in the insanity… I’m a lifelong learner and am constantly…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Motivation

    Do You Measure the Gap?

    Something that’s been ingrained in me from my dad and my mentors has always been setting my goals for the year. The one thing that always tripped me up was how I measured my success. I always did that based on the goals I accomplished. Often, I found myself being perpetually dissatisfied with my progress because I wasn’t accomplishing all of them. Some of my goals just felt so big and too far away to achieve them. What I didn’t understand is that the problem wasn’t in my success at achieving the goals. The problem was how I measured them. The challenge is that you can be so busy looking at…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Mindset,  Motivation

    The #1 Struggle Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know that they have…

    Someone reached out to me last week and needed some help with their business. They’re not getting many leads from their website and are spending money in many places, and nothing seems to be tracking. Hmmmmm. That’s always a puzzle that I’m ready to jump into action to figure out what’s really happening. What’s interesting is how, over the years, my process of helping clients has evolved. Often times when someone comes to me, they think they know the issue and may have ideas about how to fix it. Yet, after our conversation, I discovered that’s not the real issue at all. It’s something totally different. So, let’s back up –…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Goals

    Let’s make a pact to stop doing this…

    I took on a very big launch project six weeks ago. It was for a company that I helped launch two of their other docuseries very successfully back in 2017 – 2018. They had a change in management and reached out to me for a relaunch project. It was one of those decisions I had to think about because I was moving away from big client launches and working on a one-to-many strategy by teaching many people how to create Successful Soulful marketing launches. Have you ever had to make a decision like that? I ended up thinking about it for a bit, then finally decided to do it for a couple…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Productivity

    Jumpstart your vision, best laid plans, and cosmic jokes…

    Happy January 2023! How are you feeling? The first couple of weeks of January always feels like a bit of a blur to me. All the anticipation, shopping, presents, and prep for the holidays and New Year’s leaves me spinning. So at the beginning of the month, I always try to take it slow. It’s kind of nice to ease into the New Year. Especially this year for me because the holidays were not at all how I envisioned or planned them. It felt more like a cosmic joke filled with everyone getting some type of illness, from the C virus (Spam filters won’t let me spell it out –…

  • Alchemy,  Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Overcoming Obstacles

    “Change is good,” she said…

    Have you ever had something happen that you weren’t expecting and just turned your life upside down? Such as losing a big client, getting injured, getting sick, or maybe something happened to a family member. One thing I know — change is just hard, and actually, I’d dare to say, in all honesty – change just sucks… When things happen, you share it with your close circle of supportive people, right? So when I did, that’s when she said — “Change is good.” And then rattled on why… Well, depending on where you are in the process of acceptance, you may want to hug or throttle that person like I…

  • Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Have You Dropped This Ball?

    A few weeks back, I shared a story about our smoke alarms going off in the middle of the night. It prompted me to ask you, is there anything that’s beeping at you in your business that’s keeping you up at night? I had some terrific responses, and wanted to share one from Martie McNab, Show&Tales, who took this concept in a direction that I thought was worthwhile exploring in today’s email. She said, “…if we market our business like those fire alarms – infrequently, sporadically, and in the middle of the night, we won’t be known, liked, or remembered.” In the initial stages, when I interview potential dream prospects, this…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    Need a boost of productivity? I gotchu :-)

    This might be the dreaded post here, calling you out on your productivity… Oh wait, that doesn’t sound good… apologies… Let’s reframe that – I want to inspire you with some ways you can boost your productivity. 🙂 How productive are you? Do you feel like you’re not getting enough done in your business? Could you use a boost? Or do you feel like you got it covered? It’s now November, and the holidays that are literally banging down your door won’t distract you from finishing up those last few projects, right? 🙂 Well, if you’re anything like me and have Cheryl’s holiday cut-out cookies, blueberry scones, best Thanksgiving stuffing muffins,…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    What’s that beeping noise?

    Have you ever been sleeping soundly, only to be woken up by an errant “beep,” then a few seconds later “beep,” and then a weird voice that you can’t make out screeches at you? By that time, you’re wide awake and jumping out of bed, wiping the sleep from your eyes – looking around, trying to figure out what in the heck is beeping and who’s squawking at you. The big question – when will it happen again? I’m standing in the hallway in my PJs, waiting for it to beep again so I can figure out where it’s coming from. In the meantime, the dogs are freaked out by the…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Motivation,  Productivity

    How to develop your second brain & get more done!

    Back in the fall of 2010, I had the opportunity to meet one of the greats of business and personal development. He’s written over 70 books, created over 300 courses, and is considered a top coach and consultant. His book was one of the first that I read when I started my business – Maximum Achievement (Others – Goals!,The Psychology of Selling, andChange Your Thinking Change Your Life.) I learned so much from him when I started my business. I was working for a client at his live event, and this man was presenting. I was thrilled when my client gave me the opportunity to meet and connect with this person. This man was…

  • Balance,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  New Year,  Outcome

    Happy 2022 – What’s Next?!

    We did it – we made it into another new year! I have to admit it wasn’t as smooth a ride as I’d hoped.  How about you?The year had some major ups and downs (like when I injured my back), and the end of the year was a wee bit bumpier than I had expected… Yet, my spouse and I survived – intact and with no virus….  I’m not sure how I didn’t come down with the virus because I had some work at the Disney Parks in Orlando in early December and it was CRAZY. Hundreds of thousands of people were there, where masks were only required indoors.  Picture…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Overcoming Obstacles

    Traveling & Some Disney Adventures

    I debated whether to share this with you or not. And then I said to myself – “Well, I promised to be real and transparent.”  So here goes… Needless to say, traveling from the west coast to the east coast can be exhausting. You know what I’m talking about, when you have to get up at the crazy hour of 4am or earlier.  (Or we sometimes call it “O’Dark 30”). The hilarious thing is the folks at the airport and airlines are making a big assumption that we’re awake and functioning at capacity – ummm yeah… The good news is it was a little delay, yet all was well traveling…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting

    Journey into the Human Psyche (Part 1)

    Have you ever had a moment where you read something, watched something, or maybe a friend told you about something that totally grabbed your curiosity, and you had to dig deeper to discover more? Well, that’s where I’ve been these past several days… Ever since I started reading True Believer by Eric Hoffer, this journey into the human psyche has really got me incredibly curious. The fun part is my spouse Ally is just as fascinated by the human psyche. Usually, before she heads off to the hospital, we always have our coffee and talk. Lately, we’ve been reading aloud from True Believer and having some insightful conversations. (I do love being with someone…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    Who’s running the show today?

    Tools of the trade If you’re looking for more links and some pure left-brain marketing tips, this might fill the bill.   And you simply need to hang in with me for a few more paragraphs until we get there. 🙂 Come on, keep reading, aren’t you curious? Just a little about what I’m gonna share? 😉 Last week I helped out my friend and mentor – Debbie Phillips, by hosting her weekly check-in last week on Thursday morning. (She was out of town and I was happy to pitch in for her as I’ve done before.) Let me share with you a little about Debbie Phillips. She’s a VIP (Very…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    When you find your head spinning…

    I remember when I first started my own business fifteen years ago, and I was torn in SO MANY directions. It was a bit nutty. And I was a bit of a mess. The stress level was pretty much through the roof, and I was pretty exhausted. There’s so much to do when you start a business. Questions like – Do I register with the Federal government and get a federal ID# (This is what you need to do in the states) or just be a solopreneur. How do I get new clients? Or how do I sell my stuff and make money fast? It’s quite endless. Then there was…