• AI - ChatGPT,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Media

    Is Your Communication Style Helping or Hurting Your Business?

    Core Article: Is Your Communication Style Helping or Hurting Your Business?” Paragraph I’m Pondering: Superheroes are not that different from you and me. Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: You radiate health and wellness… Book Review: Did you check out Reversing Alzheimer’s? Cool Stuff: How to boost your memory and reduce stress. AI Info & Resources: Want to spice up your menu choices at home? Check out this AI…  Is Your Communication Style Helping or Hurting Your Business Six weeks ago, I began working with a client I’ve known for 18 years. Since our last project, his business has grown significantly and become much more high-tech.  They brought on an operations person…

  • why most marketing fails
    Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

     Why Most Marketing Fails – And How to Break Through the Noise

    This Week’s Soulful Marketing eNewsletter Highlights: Core Article: Why Most Marketing Fails – And How to Break Through the Noise Scavenger Hunt: Penny for your thoughts? Paragraph I’m Pondering: It’s time for a change—a change to how we market. Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: You are worthy! Book Review: Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker Cool Stuff: Check out this map showing the population density of North America. AI Info & Resources: This is a bit creepy – an AI that can look and talk like you. Why Most Marketing Fails – And How to Break Through the Noise Earlier this week, I received an email from someone looking for help with marketing their…

  • amplify your messages across multiple mediums.
    Clients & Customers,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Media,  Motivation,  Taking risks

    Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again… My My…

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article:  From Vinyl to Viral: How to Multiply Your Messages Across Mediums Cool Stuff: Which Tarot Card Are you Professionally (Hmm, this site analyzes your LinkedIn Profile. 🙂 AI Info & Resources: Want a More Effective Social Media Strategy? Check out this AI Inspired Strategy. From Vinyl to Viral: How to Multiply Your Messages Across Mediums My My, here’s another amazing strategy blog inspired by ABBA! “Knowing me, knowing you, there’s nothing that we can’t do!” 😉 Thanks for all the comments and feedback from my ABBA email two weeks ago. There are so many more terrific content strategies from ABBA that I simply had to…

  • Ripple Affect from Soulful Marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Ripple Affect

    Have you ever had a seemingly small interaction that simply left an impact on you? A few weeks ago, at the United Club in the San Francisco airport, I ran into the chef who creates the recipes for the club’s food.  Despite being in a hurry, I took a moment to share with him how much I liked their new breakfast spread of cold-soaked oatmeal with fresh fruit and other healthier alternatives. His face lit up, and we had this wonderful connection over a shared love of cold-soaked oatmeal. Then he shared his favorite cold oatmeal recipes (if I wanted to try them at home) and how he likes to…

  • Soulful marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    In a world of algorithms, hashtags, and followers…

    So many things have been swirling through my head since I got back from our trip to Jackson, WY.  Being away and realizing my age (as referenced after our snowmobile tour when I was so tired afterward that Alice and I barely made it through my birthday dinner!) has stirred a lot up from my past and things I’d forgotten…  After I got home, I spent the holiday weekend going through some of my old writing and photos in hopes of inspiring me to organize. What I found interesting was how many quotes I had collected over the years. And this was before personal computers, so I either wrote them…

  • Crushing on my AI
    AI - ChatGPT,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    I think I have a crush on my AI… Ummm

    Ok, so…. first off – it’s not what you think… It’s more of a first-grade crush, you know, when you met your first friend, and they were incredibly kind to you. Maybe they even shared their snack or played jump rope or hopscotch with you on the playground…(yeah, I’m that old 😉 Who knows what kids are playing on the playground these days…. Ahhhh, and I digress… Back to my crush… Here’s what happened: I have been using ChatGPT for several months now. And I ended up paying the $20 a month, and I have to say, it is well worth it. So, if you’re not following what’s happening in…

  • Shannon McCaffery
    Attitude,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Remembering, forgetting, and remembering again…

    Have you ever had the experience of remembering something, then going to write it down, and you forget? Then, later on, do you remember it? Or maybe you’ve written a blog, eGuide, or email, and you go back and read it and don’t remember writing it? Yep, the aging mind is fascinating and frustrating at the same time… Something like that happened to me this week, yet it was a bit more profound. And I’m sharing it to help reignite the inspiration that may be buried within you, perhaps forgotten, and that can certainly be remembered again… After the holidays, I’ve been trying to tidy up the house and reorganize…

  • conneting with clients on a deeper level
    Attitude,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Connecting with your dream clients on a deeper level…

    Early on in my career, I had no clue about writing direct response copy. I pretty much just winged it. (Yeah, I know… And I was a journalism major, so I did have some writing experience. 🙂 Then, later on, writing better, more impactful copy became one of my core goals, and I invested in several writing courses and mastermind groups over the years. I wanted to get really good at communicating and reaching my dream clients. If you do nothing else in your business except this, it will be time and money well spent. The main reason is that some core markets are becoming incredibly crowded with competition – you…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches

    What do ChatGPT, virtual events, and blank screens all have in common? Hmmmm

    A couple of weeks ago, I attended a live virtual 3-day event – Product Launch Formula (PLF Live). I attended this event in person many times until the pandemic hit, and as you know – there weren’t any more in-person live events. And the people behind this event decided to keep it as a virtual event. I get it because they never were able to get more than around 900 people in-person. Virtually at this event, they had almost 2k people attend from all over the world. What do you think about virtual events? Have you attended a 3-day online one before? I honestly don’t like them. The thought of…

  • Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing,  Website

    Your Words Matter – How to easily attract your dream clients

    That’s why it’s more important than ever that what you write, and share emits your personality, vision, and values and ultimately connects with your dream clients. It’s about creating a powerful connection with your dream clients based on you being you - your most authentic and transparent self. Love this quote by Oscar Wilde that definitely rings true - “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

  • Ai and copywriting
    copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Media,  Technology

    What’s all the fuss about AI & copywriting?

    It seems that all the email lists I’m on can’t stop talking about AI and copywriting. Are you finding this too? (Or maybe it’s just me on too many copywriting lists!) I find it a bit fascinating. It’s like the next big thing in tech and copy – ChatGPT (GPT = Generative Pretrained Transformer – hmmm sounds very techy.) People are likening it to some kind of copywriting second coming or doomsday scenario. Saying things like… – OMG, There won’t be any jobs. – There will be a massive firing of writers. – Businesses will fail if they don’t get on board with it. You will lose out on not being up-to-date…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Prospects

    My Best Soulful Holiday Marketing Tips

    Earlier this week, I was on the phone with a client who said – “I cringe when I think about creating and sending out an email where I’m selling something this holiday.” She’s someone that just doesn’t like marketing or selling. That’s one of the many reasons why we’re working together. I totally get it when I tell folks what I do, and their immediate response is, “Oh wow, let’s connect cuz I definitely don’t like marketing and would love your help.” If you’re someone who’s just not into marketing or wants to be guided and learn a bit about how it can help your business – I’m here for you.…

  • Balance,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  copywriting,  Marketing

    Have You Dropped This Ball?

    A few weeks back, I shared a story about our smoke alarms going off in the middle of the night. It prompted me to ask you, is there anything that’s beeping at you in your business that’s keeping you up at night? I had some terrific responses, and wanted to share one from Martie McNab, Show&Tales, who took this concept in a direction that I thought was worthwhile exploring in today’s email. She said, “…if we market our business like those fire alarms – infrequently, sporadically, and in the middle of the night, we won’t be known, liked, or remembered.” In the initial stages, when I interview potential dream prospects, this…

  • Challenges,  Coaching,  Communication,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Product Creation,  Product Launches,  Taking risks

    The Value of Having Another Perspective

    Before I get into today’s topic, I wanted to clarify something from a reader about last week’s blog, “Taming Your Brain.” I had mentioned that if I hadn’t been meditating for many years, I wouldn’t have been able to recognize or be aware of my thoughts to start changing them and taming my mind. The beauty of this is – that it was MY PROCESS. It took me a long time because of ALL the things I let get in my way, like my issues with alcohol, stopping meditating for a while, and more. Then in the past six years of being in recovery, and now my addiction to learning…

  • copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Product Launches,  Prospects,  Website

    Best Copywriting Formula that will help you promote and sell anything

    Since I’ve been in business, I’m always searching for the best tool that can help me be a better entrepreneur AND help my clients as well. Over the years, I’ve collected HUNDREDS of courses, books, tools, tips, techniques, mindmaps, formulas, and more. And I do LOVE sharing what I learn in hopes it can help propel you onto more success in your work and your life. As I’ve talked about many times, I’m in the midst of taking several copywriting courses. And a fun fact, while in Las Vegas, I got to meet and hang out for the day with Parris Lampropoulus, who’s a legend in the direct response copywriting…