How picking the best strawberries could boost your business :-)
Have you ever been shopping for fresh berries at the grocery store? The other day, while picking out some strawberries in the huge fruit section at Costco, I noticed the fascinating decision-making process of fellow berry enthusiasts. As I stood there, engrossed in the fruity frenzy, I couldn’t help but notice the thoughtful deliberation each person displayed. No one simply grabbed the first container they saw. It was like witnessing a secret ritual of strawberry selection. My Curiosity was piqued, and I began to think, “What criteria do these people use to determine which container is the perfect one that will go home with them?” After all, there’s more to it than just…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Taking risks, To Do List
The Productivity Secret That Will Change Your Life
One of the things I’m constantly struggling with: my plate is incredibly full. I just have way TOO many things on that proverbial plate and it’s constantly weighing me down. I’m a Strategic Marketer & Product Launch Manager, I help people get things done, and here I am, revealing to you my own challenges with getting things done. Well, I’ve actually invested good money with experts to help me “organize” my office, my computer, and my life, as well as I got a new desk, bookshelves, and on an on. The interesting thing is after that expert gave me this “system” it wasn’t mine. So I had great difficulty in…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List
How to Take Bigger Risks This Year
Something fascinating happened to me a few years ago that was worth repeating. I had this experience that totally changed my perspective on how I would think and do things in my business and my personal life. Here’s what happened— I had decided to go to the DMV, yes everyone’s favorite place to make jokes about. I had been putting it off for almost a year and I had to finally deal with getting a new title. I actually wanted to cross if off my to-do list! (I had paid off my car loan—yeah, and needed to get the lien holder name off my car title.) I had a phone…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Questions, Risk, Taking risks
Are You Hard Wired To Fail?
Do you ever set important goals and then find yourself really struggling and not being able to meet them? I used to have MANY sleepless nights when I first started my business. I would freak out about where my next dollar was going to come from or how I’d finish a project or what to do about x, y and z, it was endless. Worry was taking over my life. Until I was able to read some terrific books on worry and learn about ways that really helped stop me in my tracks and enabled me to push past my worry and fears to create more success for myself. The…
Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List
Seek Out New Opportunities
Last week, I explained how overcoming setbacks is as an easy as A.B.C. A-Ambiguity B- Build C-Commit This week I am going to show you how easy seeking out opportunities is. It is as easy as N.O.W. stands for “Never-as in “Never Giving Up!” By making, a daily mantra of “I will never give up” means there is not a minute, an hour, or a month that you are not seeking out new opportunities. New opportunities are the only way to completely come out of a setback. The only way to find new opportunities is give it all you have every day! stands for “Opportunistic”. Before you see that word…
Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk
Avoid Focusing on Set-backs and Seek out New Opportunities
Avoid Focusing on Setbacks There comes a time in one’s personal and business life, where a setback comes in and rears its ugly head. When it does come, because we know at some point it will, a person has two choices. They can either sit there or focus on all the negativity that comes with it. Or they can come to terms with the reality of the set back and push forward. It is as easy as A.B.C. stands for Ambiguity. A trait that is tied to most entrepreneurs which holds the meaning: The possibility of interpreting an expression in two or more distinct ways. When facing a setback, especially one that leaves a person in a negative situation, the best thing to…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
The Right Attitude & Mindset is a Must ~Be like the Bee~
Aerodynamically, the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but the bumblebee does not know it so it goes on flying anyway. ~ Mary Kay Ash There is a saying that goes, “You are your own worst critic.” This simple six-word sentence is especially true when it comes to negative thoughts. In the last two weeks, I have encouraged you to take big risks about your life, business, and even your actions. I can challenge you and motivate you to reach these amazing goals, but there is one thing I cannot do. I cannot take away your own negative thoughts that probably consume you when something really positive is…
Balance, Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
It’s All In the Balance
When life is hectic, especially right now with the holidays, time seems to slip from our hands and balancing life, work, kids, and other things is hard to do. Yes, I can tell you to take a breather but that might make you hyperventilate. So instead, I am going to ask you to stop and take a moment to read these seven tips on how to balance everything. 1. Don’t overbook. This may seem unusual to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday. The problem is things rarely go according to a prearranged agenda. That means a lot of time falling through the cracks chasing down…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
How to Get Motivated
Now that we have kicked the procrastination habit, seemed appropriate to talk about staying motivated. What is motivation? This simple but complex word can bring both disappointment as well as accomplishment. It drives you to take action but can also drive you to not want to do anything. Motivation is a word that everyone struggles with at one point or another but how long this lasts is up to you! Are you finding it hard to keep motivated – especially with the holiday season upon us? Do you find yourself going strong and then BAM! Something comes up and it takes a lot to get your motivation back on track. The…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Marketing, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
How to Really Get Things Done, Check Things Off Your List, part 2
Last week, I gave you three tips on how to avoid that ugly 15 letter word called: PROCRASTINATION The next three tips I am going to give you is an important part of checking things off your list, so you can actually get things done. Tip#4: Do the Hard Things First When you are writing your priority items down (Tip #1), avoid putting those “Tasks” that you loathe last. In fact, I bet one of the reasons you have procrastinated and are behind is because there are tasks you don’t like to do. So, for example, if you HATE balancing a financial spreadsheet, put that down first. Remind yourself…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
How to Really Get Things Done, Check Things Off Your List part 1
Stress, Guilt, Anxiety…three things that occur when you look at your to-do list at the end of day and hardly anything is checked off. Immediately you think “What happened?!” In the back of your mind though, the answer lies in a 15 letter word: PROCRASTINATION Just saying that 15 letter word, makes me cringe because we all experience a time where PROCRASTINATION slips into your life. Are you at that point in your life? Have you been stuck in a rut of procrastinating? If so, continue reading because I have the solution to get you unstuck. And, if by chance you are one of those super-human people who never procrastinate,…
Part 2 of : Am I the Type of Person People Want to be Around?
Last week, I shared with you my thought process of examining myself with the question “Am I the type of person people want to be around?” This week, I am going to finish with the last two parts. As I explored these two subjects, I made a promise to be completely honest with myself. So, I encourage you to do the same. In order for you to truly evaluate yourself, remember complete honesty is key. 1. What kind of presence do I leave with people? Defining someone’s presence is a hard quality to explain. Basically, it involves how you are in regards to socially, self-confidence, and body language. Believe it…
Am I the Type of Person People Want to be Around?
In my last blog, I encouraged you to pay attention and be aware of whom you’re hanging out with. As I wrote and posted that blog last week, the thought came to mind “Am I the type of person people want to be around?” I am going to share my thought process as I evaluate if I truly am the type of person someone wants to be around. 1. Do I personally encourage others? Believe it or not, there is a real and fake way to encourage others. Can you identify a real encouragement versus a fake encouragement? Encouragement One: (You and someone that works for you – you tell this…
You are Who You Hang Out With…
Have you ever heard this before? I didn’t start hearing this until after I hired my Executive Coach, 12 years ago. The concept of hanging out with people and becoming more like them was a total foreign idea to me. I had really paid no attention until my coach and I started talking about it. And it’s funny, once I started paying attention to it I got it and knew I had to make some changes in my life… There were some very negative people in my life who were totally zapping my energy, (My coach called them “Negative Norberts.”) not too mention the ones who were more like time sucking…
The four types of testimonials that get results…
In my previous blog, I gave you a simple overview of testimonials. Today we’re going to dig a little deeper. In fact, I am going to let you in on a secret that most people don’t know: There are four types of testimonials and each are used to overcome different objections that potential customers may have. 1. Benefits: Apprehension to trying a new product/service is a normal reaction, especially in this tight economy. Many people have to watch how and what they spend their money on, so often they stick with what they know. With this type of testimonial though, people are not only seeing others buying your product/service but…