What in the world IS a product launch anyway…
Well, I’m writing this from 36k feet in the sky, heading to Arizona to attend Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Formula event and we also have our Product Launch Manager Platinum Coaching Group meeting. The interesting thing when I fly is I often get asked the question of what I do. And when I tell them I work with entrepreneurs and business owners to create information products and do their online product launches, they always ask me, “What is a product launch?” and they want to know more about them. So I thought this might make for an interesting blog post. A product launch is an advertising event that promotes a…
The 3 Most Horrible Product Launch Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make and How You Can Avoid them!
Back in 2007 when I met Jeff Walker at his first ever PLF (Product Launch Formula) event in Denver, Colorado, I was amazed at what he’d done to make money with his products by turning his selling of them into a value added, value laden, fun and entertaining “event.” He actually created a product about these launch events and called it “Product Launch Formula.” I’ve been doing tons of product launches for my clients since then, and I’ve amassed a ton of information on how to be successful with your launches. I’ve also amassed just as much info on what not to do so your launches don’t turn into flops…
What is a blog, really?
I’ve had this blog for 4 years now, which is totally hard to believe… and it’s been a terrific tool for me and my business. So I thought it would be helpful to give you some tips about what a blog is and how to best take advantage of it in your business.. Blogs have gained a lot of notoriety in this techno world we live in because in an instant you have access to information on almost any subject or question you might have. And I know you can’t believe everything you read on the Internet but it’s all about adding value and giving terrific content. What is a…
How to Leverage Your Relationships With New Influential People You Meet
In the past 6 months, I’ve met over 150 people, or probably more than that, simply because I traveled to some conferences and workshops where like-minded entrepreneurs gather. At those meetings, I simply meet a lot of people and give away a lot of cards, and I also get my share of cards. The real question here is how you leverage those new folks you meet. How can you turn them into more influential and helpful relationships? I’ve created some step-by-step guidelines that I’ve used over the past years that have helped me cultivate these relationships. This is what I do when I go to a conference or workshop and…
Product Launch Disasters, Delayed Planes & Flat Tires
What do you think these three things have in common? Well besides the obvious, that we wouldn’t want any of these to happen to us, or wish them upon anyone else… The commonality in these three things, is each of them has happened to me… Thankfully only two of them have happened in one week, the other one occurred many moons ago. So the two I had happen to me this week are the flat tire and the delayed plane. The ironic part about the delayed plane is not once in my 7 trips I’ve taken this year was I ever delayed or have any issues flying. So the one…
Missed Product Launch Opportunities or Creating Money-Making Products….
Hmm, as I sit here in my comfortable laid back office, enjoying this amazing spring type weather in June in Jersey, the dog is sleeping at my feet, and I’m having twinges of second thoughts for having to cancel my trip this week to Jeff Walker’s Platinum Product Launch Mastermind Group. I know, I know, I made my decision and it’s all said and done, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts, you know the ones that just pop in your head to mess you up. Those thoughts driven by the ego to stop you in your tracks… Thank goodness I can recognize them right away now and not pay them…