I have a confession to make…
As I’ve said in many emails before – I truly do love to learn. It motivates me, and it’s even more inspiring to share what I learn with you and with my clients.
This is where my confession begins – with my ABL (always be learning) attitude, I’ve bought a lot of online learning products over the years.
Here comes the confession part – because of the above, there are quite a few courses that I’ve NEVER finished. THERE I said it. Whew.
Am I alone in my confession? Have you ever bought any online learning products that you’ve not ever finished?
Sometimes it’s kind of the worst feeling. Almost nagging at me that I need to finish it. Then I go into feelings of shame and even regret that I spent a good bit of money and never did much with it. Sheesh…
Can you imagine paying for a $2k course and not ever finishing it? Yeah, the shame and regret are real.
When I first started my business over 16 years ago, I was always looking for a product or program or online course to fix something. It was that feeling of “If I get this course, it will be my magic bullet and fix everything.”
Have you ever felt like that?
I finally put all my logins in one place in Evernote and have gone back over and finished some.
Five years ago, I decided to have a learning goal each year, so the past few years, I’ve been really focusing on just buying copywriting courses. That helped a lot to be that focused.
It was then that I started looking closely at this behavior and the marketing messages of selling products, courses, and programs online. Their main messages sell us magic bullets to fix all our problems. I realized there had to be another way to market my business, help my clients and create success.
I’m here to tell you – solving your business issues won’t happen by just buying products, courses or programs on product launches, creating membership sites, selling on Facebook, writing a VSL (video sales letter), and more.
I’m suggesting that if you’re the type of person who’s bought a bunch of how-to-market books, courses, and/or programs and haven’t gotten the results you want, then here’s a hard truth.
There are NO – Magic bullets, formulas, systems, tools, pills, etc.
This is a huge marketing ploy that most experts will try to sell you “their” product, course, etc., as THE tool, tactic, or system that will SOLVE all your problems.
The fascinating thing is that this type of hype marketing WORKS – that’s why marketers use it. Some unscrupulously and to their detriment.
This is one of the reasons why I created my Soulful Marketing business. I believe that soulful, authentic marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Nor does it have to be manipulative, tactic-driven, deceptive, or in any way SLIMY.
Current evidence shows us that the more trust and empathy we can create with our clients and customers, the more likely they are to buy from us, spread the word to others, and remain loyal to our products and services in the long term.
Honestly, it’s about genuinely connecting to the soul of your business and helping to transform lives. The primary goal is not just to make money.
Yes, making money is essential, and we need to make money to live, and support ourselves, our families, and our business. And, as a soulful marketer, money is not the primary reason we’re in business.
These three quotes sum it up beautifully:
- The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. ~ Pablo Picasso
- We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give. ~ Winston Churchill
- You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life. ~ Zig Ziglar
Once we find our focus and purpose, life is about giving. The core theme is ALL ABOUT GIVING. In giving, we will receive.
This is REALLY important because the main purpose of your business is NOT MONEY. And if that’s what you believe, this is where we need to part ways and unsubscribe from my list.
Your core purpose is to follow your divine guidance and share what you know so you can help inspire and even transform others.
What it means to truly have a soulful business, and use soulful marketing in your business, is to help your dream clients accomplish their goals, live better lives, and be the best they can be to help transform others.
The above writing is an excerpt from my new eGuide – The Soulful Marketing Manifesto that I’ve finally carved out the time to write. I just need to clean it up a bit, and then I will share it with you as a gift.
I had talked about this way too long ago, and it’s taken me much longer to write it than I thought.
I’m excited to share more proven Soulful Marketing concepts with you.
Note 1: Something to ponder on that might frighten or fascinate you.
Note 2: Plus, whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can help you create a more soulfully connected and purposeful business.
- Jump on a Free Call with me – It’s easy! Simply answer a couple of questions – then, you will get to my calendar. The reason I ask these questions is so that our call will be very productive. I promise you will leave the call with at least three things to help impact your business immediately.
- Get my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It contains all my best stuff on creating and launching your products. Plus, you get proven templates, tools, and worksheets valued at over $4,056!
- Work with me and get your course, product or service launched or optimized. Simply go here and send me a note. 🙂 https://shannonmcc.com/contact/