• Attitude,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation,  Procrastination

    What would happen if you decided to be average?

    This Week’s Soulful Marketing eNewsletter Highlights: Core Article: What would happen if you decided to be average? Paragraph I’m Pondering: It’s a shift towards authenticity, integrity, and transparency in every interaction Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: You are a visionary leader! Book Review: Make Your Idea Matter: Stand Out With a Better Story by Bernadette Jiwa Cool Stuff: The theme this week is ultra weird – like space junk and Kellogg’s new bizarre cereal flavors. AI Info & Resources: Did you know Amazon doesn’t make the majority of it’s money from it’s online store… What would happen if you decided to be average? It’s been a little over 30 days since I started a project and…

  • Procrastination stopper
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    Frustration, Workmen, and a Breakthrough: A Recent Realization

    This Week’s Highlights:  Core Article: “Frustration, Workmen, and a Breakthrough: A Recent Realization” Scavenger Hunt: Try this fun exercise Paragraph I’m Pondering: From The Book of Mastery by Paul Selig  Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: Focusing on your inner wisdom Book Review: Marketing a Love Story by Bernadette Jiwa Cool Stuff: Oprah shares how happiness comes down to these 5 words AI Info & Resources: See how AI is helping advance women’s health “Frustration, Workmen, and a Breakthrough: A Recent Realization” Here’s what happened the day after the Memorial holiday. I had it jammed with lots of calls, making connections, signing on new clients, and more.  I usually get my newsletter written on Tuesdays…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    The Magic of Becoming Creatively Unstuck…

    Have you ever been stuck, like writer’s block kind of stuck? And honestly, that phrase doesn’t quite fit for me cuz I’ve not ever had writer’s block. What I’ve had is a block in working more in my business. Have you ever struggled with that? I am top-notch when it comes to running everyone else’s business. In fact, I truly love working with my clients and being behind the scenes when it comes to helping them however I can with launching their business into the stratosphere. So why sometimes do I lack motivation when it comes to my own business and doing more than just one-on-one client work? This thought…

  • Mapping Out Your Choices
    Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    Have you ever mapped out your business and life choices?

    I’m currently in a 6 week inspiring and thought-provoking class taught by my good friend Kim DeYoung. The class is called “Choice Confident.” She teaches you how to use questions to map out all the important choices in your life, which she calls “Choice Mapping.” This is based on her book – The Book Of Choice: Mapping the Life You Want by Understanding the Life You Have. The class and her book are fascinating tools. She puts your choices into three categories: Proactive, Professional, and Personal Choices. Last night, we talked about professional choices – specifically work relationship choices. (You can also map out past, present, and future choices too.) All the questions…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Procrastination

    If you ever procrastinate – this will help! Open up :-)

    I had an interesting procrastination discovery moment this week that I wanted to share with you. Let me give you a little background first for context—I’m working on another big launch. This one is an affiliate launch. We have over 50 affiliates that will be promoting our launch to their email lists. When you do this type of launch, you need to give your affiliates all the promotional materials they will need to create a successful launch for everyone. This includes creating social media graphics, email copy, and more. One of the free lead generators for the launch is a trailer video that’s about 5 minutes long. (The other three…

  • Entrepreneurs,  Procrastination

    Are You waiting for the perfect moment?

    Have you ever been in a group of entrepreneurs where you meet regularly to connect about your business and also get the opportunity to do a hot seat about it? I’ve been in several over the years, and the insights and ideas are pretty mind-blowing. My most recent group is one I look forward to participating in each month. One of the many reasons is that there’s no ego in the room. We all just show up, support each other, and give honest feedback that helps create some pretty amazing insights. After being in the group for over 2 years now, there’s a theme that seems to always come up at…

  • Break through your creative barrier
    Challenges,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    The process of breaking through your internal barriers to creating new ideas

    I’m wondering if you’re anything like me and have a ton of books in your “Save for later” category on Amazon. You know, the books people recommend on your Zoom calls, podcasts, and Facebook groups, listed in the back of like-minded author’s books, and more. Well, I finally went through mine last week and was pretty surprised at the number of books I’ve saved. Of course, I have no clue who recommended them and why. So, it was a bit of clicking and reading to figure out which ones would make it into my cart. I ordered a slew of them and just finished one that I thought was incredibly…

  • A puzzling perspective
    Challenges,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    A Puzzling Perspective

    I’ve not ever been a person who liked to do puzzles. I didn’t understand what drew people to put a picture together that was in pieces… It just never made sense to me. Until I met my spouse, who came from a family that, on Sundays, would have popcorn and apples, and they’d all do a puzzle together. Since we’ve been together, she’s always had a puzzle on the dining room table. It was a few years in that I noticed how enthralled she’d get doing them. And some pieces would wind up on the floor, the dog would get it, and I’d find it half chewed and have to bring…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    Need a boost of productivity? I gotchu :-)

    This might be the dreaded post here, calling you out on your productivity… Oh wait, that doesn’t sound good… apologies… Let’s reframe that – I want to inspire you with some ways you can boost your productivity. 🙂 How productive are you? Do you feel like you’re not getting enough done in your business? Could you use a boost? Or do you feel like you got it covered? It’s now November, and the holidays that are literally banging down your door won’t distract you from finishing up those last few projects, right? 🙂 Well, if you’re anything like me and have Cheryl’s holiday cut-out cookies, blueberry scones, best Thanksgiving stuffing muffins,…

  • Balance,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    What’s that beeping noise?

    Have you ever been sleeping soundly, only to be woken up by an errant “beep,” then a few seconds later “beep,” and then a weird voice that you can’t make out screeches at you? By that time, you’re wide awake and jumping out of bed, wiping the sleep from your eyes – looking around, trying to figure out what in the heck is beeping and who’s squawking at you. The big question – when will it happen again? I’m standing in the hallway in my PJs, waiting for it to beep again so I can figure out where it’s coming from. In the meantime, the dogs are freaked out by the…

  • Alchemy,  Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Implementation,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination,  Productivity

    Taming Your Brain

    A bit of a heady mindset topic for this week. Stick with me on this brief journey into your brain and how we work on trying to change your neural pathways to form some fascinating changes in your work and life… Curious? Ready? Let’s go… For the past 20 years, I’ve been taking classes, studying, reading, and practicing meditation and mindfulness. From what I’ve learned – Here’s an example of how the mind works – You’re speaking with someone, and suddenly, something they said hits you weird, and you start to get mad or upset – some feelings start coming up. Do you stop at the moment and notice the emotion bubbling up?…

  • copywriting,  Marketing,  Procrastination

    Cures for the horror of the blank page

    I was doing some research for a book publishing client. One of the projects we’re working on is creating a brand new lead generator, and I’m writing the email follow-up sequence. In my research, I came across this quote from Ernest Hemingway: “Writing at its best can be a lonely life.”(As an aside, I’d highly recommend his memoir – A Movable Feast.) When you’re writing or doing anything creative – you’re spending a lot of time alone with your words and ideas. It can cause some anxiousness, overwhelm, and even writer’s (or creativity) block. It’s real – the anxiety of staring at a blank (or canvas, social media post, and…

  • Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  To Do List

    Time keeps on Ticking, Ticking, Ticking Into the Future…

    If you’re anywhere near my age group, you’re gonna recognize the lyrics I ripped my headline off from – and just to refresh your memory – the real lyrics are “Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future… the song was “Fly Like An Eagle” by The Steve Miller Band. Why in the world am I starting off with some crazy lyrics from the 1970s? (By the way, I was only a mere middle school child then.) The reason is, (gasp) we have less than seven weeks before this year is done, complete, finished – over. That’s why I want to ask – what can you (or if you…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Communication,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    Who’s running the show today?

    Tools of the trade If you’re looking for more links and some pure left-brain marketing tips, this might fill the bill.   And you simply need to hang in with me for a few more paragraphs until we get there. 🙂 Come on, keep reading, aren’t you curious? Just a little about what I’m gonna share? 😉 Last week I helped out my friend and mentor – Debbie Phillips, by hosting her weekly check-in last week on Thursday morning. (She was out of town and I was happy to pitch in for her as I’ve done before.) Let me share with you a little about Debbie Phillips. She’s a VIP (Very…