Why These Sales Tactics Don’t Work Anymore. And What to Do Instead.
Core Article: Why These Sales Tactics Don’t Work Anymore. And What to Do Instead. Paragraph I’m Pondering: “Around me, Jackie may have felt more like she…” Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “My creativity knows no bounds…” Book Review: Touched by The Sun, by Carly Simon Cool Stuff: How connecting with nature improves our mental health! AI Info & Resources: If you do a lot of research, then you gotta check this out. Why These Sales Tactics Don’t Work Anymore. And What to Do Instead. Have you ever thought about how some things just don’t stand the test of time? Like, remember the old food pyramid? Or those cigarette ads with smiling…
Behind the Scenes With Richard Branson
This Week’s Highlights: Core Article: Behind the Scenes With Richard Branson—From Record Shops to Outer Space Cool Stuff: Scrolling social media for those delicious food recipes? These award-winning photos are mouthwatering AI Info & Resources: It’s May! Time to uplevel your productivity? 🙂 Behind the Scenes With Richard Branson—From Record Shops to Outer Space After I got back from our trip to the UK last month, I recovered from some bug I had caught and was flipping through some documentaries on HBO Max. That’s when I saw one about Richard Brandson. (It’s also on Prime and Apple TV.) I’ve always admired him, and in fact, a little side note—I met…
Mamma Mia, Here I Go Again… My My…
This Week’s Highlights: Core Article: From Vinyl to Viral: How to Multiply Your Messages Across Mediums Cool Stuff: Which Tarot Card Are you Professionally (Hmm, this site analyzes your LinkedIn Profile. 🙂 AI Info & Resources: Want a More Effective Social Media Strategy? Check out this AI Inspired Strategy. From Vinyl to Viral: How to Multiply Your Messages Across Mediums My My, here’s another amazing strategy blog inspired by ABBA! “Knowing me, knowing you, there’s nothing that we can’t do!” 😉 Thanks for all the comments and feedback from my ABBA email two weeks ago. There are so many more terrific content strategies from ABBA that I simply had to…
It’s time to team up – Are you ready?
Before You Dive In – Some Highlights For You: Core Article: Teaming Up – Go Nike & Dove! Cool Stuff: Happy Leap Year – Feb 29 only comes around every three years. Here’s why… More Cool Stuff: Along with an oldy but goody—Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone in 2007 (It’s the original video. Kinda of cool. In a back-to-the-future kind of way!) AI Info & Resources: You asked for it — More Prompts and advanced ways to use AI It’s Time to Team Up – Are You Ready? Back in December, Nike and Dove teamed up to launch the “Body Sport Confident” program. Its mission is to support girl’s confidence in sports. What…
Challenges, Coaching, Communication, copywriting, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Overcoming Obstacles, Product Creation, Product Launches, Taking risks
The Value of Having Another Perspective
Before I get into today’s topic, I wanted to clarify something from a reader about last week’s blog, “Taming Your Brain.” I had mentioned that if I hadn’t been meditating for many years, I wouldn’t have been able to recognize or be aware of my thoughts to start changing them and taming my mind. The beauty of this is – that it was MY PROCESS. It took me a long time because of ALL the things I let get in my way, like my issues with alcohol, stopping meditating for a while, and more. Then in the past six years of being in recovery, and now my addiction to learning…
Alchemy, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Goals, Implementation, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Product Creation, Taking risks
What kind of help do you give your clients or colleagues?
Have you ever worked with a client who had some specific things they wanted you to help them with and you weren’t sure these things would work? What did you do? 1. Did you go along with them and give them advice and simply do the work they wanted? 2. Or did you tell them their plan had some flaws and wasn’t as good as it could be, and you proposed to help them come up with an even better plan? Seth Godin recently mentioned this kind of help in his blog. The second option is actually rarer – and in fact, more useful. Plus, it’s a bit harder to do. You have…
By defying logic you can create incredible success – hmmmmm
I love counterintuitive ideas and things that really get my mind spinning – much like a chew toy does for a dog… The one I want to share with you today is about how when you *defy logic. You can actually create some tremendous success. No, I’m not talking about feats of engineering or technology. I’m talking about the idea of perception vs. reality. And about alchemy and magic. Let’s say you think of a good idea for a business. And it’s really a good idea, one that others have done, yet, you’re going to turn that industry on its head. Yet, when you share the idea and if you start…
Are you good at finding things?
There’s been one thing that somewhat mystifies me, and that’s my ability to find things that are lost. I can’t really explain it, except when I can’t find something, there’s an inner voice that actually whispers to me where I can find that lost item. I know, I know, this may sound a bit crazy, and before you think that I hear voices, let me explain further… It’s been two weeks since we’ve moved to our new house, and one of our most used questions has been – “Hey honey have you seen the [insert name of item here]?” I thought we did a pretty awesome job at packing, yet,…
It’s Time to Change Your Stories
What are the stories you keep telling yourself? You know, the ones when it comes to putting yourself out there in a big way to promote your business – “Oh, this won’t work. Someone else has already created something like this. I need to come up with a new idea.” Or “Who do I think I am trying to sell and promote this course? I don’t have enough experience.” Or “I can’t ask for $500. That’s way too much for this course. I don’ think they will pay it.” Can you relate to any of the above statements? It’s essential to pay attention to those thoughts that pop into your…
Coaching, copywriting, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Motivation, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Risk, Taking risks
I Did Something a Little Crazy
Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and done something a little crazy, or maybe out of your ordinary routine, or stretched your beliefs? Well, that’s what I did last week. I bought a course for $6,000. Ummmm, yeah, a little out there for me cuz I’ve not ever spent that amount of money on a course before. I’ve spent upwards of $25k on a year-long mastermind, and I’ve also spent $5k for a 3-day weekend training. And, I’ve spent $12k a year to be in Brian Kurtz’s Masterclass, which was like a mastermind, where we met three times a year in person. (Yeah, before the pandemic.) Plus,…
Cool Tools of the Trade
Going off script today I’m constantly asked about what tools I use to keep my business humming along. I’ve written before about some core tools that keep me productive. You can check that article out here. So today, I wanted to share some core tools that will work for you when it comes to websites, email systems, shopping carts, project management, and so much more! Let’s rewind back to around 2006. This was the year I was laid off again from the corporate world. It was also when I decided that would be the last time it was gonna happen. I put a stake in the ground. Registered my business…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Taking risks, To Do List
The Productivity Secret That Will Change Your Life
One of the things I’m constantly struggling with: my plate is incredibly full. I just have way TOO many things on that proverbial plate and it’s constantly weighing me down. I’m a Strategic Marketer & Product Launch Manager, I help people get things done, and here I am, revealing to you my own challenges with getting things done. Well, I’ve actually invested good money with experts to help me “organize” my office, my computer, and my life, as well as I got a new desk, bookshelves, and on an on. The interesting thing is after that expert gave me this “system” it wasn’t mine. So I had great difficulty in…
Balance, Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List, Website
5 Goals to Achieve This Year
If you’re up for it — I am going to push the envelope a little today and actually give you five goals to try to achieve by the end of the year. Remember you are never going to know if you are capable of something if you don’t take that first step. 1. Go small This may be a big one to start with but here goes-Downsize. Look at all aspects of your business whether that includes employees, vendors or service providers. If you find that there is a way for ONE provider to handle multiple jobs than cut back. This may sound strange but sometimes less is more when…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List
How to Take Bigger Risks This Year
Something fascinating happened to me a few years ago that was worth repeating. I had this experience that totally changed my perspective on how I would think and do things in my business and my personal life. Here’s what happened— I had decided to go to the DMV, yes everyone’s favorite place to make jokes about. I had been putting it off for almost a year and I had to finally deal with getting a new title. I actually wanted to cross if off my to-do list! (I had paid off my car loan—yeah, and needed to get the lien holder name off my car title.) I had a phone…
5 Steps to Daring Greatly and Living Authentically
It’s interesting how life throws these curve balls at you and even more interesting how you respond. One thing I know for sure is that life is ALL about CHANGE—you have to simply just expect it and realize you absolutely have NO CONTROL What we need to do is simply prepare ourselves well with riding the waves… And that’s how this post came to be… the 5 Steps to Daring Greatly and Living Authentically… It’s funny how things happen—because I certainly don’t believe in coincidences… The whole month of July I was away traveling— only home for 5 days, and they weren’t even consecutive days! And on my last trip…