New Year, New Intentions—What will 2025 bring?
Since it’s Jan 2, I thought maybe we ought to ease into the New Year with just a simple blog post. 🙂Promise, next week, I will be back with a packed eNewsletter with some fun cool stuff. Happy 2025! And just like that – it’s a whole New Year! You’ve been on my mind during the holidays. How are you feeling as we step into 2025? What comes up for you as you start the New Year? For me, January always feels like a time to pause, take a deep breath, and reflect—not just on what went right or wrong last year. It’s more about what I discovered about myself,…
Let’s Redefine your success in 2024: Insights, Connection, and Inspiration Await!
And just like that – poof – it’s the New Year – Welcome 2024! How are you? How were your holidays? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I decided that this year, I would dig deep into the well of my experience and learning. I will pull out all the stops to inspire, encourage, and propel you to success, whatever that looks like for you. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure of what it will all look like over the next 12 months. I can promise you that it will be the most valuable stuff I’ve delivered to date. My focus is on Soulful Marketing principles (authenticity, engagement, and…
Challenges, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Prospects, Questions
The fascinating adventures of Refrigerator Shopping… (Part 1)
It’s the beginning of 2023, and for me, it’s been a bit of a rocky start – with my New Year’s Eve CVD positive test, the cyclone rain bombs (and it’s still raining btw). And, finally, getting my Mom on a plane home… It was the best of times and the worse of times… 😉 I’m doing as much self-care as I can and focusing on what I’m grateful for… And one of those things is you! That’s why I wanted to share with you my spouse and I’s fascinating adventure of shopping for a refrigerator. I promise there will be some interesting lessons that will apply to your business.…
Jumpstart your vision, best laid plans, and cosmic jokes…
Happy January 2023! How are you feeling? The first couple of weeks of January always feels like a bit of a blur to me. All the anticipation, shopping, presents, and prep for the holidays and New Year’s leaves me spinning. So at the beginning of the month, I always try to take it slow. It’s kind of nice to ease into the New Year. Especially this year for me because the holidays were not at all how I envisioned or planned them. It felt more like a cosmic joke filled with everyone getting some type of illness, from the C virus (Spam filters won’t let me spell it out –…
It’s about the little things…
When I recently presented to a group of 17 people about how to create your intention and vision for the New Year, I got some feedback that totally blew me away. Not because it was about me or my teaching. 🙂 Their comments about this exercise blew me away because I thought everyone knew these types of concepts. In my presentation, I mainly wanted to get everyone connecting together and answer some questions as a type of assessment for this year. I learned this exercise from my amazing coaches – Debbie Phillips and Rob Berkley, and I have done this process for 12 years. It’s called The Great Start Program. I don’t believe in…
Alchemy, Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles
“Change is good,” she said…
Have you ever had something happen that you weren’t expecting and just turned your life upside down? Such as losing a big client, getting injured, getting sick, or maybe something happened to a family member. One thing I know — change is just hard, and actually, I’d dare to say, in all honesty – change just sucks… When things happen, you share it with your close circle of supportive people, right? So when I did, that’s when she said — “Change is good.” And then rattled on why… Well, depending on where you are in the process of acceptance, you may want to hug or throttle that person like I…
Challenges, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Questions
This one question could make or break your business…
As an entrepreneur, I know how hard you work at and on your business. Sometimes it can be grueling and stressful, especially if you do it alone. And even if you have some help, it still can be exhausting and challenging. It’s mainly up to you to create a successful business and make money that will keep it running for many years. This brings me to the one question that could make or break your business… Before I ask you, I want you to think back to when you made the decision to start your business and make a go at being your own boss. What was the impetus that…
Happy 2022 – What’s Next?!
We did it – we made it into another new year! I have to admit it wasn’t as smooth a ride as I’d hoped. How about you?The year had some major ups and downs (like when I injured my back), and the end of the year was a wee bit bumpier than I had expected… Yet, my spouse and I survived – intact and with no virus…. I’m not sure how I didn’t come down with the virus because I had some work at the Disney Parks in Orlando in early December and it was CRAZY. Hundreds of thousands of people were there, where masks were only required indoors. Picture…
Balance, Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List, Website
5 Goals to Achieve This Year
If you’re up for it — I am going to push the envelope a little today and actually give you five goals to try to achieve by the end of the year. Remember you are never going to know if you are capable of something if you don’t take that first step. 1. Go small This may be a big one to start with but here goes-Downsize. Look at all aspects of your business whether that includes employees, vendors or service providers. If you find that there is a way for ONE provider to handle multiple jobs than cut back. This may sound strange but sometimes less is more when…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Questions, Risk, Taking risks
Are You Hard Wired To Fail?
Do you ever set important goals and then find yourself really struggling and not being able to meet them? I used to have MANY sleepless nights when I first started my business. I would freak out about where my next dollar was going to come from or how I’d finish a project or what to do about x, y and z, it was endless. Worry was taking over my life. Until I was able to read some terrific books on worry and learn about ways that really helped stop me in my tracks and enabled me to push past my worry and fears to create more success for myself. The…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Outcome, Productivity, Prospects, Questions, Risk, Survey Tips & Techniques
How to Give Your Customers Exactly What They Want
Technique #1: Start With Your Outcome, Not Questions This week I want to challenge you with this thought: “Think Outside of the Box.” The topic of this blog is a little different and will require you to think outside of the box. Diving right into it, I do not want you to think about all the questions to put into your survey. I want you think about the outcome first! So many people fail before they hit the ground running with their survey because they think “Questions First.” Think about it…before creating and writing questions, you need to know what you want from them first. Therefore, in hindsight, your first…
Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk, Taking risks, To Do List
Seek Out New Opportunities
Last week, I explained how overcoming setbacks is as an easy as A.B.C. A-Ambiguity B- Build C-Commit This week I am going to show you how easy seeking out opportunities is. It is as easy as N.O.W. stands for “Never-as in “Never Giving Up!” By making, a daily mantra of “I will never give up” means there is not a minute, an hour, or a month that you are not seeking out new opportunities. New opportunities are the only way to completely come out of a setback. The only way to find new opportunities is give it all you have every day! stands for “Opportunistic”. Before you see that word…
Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Risk
Avoid Focusing on Set-backs and Seek out New Opportunities
Avoid Focusing on Setbacks There comes a time in one’s personal and business life, where a setback comes in and rears its ugly head. When it does come, because we know at some point it will, a person has two choices. They can either sit there or focus on all the negativity that comes with it. Or they can come to terms with the reality of the set back and push forward. It is as easy as A.B.C. stands for Ambiguity. A trait that is tied to most entrepreneurs which holds the meaning: The possibility of interpreting an expression in two or more distinct ways. When facing a setback, especially one that leaves a person in a negative situation, the best thing to…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Motivation, New Year, Procrastination, Productivity, To Do List
The Right Attitude & Mindset is a Must ~Be like the Bee~
Aerodynamically, the bumblebee should not be able to fly, but the bumblebee does not know it so it goes on flying anyway. ~ Mary Kay Ash There is a saying that goes, “You are your own worst critic.” This simple six-word sentence is especially true when it comes to negative thoughts. In the last two weeks, I have encouraged you to take big risks about your life, business, and even your actions. I can challenge you and motivate you to reach these amazing goals, but there is one thing I cannot do. I cannot take away your own negative thoughts that probably consume you when something really positive is…