Epic Marketing Fails – omg
Last week, I did a case study on REI and how they’ve used Soulful Marketing Principles to build momentum and create incredible long-term success over 85 years… So this week, I thought it’d be interesting to share some epic marketing fails in business. I’ve already shared about an epic fail for me at the start of my entrepreneurial career a few weeks ago in this eNewsletter— if you missed it…5 Epic Marketing Fails & Lessons Learned: 1. Remember Gap’s Epic Logo Fail? They changed their logo and changed it back after 6 days. No other company has ever done that before in such a short time— on October 6, 2010, new logo, and…
The launch that simply wasn’t
Have you ever launched a course, product, or service and felt like you worked your tail off, and then the big day came……and it was crickets? A few trickles of sales came in, yet overall, it was a bit of a disappointment. Well, this happens way more than you think. The reality is there are SO MANY VARIABLES you have to get right to create a significant amount of sales for a launch. Most experts don’t tell you that you’re more than likely to bomb on your first and even second launch. This is why, as a soulful marketer, I always want to be honest and give the truth about what…
Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, Outcome, Product Launches, Prospects
The Final Fridge Adventure (Part 2)
Last week I shared with you part 1 of my spouse and I’s fridge adventure. I shared with you some insights into the first two appliance stores we perused. And I gave you some takeaways of what to do and not do when it comes to your business and attracting clients. You can access it here. In this blog post, I want to tell you about the third place we visited to peruse refrigerators. It was a very different experience. This store was more of an upscale local appliance store. We bought our washer and dryer there, so we knew they were reasonably top-notch. And we like supporting our local businesses. As soon…
Letting go of this one thing will help transform your business
When I was just starting my business in 2006, I simply wanted to get my foot in the door somewhere. I needed new clients and was doing everything I could to get them. The biggest source back then was going to live events consistently and always connecting with my mentor and his group of colleagues. (Before the social media craze.) What alluded me was that I was so desperate for clients I could have been more discerning. It was all about the hustle and bringing in money. I had just gotten laid off from my corporate job, and we had a big mortgage, taxes, and a stepson to put through school. I was…
Alchemy, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Goals, Implementation, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Product Creation, Taking risks
What kind of help do you give your clients or colleagues?
Have you ever worked with a client who had some specific things they wanted you to help them with and you weren’t sure these things would work? What did you do? 1. Did you go along with them and give them advice and simply do the work they wanted? 2. Or did you tell them their plan had some flaws and wasn’t as good as it could be, and you proposed to help them come up with an even better plan? Seth Godin recently mentioned this kind of help in his blog. The second option is actually rarer – and in fact, more useful. Plus, it’s a bit harder to do. You have…
This May Seem Counterintuitive & it Works…
I’ve read a lot of books on productivity and getting more done. Check out the NOTES section below for some interesting resources that will help. What I decided to do when I moved last week was test my theory about productivity. If I gave the three guys who were moving us pizza, hinted at a good tip for a job well done, and took a break between moving houses, would they be more productive? This might seem counterproductive to you, especially knowing I was paying them by the hour. So it’d make sense to make them push through cuz why would I want to pay for them to take a break for lunch that…
Challenges, Coaching, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Motivation, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Questions
This is Not for the Faint of Heart
Two weeks into 2022, it’s already proving to be somewhat of an adventure and not for the faint of heart. Interestingly, “Adventure” is my word for the year, and it didn’t disappoint. I like picking a word for the year that I use as my decision touchstone. There was an excellent article in the NY Times if you want to discover more. I think I mentioned in an earlier email that we’re buying a house. It’s about 10 minutes from our current one. Or if I didn’t, well here you go … 🙂 Now that we’re nearly done with the whole buying process (We’re closing today.), it has been a…
Happy 2022 – What’s Next?!
We did it – we made it into another new year! I have to admit it wasn’t as smooth a ride as I’d hoped. How about you?The year had some major ups and downs (like when I injured my back), and the end of the year was a wee bit bumpier than I had expected… Yet, my spouse and I survived – intact and with no virus…. I’m not sure how I didn’t come down with the virus because I had some work at the Disney Parks in Orlando in early December and it was CRAZY. Hundreds of thousands of people were there, where masks were only required indoors. Picture…
Coaching, copywriting, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Motivation, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Risk, Taking risks
I Did Something a Little Crazy
Have you ever stepped out of your comfort zone and done something a little crazy, or maybe out of your ordinary routine, or stretched your beliefs? Well, that’s what I did last week. I bought a course for $6,000. Ummmm, yeah, a little out there for me cuz I’ve not ever spent that amount of money on a course before. I’ve spent upwards of $25k on a year-long mastermind, and I’ve also spent $5k for a 3-day weekend training. And, I’ve spent $12k a year to be in Brian Kurtz’s Masterclass, which was like a mastermind, where we met three times a year in person. (Yeah, before the pandemic.) Plus,…
Are you a positive energizer?
Have you ever heard of a positive energizer? Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading and researching about positivity for a client. When I came across this term – “Positive Energizer.” It was really interesting stuff and I wanted to share because… In the early part of my life, I spent it being incredibly negative because that’s all I knew how to be. I had no idea there was another way to live and that my mindset mattered. It wasn’t until I hired an executive coach that I discovered there was another way of being. That I had a choice to stay in a negative thinking mind or do…
Marketing concepts that will get you elected ;-)
The day after the presidential election used to be a day where you’d wake up and know who was elected president. Hmmmmm this is a bit unsettling Because of the pandemic and this crazy electoral college, we’re in limbo as to who won. Even though Trump declares himself the winner, which is part of who he really is and his brand. No matter what your politics are or who you voted for, instead of getting caught up in the madness of it all, I decided to share some marketing lessons Trump used to get elected in the first place. I’m taking a marketing tactic I learned from Dan Kennedy –…
Attitude, Balance, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Outcome, Productivity, Prospects, Questions, Survey Tips & Techniques
It’s All About the Questions
There is quote by Albert Einstein that says “If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.” This quote says it all when it comes to the topic of this week’s blog. It’s ALL About the Questions! This is actually STEP 2 – AFTER you figure out your goals and outcomes of what you want from doing your survey. Creating questions for your survey products is incredibly important because it will shape the answers you will receive and ULTIMATELY what you will be able to do with that information. Through this questioning process, you will step closer to finding success in your business. Step # 2…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Outcome, Overcoming Obstacles, Procrastination, Productivity, Questions, Risk, Taking risks
Are You Hard Wired To Fail?
Do you ever set important goals and then find yourself really struggling and not being able to meet them? I used to have MANY sleepless nights when I first started my business. I would freak out about where my next dollar was going to come from or how I’d finish a project or what to do about x, y and z, it was endless. Worry was taking over my life. Until I was able to read some terrific books on worry and learn about ways that really helped stop me in my tracks and enabled me to push past my worry and fears to create more success for myself. The…
Attitude, Balance, Blogging, Challenges, Clients & Customers, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Marketing, Motivation, New Year, Outcome, Productivity, Prospects, Questions, Risk, Survey Tips & Techniques
How to Give Your Customers Exactly What They Want
Technique #1: Start With Your Outcome, Not Questions This week I want to challenge you with this thought: “Think Outside of the Box.” The topic of this blog is a little different and will require you to think outside of the box. Diving right into it, I do not want you to think about all the questions to put into your survey. I want you think about the outcome first! So many people fail before they hit the ground running with their survey because they think “Questions First.” Think about it…before creating and writing questions, you need to know what you want from them first. Therefore, in hindsight, your first…