• Lets do some time traveling
    Alchemy,  Attitude,  Challenges,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Let’s Do Some Time Traveling :-)

    Core Article: Let’s Do Some Time Traveling Together 🙂 Paragraph I’m Pondering: Infinite riches are all around you… Powerful Affirmations to Inspire:  I am worthy of financial success… Book Review: Reversing Alzheimer’s: The New Toolkit to Improve Cognition and Protect Brain Health by Dr. Heather Sandison Cool Stuff: The 25 Most Influential Women of 2023 AI Info & Resources: Stop AI from rewiring your brain Let’s Do Some Time Traveling Together 🙂 Before you think I’ve lost it (and believe me, sometimes I think I have ;-), this is actually a fascinating topic. It straddles the “woo woo” magic of manifestation, and thoughts become things, as well as studies that…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience

    Core Article: A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience Paragraph I’m Pondering: Turning The Page on Reversing Alzheimer’s Powerful Affirmations to Inspire:  I handle setbacks with grace… Book Review: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer Cool Stuff: Why Did Australia end up with koalas and not squirrels? AI Info & Resources: ChatGPT is partnering with Arianna Huffington A Heatwave, Hurricane, No AC or Internet—Lessons In Resilience I debated with myself on whether to send this email. Then I realized this has more to do with mindset and how to cope when the literal sh*t hits the fan. And the ultimate goal is how to stay sane in the insanity… I’m a lifelong learner and am constantly…

  • AI - ChatGPT,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    How AI Taught Me an Upgraded Way to Communicate

    This Week’s Soulful Marketing eNewsletter Highlights: Core Article: What AI Taught Me About Communication Paragraph I’m Pondering: Don’t Feed The Monkey Mind Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: I am resilient and adaptable! Book Review: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential by Carol Dweck Cool Stuff: Making leather alternatives out of apple pulp. AI Info & Resources: How the iPhone uses more AI powered tools than Samsung What AI Taught Me About Communication These past two weeks have been fascinating when it comes to how people are using AI in their business. I just started working with a new client and their Director of Operations floored me with…

  • Attitude,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation,  Procrastination

    What would happen if you decided to be average?

    This Week’s Soulful Marketing eNewsletter Highlights: Core Article: What would happen if you decided to be average? Paragraph I’m Pondering: It’s a shift towards authenticity, integrity, and transparency in every interaction Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: You are a visionary leader! Book Review: Make Your Idea Matter: Stand Out With a Better Story by Bernadette Jiwa Cool Stuff: The theme this week is ultra weird – like space junk and Kellogg’s new bizarre cereal flavors. AI Info & Resources: Did you know Amazon doesn’t make the majority of it’s money from it’s online store… What would happen if you decided to be average? It’s been a little over 30 days since I started a project and…

  • pilots oxygen masks and communication
    Challenges,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Overcoming Obstacles

    What do plane crashes, oxygen masks, and communication all have in common?

    This Week’s Highlights:  Core Article: “The oxygen mask and the surprising cause of plane crashes” Paragraph I’m Pondering:  The greatest problem of communication. Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: Focusing on your work and your life. Book Review: When The Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction For Life’s Sacred Questions, by Sue Monk Kidd Cool Stuff: Interesting strategy to relieve anger. AI Info & Resources: Tired of writing emails? Let this AI help. 🙂 The oxygen mask and the surprising cause of plane crashes You know when you’re flying, and they always tell you to put on your oxygen mask first in the event of an emergency? Well, there’s something else that goes on behind the…

  • Growth is hard Soulful Marketing
    AI - ChatGPT,  Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Growth is Hard & Kind of Sucks Until it Doesn’t

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article:   Growth is Hard: How To Live Into The Challenging Questions Cool Stuff: If you’re a research geek like me – check out the latest in Consumer Buying Trends. AI Info & Resources: What is an AI hallucination? And should we stop them? Growth is Hard: How To Live Into The Challenging Questions In this week’s eNewsletter, I want to delve into some mindset exploration with one of my top 10 all-time favorite quotes that was given to me by a dear friend when I was going through some challenging times in my life:“Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to…

  • Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey
    AI - ChatGPT,  Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    Let’s embark on a different kind of gratefulness journey…

    This Week’s Highlights: Core Article on Mindset: Embarking on a Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey Cool Stuff: The One Question Bill Gates Would Ask A Time Traveler More Cool Stuff: The 10 Most Valuable Brands – Fascinating to see the shift from tangible companies to intangible… AI Info & Resources: Are you a cat person? Good news, they’re still smarter than AI 🙂 Embarking on a Different Kind of Gratefulness Journey You’ve heard me talk about gratefulness before and how important it is to cultivate on your entrepreneurial journey… And today, we’re going down a different path to gratefulness. I’ve just spent the last 52 days doing a most amazing exercise that’s shifted my…

  • Shannon McCaffery
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Clients & Customers,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Aligning Your Work & Life with Your Deepest Values

    Let me tell you a quick story – (Adapted from Melody Beattie’s More Language of Letting Go.) Two monks were walking along the sidewalk during a heavy rainstorm. They came across a nicely dressed young woman stranded because she couldn’t cross the street without getting soaked.  One monk, without hesitation, picked her up and carried her over the puddles to the other side of the street. The other monk was furious that he did that. They have a vow of celibacy and not having contact with women. The monk who carried the woman replied: “I left that girl back on the corner. Are you still carrying her?”  At the heart…

  • Redefine success with your writing
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Goals,  Mindset,  Motivation,  New Year

    Let’s Redefine your success in 2024: Insights, Connection, and Inspiration Await!

    And just like that – poof – it’s the New Year – Welcome 2024! How are you? How were your holidays? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. I decided that this year, I would dig deep into the well of my experience and learning. I will pull out all the stops to inspire, encourage, and propel you to success, whatever that looks like for you. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure of what it will all look like over the next 12 months. I can promise you that it will be the most valuable stuff I’ve delivered to date. My focus is on Soulful Marketing principles (authenticity, engagement, and…

  • Moments Count
    Attitude,  Coaching,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Make Every Moment Count

    What are you thinking right now? Are you here and present with me? Or is your mind somewhere else? Maybe you’re thinking about your holiday to-do list or your action list of what needs to be done before the New Year. It is so easy to get sucked into the “busyness of life.” Especially during the holidays when emotions and stress are high, and family is involved. So how can this holiday be different? For me, it’s working hard on not getting sucked into being attached to the outcome. It’s also about staying flexible in the moment and going with the flow. And making every moment count, especially the little…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Motivation,  Overcoming Obstacles,  Procrastination

    The Magic of Becoming Creatively Unstuck…

    Have you ever been stuck, like writer’s block kind of stuck? And honestly, that phrase doesn’t quite fit for me cuz I’ve not ever had writer’s block. What I’ve had is a block in working more in my business. Have you ever struggled with that? I am top-notch when it comes to running everyone else’s business. In fact, I truly love working with my clients and being behind the scenes when it comes to helping them however I can with launching their business into the stratosphere. So why sometimes do I lack motivation when it comes to my own business and doing more than just one-on-one client work? This thought…

  • Attitude,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Mindset,  Motivation

    Rampage of Gratefulness, Appreciation & Blue-Skying

    Today in the U.S., we’re celebrating Thanksgiving. I love this time of year when friends and family get together to share a meal (or a feast), gratitude, and connection with each other. This leads me to my fascinating adventure of this past week, where the topic was “the future of possibility.” It came up more than 3 times this past week. And as the Universe works in mysterious ways, none of them were planned… The first was a class about “Choices” that I talked about earlier in the month, where the topic was imagining a future choice I wanted to make. For me, it was about finishing my book. It…

  • Earworm
    Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset

    This lil bugger has invaded my space…

    So this happened… Earworms have invaded my space this week… Yep, this is a bit of an unusual topic. Surprisingly, earworms have a bit to tell us about messaging and mindset. Quick refresher: earworms are when you get a fragment of a song or a tune that literally can come out of nowhere (when you least expect it) in your head, and your mind starts humming or singing along. Sometimes even out loud. What I find fascinating is that scientists have studied this, showing how powerful our memory is with music.”(Interesting tidbit – if you put information to music, it can even help you remember facts and details more easily.) Did…

  • Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Mindset,  Motivation

    The #1 Struggle Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know that they have…

    Someone reached out to me last week and needed some help with their business. They’re not getting many leads from their website and are spending money in many places, and nothing seems to be tracking. Hmmmmm. That’s always a puzzle that I’m ready to jump into action to figure out what’s really happening. What’s interesting is how, over the years, my process of helping clients has evolved. Often times when someone comes to me, they think they know the issue and may have ideas about how to fix it. Yet, after our conversation, I discovered that’s not the real issue at all. It’s something totally different. So, let’s back up –…