Attitude,  Challenges,  Entrepreneurs

We Got This! Inspiring Resources to Help With After the Election & Beyond

Wow, wow, wow, who knew the election of 2016 would go down as an infamous one in our nations’ history?!  This won’t be a bashing of either side of the aisle, as I believe there’s much finger pointing going on already and it truly is not helping.

I’m writing this to share a how we totally got this and we need to use this to come together. Because I think this election serves something even bigger and greater.  It’s a huge wake-up call that we can’t keep doing “business as usual” as a nation any longer. When you look back at our history, great change happened because of huge adversity and tragedy.  We’re strong, and we’ve overcome so much. This may be more than a huge speed bump in the road, but I’m choosing to look at it as a terrific opportunity for all of us to come together.

Reality is, not much will change in the coming days and I have a feeling a certain business man will get an eye-opener realizing running a country is nothing like running a business. The change I think he’s anticipating will happen more like trying to turn around a 747, it will happen VERY slowly. And that’s why we have a ton of checks and balances in our democratic system.

But I digress, I don’t want this to be about politics, I want this to be about healing and how we can come together and create amazing, inspiring movements, be more compassionate, give back, pay it forward. We all have a choice because my belief is life is all about just 2 simple choices (Taking from my inspiration- Marianne Williamson’s Return to Love and The Course of Miracles.) Love or Fear. What do you choose?

april-2014-heart-rock-photoI choose love and will choose it every time.

In keeping with choosing love, I have found several inspiring and enlightening articles and posts on Facebook about the election. I thought it’d be helpful to create a mini resources page where I’ve collected a lot of great stuff from FB and put it all on one page.   And what we need to remember, is we have a long history in America of overcoming many adversities, so in true form– “We TOTALLY Got This!”



And thanks to Ellen & Instagram for some taco election humor–Some of us just don’t want to “taco bout it yet.” 😉 which is totally fine too.









Big love and hugs!  I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts, or if you have some more inspiring articles or resources to link.

We Got This! Resources To Help With After the Election & Beyond:

Why we are grieving – This was a poignantly written open letter to why so many of us are grieving as a nation. It has nothing to do with politics or who won or loss, it just boils down to this: Check out John Pavlovitz’s blog on why we grieve. 

LOVED Michael Moore’s “Morning After List” which has gone viral, you can check it out here: or on Facebook:

Healing with Marianne Williamson – Awesome video she posted on Facebook the day after the election, a must watch for inspiration!

Abraham-Hicks thinks its the best election ever– totally knows how to talk us off the ledge in times of trouble and with some humor as well- check it it out here 

What This Means, How This Happened, What to do Now – this was a very insightful article from current affairs on the whole democratic and election process. I think it’s worth a read.

Thanking Hillary with a card – What a great idea – to send Hillary an old fashioned thank you card in the mail for all she’s done for this country. Let her know how she’s impacted you and how what she’s done truly does matter regardless of the outcome.  Send cards to:

Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256
New York, NY 10185-5256

And while you are at it, you could also send one to the Obamas too:

President & First Lady Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

For the lighter side of things- check out my friend John’s new map of the US, for those that want to secede 😉

And then there’s Samantha Bee’s Full FrontalThe morning after and how she broke the election.

And for those who just need a hug and a kiss– this is for you: (Me and my dog Emma)



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