Communication,  Marketing,  Media,  Product Launches

The land of green…

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, and in some places, it truly is a celebration and can be a very “green” affair.

How far would you go to create a marketing buzz around your next big launch?

Well, Chicago goes to some pretty interesting lengths to dye the Chicago River that runs through the city each year a nice emerald green color. It’s a tradition going on for decades to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Apparently, the plumbers union helped… read on and watch the video for more 
Depending on the business you’re in, doing a communication or promotion around a holiday is a terrific way to connect with your audience. You can also create special “holiday” packages or offers too.

It can be fun, lighthearted, and interesting. Plus, it’s a much-needed respite now with all that’s happening in Ukraine and the pandemic. We need a break, something different to shift our minds…

There are lots of weird and obscure (or unofficial) holidays you can use as well. I personally like this calendar because the days listed are kind of out there and can be interesting to use, such as National Clean Off Your Desk Day, National Fruitcake Toss Day, Kiss A Ginger Day, and Hoodie Hoo Day…

You can find many interesting unofficial special days from the link above.

When communicating by email, social media, or LinkedIn, being real, honest, and lighthearted is a perfect way to connect with your list or followers and not be like all the other communications they’re seeing or receiving.

There’s definitely something to be said about being yourself and spicing it up a bit. Kind of like snack choices – sure plain rice cakes are good. Yet, why not try spreading some peanut butter, marshmallow fluff, and maybe some cinnamon on that rice cake that will make it much more fun, interesting, and tasty too!

The Land of Green – as in some St. Patrick’s Day “weird traditions – check out these – 10 Weird St. Patrick’s Day traditions.

Growing up half Irish (with a name like mine), we always embraced this holiday, drank lots of green beer, went to the St. Patrick’s Day parade, and basically ate a lot of green stuff. (and of course, I had to wear some green too.)

Hence as you can see, I’m taking full advantage of my weekly email being on the same day as St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you – here’s to four-leaf clovers, shepherd’s pie, Lucky Charm Eclairs, Shamrock sugar cookies, a pot of gold brownie cups, and my favorite – Peek-A-Boo St. Patricks Day Cake. (Yeah, I needed to give you a couple of mouthwatering visuals. 🙂
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Here’s to Your Soulful Success,


Note 1: Green is also the color of money. If you’re frustrated with what’s not working in your business right now and want a pick-me-up, reach out by hitting reply – I’m always happy to help and support you.

Note 2: May the luck of the Irish always be with you! And…

“May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields.”

~ Irish Blessing

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