Know When To Hold em, When to Fold em…
Remember this line from Kenny Rogers’s song The Gambler- “Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run…” Well, with this continuous talk of gloom and doom in the economy (I don’t watch the news anymore. Yet it seems people I talk to keep bringing up “the recession.”), this song came to mind, and we could glean some interesting things…
For one, Hillary and Obama are all over the news this week. He finally declares victory, and she’s chiding away from publicly announcing that he’s got the nomination. Talk about “know when to fold ’em…” This whole thing seemed to drag out forever to me. Thank goodness it’s coming to a conclusion. I’m not one to dwell on politics here, but I really liked Hillary and thought having someone with her experience in the White House might be good for our country. So, it will be interesting to see how this all unravels.
Last night, I was at this really fun event- it was a book launch party for Pamela Skillings, who just published her new book called Escape from Corporate America. I met her through a networking group over a year ago. She interviewed me, and I mentioned her in the book. It’s a wonderful book that will help many people during this interesting economic time. (Photo- Author, Pamela Skillings and yours truly- Shannon M.) This is where Kenny Rogers’s song really hits home to all the people in Corporate America who feel stuck, exhausted, and not sure what to do next- they have to know when to hold them, fold them, or walk away. Pamela’s book will really come in handy if you find yourself in this catch-22- need to make money, yet not liking what you do, or maybe you have a friend or family member who’s in that position. I’d totally recommend picking up a copy of this book and giving it to them.
It was a really cool and fun party in New York City. The mojitos and much rum were flowing. I was hesitant about going by myself because I wouldn’t really know anyone there. Yet, I decided to keep up with my trend of being bold and daring. So off I went on the train to New York and met some great like-minded people. I was introduced to Marie Forleo, a fellow info marketer who has this much-talked-about product called Productivity Secrets for Creative Entrepreneurs. She brought a friend of hers- Kendra Todd, who, if you’ve ever watched Donald Trump’s The Apprentice, was the 3rd Apprentice to be “hired” to work for him It was a fascinating conversation. We had a lot in common and knew many of the same people in the information marketing world. It was a really great night to step outside of my home office for once and hang out with other fun entrepreneurs – Marie Forleo and Kendra Todd; I also met Margot Tohn, who is THE woman behind the Park It Guides for New York City.
So I would encourage you, if ever in doubt about going to an event alone, to take the chance, be daring, and step out of your comfort zone. I promise you won’t regret who you’ll meet and what might be in store for you in your business and in your life. Go take that chance and be bold!
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Debbie Phillips
wow, your blog is fascinating … you are such a Woman on Fire! I can’t wait for everyone to read your upcoming chapter on leaving behind the corporate world for work now that clearly aligns with your soul.