• Blogging,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Motivation,  Procrastination,  Productivity,  Risk,  Taking risks,  To Do List

    How to Take Bigger Risks This Year

    Something fascinating happened to me a few years ago that was worth repeating. I had this experience that totally changed my perspective on how I would think and do things in my business and my personal life. Here’s what happened— I had decided to go to the DMV, yes everyone’s favorite place to make jokes about.  I had been putting it off for almost a year and I had to finally deal with getting a new title. I actually wanted to cross if off my to-do list!  (I had paid off my car loan—yeah, and needed to get the lien holder name off my car title.) I had a phone…

  • Blogging,  Clients & Customers,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    Am I the Type of Person People Want to be Around?

    In my last blog, I encouraged you to pay attention and be aware of whom you’re hanging out with. As I wrote and posted that blog last week, the thought came to mind “Am I the type of person people want to be around?”  I am going to share my thought process as I evaluate if I truly am the type of person someone wants to be around. 1.      Do I personally encourage others?  Believe it or not, there is a real and fake way to encourage others.  Can you identify a real encouragement versus a fake encouragement? Encouragement One: (You and someone that works for you – you tell this…

  • Blogging,  Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Survey Tips & Techniques,  Technology,  Website

    Whose Shoes Are You Walking In?

    Your customers, (this includes those that have not bought anything from you but who have read your blog and subscribed to your newsletter or visited your website) look to you for help, motivation, advice, entertainment, and valuable information. To really do this effectively you have to walk in your customers shoes. Everyday I encounter businesses that really miss the mark on this. One way to really get this is to BE your customer.  Go to your website, cruise it like a potential customer, sign up for your optins. Even better, get your friends, colleagues, and those that work for you to do the same.  Have them document what they see…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs

    Life is Simply Made up of Many Transitions…

    I will never forget that particular day in February,  many years ago, when I received the call that my sister was on her way to the hospital because she was going to have her first baby.  This was big news in our family, mainly because she was the first sibling to have a baby. It was doubly exciting for me because I was going to be an aunt and she had asked me to be the baby’s godparent. I was awed and taken aback, sounded like a big responsibility, yet I was thrilled and jumped in with both feet as I always do. The christening was about 6 weeks later, so I booked my…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Daring Escape from Corporate America

    I don’t know about you, but I feel like 2 years ago I made a very daring escape from Corporate America. I’d be entrenched and chained to a desk since I was 22 and that’s a long time. I had always thought that I’d be like my Dad and work at the same place forever until I retired. Yet, that was not my story and that was not meant to be for me. My career path took some long and winding and winded turns along the way. I started out in sales and then got into marketing. My tale is long and blogs are for short stories… So suffice to…

  • Coaching,  Marketing

    Know When To Hold em, When to Fold em…

    Remember this line from Kenny Rogers’s song The Gambler- “Know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run…” Well, with this continuous talk of gloom and doom in the economy (I don’t watch the news anymore. Yet it seems people I talk to keep bringing up “the recession.”), this song came to mind, and we could glean some interesting things… For one, Hillary and Obama are all over the news this week. He finally declares victory, and she’s chiding away from publicly announcing that he’s got the nomination. Talk about “know when to fold ’em…” This whole thing seemed…