It all Boils Down to Courage- Do You Have What it Takes?
One of my favorite quotes is “Fall down 7 times, get up 8” by Buddha. It’s such a subtle quote and so much where I’ve been these past 8 months. I can’t believe I haven’t written since October of last year! Or maybe I can after I tell you all I’ve been going through—and it really does “all boil down to courage…”
Have you ever had the rug pulled out from under you? Like really pulled hard and you land smack on your rear end in shock of what just happened. Well, that’s what happened to me…
My relationship of 12 years ended back in September of 2012, and that was the beginning of the rug pulling. Then we sold the house in February, and I had to move out and find a place to live, and then I was just simply exhausted from it all. I had no energy left to work, so I decided to leave the job I was in… I so just needed to take some time off to get my energy back and just simply take care of me—so that’s what I did.
March 8 I quit the job and took some time just for me. It had been SOOO long that I took any time for myself, I had no idea what to do. The good news is it didn’t take me long to figure it out. I traveled to Big Sur and did an amazing workshop at the Esalen Institute on Callings- How to figure out what you really want to do with your life, lead by the inspiring Gregg Levoy.
It was life-changing, and I traveled to be my family and hiked a ton with my dog and read, and read and read- the library was my “go-to” place. (Some of the books I read- Broken Open by Elizabeth Lesser, When the Heart Waits by Sue Monk Kidd, Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer, Soul Money by Lynn Twist and Sacred Contracts by Carolyn Myss.)
So why am I tell you all of this— there are a few reasons— one, I wanted to share with you why I was absent from my blog, and two, the real reason is I want to inspire you to check in with yourself- to inject you with some courage to look and I mean really look hard at your life, your work, your relationships, your spirituality- Are you fulfilled? Are you happy? Is something missing? Does something need to change?
Do you have what it takes to really give a hard look at your life and have the courage to make the changes you need to live a more fulfilled life?
I know it’s not easy, take it from me, it’s REALLY hard. However, I had a really amazing support system I put into place to help me with all of these changes that happened in my life. I had an inspiring and gifted therapist, a wonderful coach, and so many supportive friends. There’s no way I could have made it these past 9 months without them and I’m forever grateful.
So don’t wait until it’s too late, take a good look at your life and make some changes for the better. We all deserve to live a wonderfully, supportive, happy, and inspiring life, filled with people who love, care, and support us.
One Comment
Jane tabachnick
Welcome back! I always gain value from your posts Shannon!