What are you really selling?
Have you ever had the experience of trying to learn a new concept, or maybe do some calculations in Excel, or trying to learn a new sport?
How did it go?
Was it easy to get started? Or were you frustrated as hell and wished you could learn it faster?
The “frustrated as hell” part, well, this is how I feel when I’m trying to write and create a story.
It absolutely takes me back to my days when I was a freshman in high school, and I absolutely hated algebra. I mean, to the point where I felt incredibly stupid. All my friends and other students in the class were all “getting it,” and I was not.
Plus, I was failing as a result. Also during this time, my parents were going through a messy divorce, and I definitely was having trouble focusing on schoolwork.
Yet, I was holding myself up to these impossible standards. I was comparing myself to all the kids who were getting it, making myself even more miserable at the time. (This is a whole different topic for another day!)
What’s the point, and what does any of this have to do with knowing what you’re selling?
Well, one of my goals this year was to sharpen my writing and storytelling skills. And every time I write, I feel like that kid who hates algebra. I just feel like I don’t get the structure. I don’t understand or have experience writing so descriptively…
So, I ended up registering for a Story Skills course by Bernadette Jiwa and Seth Godin – it’s all about storytelling. I’m really excited to learn about storytelling from these two masters…
Plus, I’m happy to share what I learn with you!
Let’s get back to my original question – What are you REALLY selling in your business? And I promise I will tie this together for you.
What are you selling?
The interesting thing is that most entrepreneurs think they’re selling their course, product, or service. Is that what you thought?
Yet, that’s NOT at all what you are selling.
This one concept could help change and shift your business, your content, and your copy.
It’s the power of your brand story.
And it all starts with answering this one question –
What is the real reason why your business exists today?
Yes, of course, you’re in business to make money. Yet, I have a strong feeling that’s not WHY you started your business. Answering this question is pure gold in your content and your brand story. (I would highly encourage you to take some time and write your answer. It ought to be at least one page.)
When you know this answer, it’s your story. It’s the reason you started your business. And this is really what soulful purpose-driven marketing is all about.
Your business has a purpose of why it exists. This is part of your brand story. You need to make sure this is in all your copy.
People love a story. There are plenty of examples of this, from Apple to Tesla and Starbucks.
Create a story that touches, influences, and that people are affected by. It’s about creating a bigger impact for them in this crazy world we live in.
Don’t act like a “big dumb company, “ as Dan Kennedy always says.
You have so many chances to touch your clients/customers. Be real, authentic, make their day, make them smile, be kind, be funny, entertain them.
When your brand story touches them, this kicks in – people will remember how you made them feel.
One of my most favorite quotes sums it up perfectly:
“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~ Maya Angelou
If you want some more guidance on purpose-driven marketing and story-telling – check out these two reviews I did on Bernadette Jiwa’s books. It will definitely help!
The Fortune Cookie Principle by Bernadette Jiwa – I reviewed it on my BooksYouGottaRead blog, where you can find more book reviews! Check out this book if you want to discover more about purpose-driven marketing.
Story Driven by Bernadette Jiwa – This little book is all about story.
Here are two more books that are awesome as well – This is Marketing and All Marketers are Liars, by Seth Godin. I’d highly recommend them.
I haven’t reviewed them yet. I will let you know when I get them posted.