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Your Words Matter – How to easily attract your dream clients

Have you ever come across a website or a social media post that just didn’t feel right to you?

Maybe the words felt inauthentic, salesy, or it felt like they were trying too hard, and it felt off.

Or maybe you were trying to write a post, and you were struggling a bit with what to write and how to say it so it attracts your dream client.

I was on a call this week with a bunch of seasoned entrepreneurs, and the topic of being real and authentic online came up.

It was an interesting discussion.

The bottom line is the more real and authentic you are, the more you will attract your dream clients.

This can seem counterintuitive because it’s scary being vulnerable and sharing your failures along with your successes.

Social media has impacted society in a way that focuses on optics and how we all have these seemingly perfect and amazing lives… 😉

That’s why it’s more important than ever that what you write and share emits your personality, vision, and values and ultimately connects with your dream clients.

It’s about creating a powerful connection with your dream clients based on you being you – your most authentic and transparent self.

Love this quote by Oscar Wilde that definitely rings true – “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”

You don’t want to be milk toast. Everyone is NOT your audience – just be you. The messaging you create will also help weed out those folks who aren’t a good fit.

Write in your voice, using your vision and values. Be real, authentic, and transparent; your dream clients will start showing up.

Yet, how do you ensure that the words you use are in alignment with your most authentic self?

That’s why being crystal clear about your vision and values is incredibly important.

Have you created your mission? Your vision? Your values?

Do you have it written and posted so you can be reminded of it often? (Maybe you’ve memorized it. 🙂

A little refresher about the difference between your mission and vision: Your mission is your business’s roadmap. It tells folks what your organization’s all about, what you’re trying to achieve, and how you’re gonna make it happen.

Your vision statement is your ultimate goal. It’s the dream that you’re working towards.

So, while your mission statement helps you focus on the present, your vision statement helps you stay focused on the future and the impact you want to make in the world.

An example below of mine:

Mission: To coach, consult, and inspire mindful entrepreneurs to connect with their authenticity in their marketing so they can help heal the world with their gifts.

Vision – To be the best marketing and education company where mindful entrepreneurs will discover how to market their uniqueness with authenticity, integrity, and transparency.

Brand Values – authentic, unique, transparent, mindful, and generous

Once you have it, write out specific phrases, points, and concepts that you can keep drawing from
 so you can easily ensure all your copy is infused with it, from your website and social media posts to your emails.

Your words need to be intentional and purposeful, designed to create a feeling of connection and trust, and aligned with your dream client.

These days, shysters, charlatans, and imposters run rampant. More and more folks are increasingly wary of fake or inauthentic marketing.

They crave to connect with real people and businesses that share their values and beliefs.

When you speak the language of your dream clients, you create a feeling of connection and belonging that draws them in. They feel seen and heard and feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves.

So, how do you create real, authentic copy that speaks to your audience and reflects your mission, vision, and values?

Here are some ideas:

1. Get clear on your vision and values. Spend time thinking about what you want your business to stand for and the impact you want to make.
2. Identify your dream audience. Who do you want to reach with your messaging? What are their values and beliefs? What are their pain points and challenges?
3. Speak their language. Once you know your audience, craft your messaging to speak directly to them. Use words and phrases that resonate with their values and beliefs.
4. Be true to yourself. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Authenticity is key to building trust and credibility with your audience.
5. Infuse your messaging with emotion. People don’t just buy products or services; they buy feelings and experiences. So, use emotional language to create a sense of connection and belonging.

When you take the time to craft messaging that truly reflects your mission, vision, and values, you create a powerful connection with your dream clients that can drive real results for your business.

Keep in mind this is an ongoing process. As your business evolves, your messaging may need to evolve as well. It’s important to regularly revisit your mission, vision, and values to ensure that they still reflect who you are and what you stand for.

Books I’m Reading:
Marketing a Love Story by Bernadette Jiwa

Practical Spirituality by John Randolph Price

The Game of Life and How to Play it by Florence Scovel Shinn (It’s free on audible.)

Quote I’m Pondering Over:
“If one only asks for success and prepares for failure, he will get the situation he has prepared for.”
~ Florence Scovel Shinn, The Game of Life and How to Play it – Published 1925.

Weekly Photos:
This has been the wildest winter in CA ever. Thank goodness we’re not in the Sierras or close to Lake Tahoe – holy cow – they’ve gotten in some places 15 ft of snow! It’s like Snowmaggeden. We’ve gotten 4 snowstorms here. Yet it’s not accumulating. Just cold and rainy.

Photos Below:

A bit of snow dusting on the front lawn (taken from inside the house). Then there’s Emma photo bombing me (See her in the window!? Taken from outside the house.) as I got a shot of the flamingo and the beautiful flowers coming up. And then there are some amazing sky images – nature is surely creating some fantastic views with all these storms.
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