Let’s Redefine your success in 2024: Insights, Connection, and Inspiration Await!
And just like that – poof – it’s the New Year – Welcome 2024!
How are you? How were your holidays?
I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.
I decided that this year, I would dig deep into the well of my experience and learning. I will pull out all the stops to inspire, encourage, and propel you to success, whatever that looks like for you.
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure of what it will all look like over the next 12 months. I can promise you that it will be the most valuable stuff I’ve delivered to date.
My focus is on Soulful Marketing principles (authenticity, engagement, and value-driven content). And that includes guiding you with messaging and mindset.
Plus, my writing will always be focused on being real, sharing things, and connecting with you, like we are hanging out in your kitchen and drinking the tastiest hot or cold beverage. (And if this isn’t your jam or what you signed up for, no hard feelings if you want to opt out of this eNewsletter.)
You’re here for a reason. And I humbly thank you for every email of mine you open.
I’m curious: what makes you click on my emails? Is there a section or subject you love the most?
I heard from a colleague who said her favorite section of my eNewsletter was my pictures. (Thanks, Kim 🙂 That was insightful, mainly because I often spend just as much time taking and picking pics and writing the captions as I do writing the rest of this eNewsletter.
Fun Fact: I’ve loved photography since my Dad put my first camera in my hands at 12 years old. I have been hooked and taking pics ever since with all kinds of devices.
What drew you to this email today? I’d love to hear from you – just hit reply.
Also, I’ve added a new section called— “What You’re Up To.”
I’m more than happy to share your achievements or answer your questions in this section.
I’d love this eNewsletter to be more collaborative and also highlight/help you! Again, don’t be shy. Hit reply! (ohhhh I promise that rhyme was not on purpose!)
Before I sign off, I want to help ease any pressure you may be feeling about starting the New Year. There’s so much about goal setting, achievement, and more at the beginning of a New Year.
Yes, these are incredibly important. (See my post in Dec.)
And I’m giving you permission to go at your own pace. Don’t beat yourself up or compare yourself to others.
Give yourself loving-kindness. You will create your plan for 2024 in due time. (and I’m still working on mine. 🙂 And if you’ve done yours, tell me. I want to cheer you on.
Remember, the most important thing is to take care of yourself. Simply notice and be more aware of why you might be putting things off.
Is there some resistance? If so…
I just finished reading Steven Pressfield’s Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work.
It’s a profound and inspiring book that will speak to the heart if you’re struggling to bridge the gap between your aspirations for your business and your current reality.
Pressfield’s goal is that you leave behind the “Amateur’s” life of unfulfilled dreams.
I want you to step into the professional world of authentic, creative, connective engagement and fulfillment.
If you haven’t already turned “Pro,” this is your year. (More will be coming about that.)
It’s all about overcoming internal barriers and committing to your true calling.
It’s time to let go of all that baggage and all those stories you might be telling yourself that makes you small and stuck in amateur mode.
Are you with me?
We’re in this together, stepping into a world of possibilities.
Your greatness is within reach, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Remember, you got this, and my hands are always at your back.
Paragraph I’m Pondering:
“Before we turn pro, our life is dominated by fear and resistance. We live in a state of denial. We’re denying the voices in our heads. We’re denying our calling. Or denying who we really are. We are fleeing from our fear of an addiction or a shadow career. What changes when we turn pro is we stop fleeing.” ~ Steven Pressfield, Turning Pro: Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life’s Work
Powerful Affirmations to Inspire:
(Remember, the power of affirmations lies in your belief and the feeling they evoke within you. Regularly affirming them will help create a positive mindset and align your energy with the flow of the Universe.)
“My heart is a happy heart, a fearless heart, a forgiving heart, a kind heart, in its right place, doing its right work.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn ~ The Magic Path of Intuition
“With every breath, I inhale abundance and exhale scarcity, knowing the universe is an endless source of wealth.” ~ Shannon 🙂
Weekly Earworm:
“Hello, Hello, there’s a place called Vertigo… ” by U2 (Must be after I watched their fascinating Documentary with David Letterman. “Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming.” I’d highly recommend it.)
What You’re Up To:
I want to highlight Carole Murko this week. She accomplished one of her teaching goals at Kripalu this weekend! If you’re in the tri-state area and looking for an inspiring course this weekend —Change Your Mind: Tools For Creating The Results You Desire —you must check this out and just go!
Carole is a NeuroChangeSolutions consultant (How cool is that?!). Her workshop is based on Dr. Joe Dispenza’s groundbreaking work and scientific research on transformation. Congrats, Carole – I’m thrilled for you and all those amazing attendees who will be transformed by your teachings!
Cool Stuff:
How to spot B.S. ~ Carl Sagan’s “Baloney Detection Kit.“
Find today’s news from around the globe – with a virtual globe
Weekly Photos:
Since I was off from Dec 22 to now, I’ve got a lot of pics piling up on my devices! And, of course, most of them are Emma and her funny self. We went on our annual New Year’s Day romp in the woods. (Alice was working.) We had so much rain, and Emma enjoyed lots of swimming brrrr.
Then, of course, we had to have a picture of us lounging by the festive Christmas tree. Emma is her usual napping self.
A family shot of us out on our Christmas Day hike—yes, it was pretty cold.
Then, there’s Emma napping again after all that hiking.
And I finally got a good shot of Mt. Lassen from our deck. She’s got a good covering of snow for the New Year. Mt. Lassen is a lava dome volcano and the southernmost active volcano in the Cascade Range. Her elevation is 10,457′. She last erupted in 1921.