Discover the hidden secret(s) in your business…
I know, I know, you might be thinking, “Geez Shannon, what’s with this gimmicky email header about hidden secrets that sounds more like clickbait?” Yeah, I get it and to be totally honest, I did want you to open my email :-). Yet, it was more about me thinking…. That in my 17 years of running my business with hundreds of clients, almost all of them always had some fascinating piece of content that they had forgotten about, or worse, didn’t think it had any value. Heavy sigh. So I thought it was high time that I addressed this big elephant that’s hidden away in either a drawer, file cabinet (yes, I still…
5 Strategies to Make Your Products Stick
Having worked with lots of entrepreneurs to help them create their information products, I’ve discovered this easy way to increase your stick rate. If you don’t know what that means, it’s how to have someone who bought your product keep it so they don’t return it. Here are 5 proven ways that you can use one or more of them to increase your products stick rate and get more of your customers hanging onto the product they bought. Strategy #1- Create a Quick Start Video—This is huge— create a video and walk them through step-by-step exactly what’s in the product and HOW to use it. What do they do first,…
The Real “How” to Create Your Own Info Products
One of the things I’ve discovered is that there are tons and I mean tons of information out there on how to create products and how to market them… Yet, the one thing I saw that was missing was something that was really clear and simple about “how” to do it… So I came up with some basic principles that will help folks on how to do it— You have to survey your audience and find out what they want and how they want it delivered and how to price it, which you can get that info from this blog— Once you know which product to create– then you need…
Challenges, Clients & Customers, Entrepreneurs, Product Creation, Product Launches, Prospects, Questions, Survey Tips & Techniques
First Steps You MUST Take to Creating Your Information Products
One of the many services I offer is working with clients to help them create their products and then launch these products for them. The question I always get over and over and over again is—“How do I know what product to create?” This is an incredibly important question and often hard to figure out and most of my clients before they worked with me used all sorts of Google algorithms and some even used the pasta method, which I wouldn’t recommend. The important note here is most guessed and did many other things. The funny thing is THE best thing they could have done to find this out was…