Implementation,  Marketing,  Product Creation,  Product Launches

5 Strategies to Make Your Products Stick

Having worked with lots of entrepreneurs to help them create their information products, I’ve discovered this easy way to increase your stick rate.  If you don’t know what that means, it’s how to have someone who bought your product keep it so they don’t return it.

Here are 5 proven ways that you can use one or more of them to increase your products stick rate and get more of your customers hanging onto the product they bought.

Strategy #1-  Create a Quick Start Video—This is huge— create a video and walk them through step-by-step exactly what’s in the product and HOW to use it.  What do they do first, second, etc.  This really works and will get them to understand the product and to consume it more easily.

Strategy #2- Create a Quick Start Guide—This is a printed guide that you create. The way I did this was I created the video script first, then I created the PDF guide.  Again, walk them through the product, all the pieces they have.  Next, tell them where to start.  I sometimes create two tracks- one for beginners and one for advanced.   I tell them how to consume and go through the product depending upon if they’re a beginner or advanced.  Then you can also give them some additional resources to help them, like links to software, tools, or websites.

Strategy #3- Create a Checklist—  This is a terrific tool that can either be a stand alone, or include it in your Quick Start Video or Guide.  An example would be for my survey product, I give them a checklist of all the things they need to do in order to create a survey.

Strategy #4- Create a Mindmap—If you don’t know what a mindmap is- check out this website–  I LOVE mindmaps and use them for product creation and for product launch’s. Again, I put this in my Quick start Video and Guide.

Strategy #5- Create a Flow Chart– These are along the same lines as a mindmap, people love flow charts and love to see how everything fits together.  Here’s an example of a flowchart- (Again, I put this in my Quick start Video and Guide.)

Take one or two or use all of them like I have in my product and all these will go a long way in helping you increase your stick rate AND help your customers use your product as well!

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