Clients & Customers,  copywriting,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

Understanding This One Concept Could Change the Way You Do Your Marketing…(Part 2)

I had this feeling wash over me this morning while I was writing this post…

It was of wonderment and even hilarity about all the idea lightbulbs going off in my brain.

The more I read and study about marketing and copy. The more my understanding grows deeper.

Earlier, I’d had my head buried in a couple of books – E5 Method by Todd Brown and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons.

As I was pondering the many popcorn thoughts running through my brain while I was trying to write, it stopped on this thought of a long-overused metaphor my therapist back in the day used to tell me…

This moment felt like that – whenever I’d have a deeper understanding and growth, she said it was like peeling an onion and how we’re getting down to heal the deeper layers… ummm yeah…

Then I snapped out of it and got back to writing this…

I want to share with you some deeper concepts in marketing and copy that most mere mortals aren’t aware of on this level.

I do believe if I hadn’t had the experiences I’ve had (the many corporate sales and marketing jobs, the mentors, attending events, the clients, the courses, books I’ve read, and on) — I probably wouldn’t be open to or understand the concepts I’m going to share with you.

I also know you have this same superpower too! All of your experiences have added up to this place where you created this business to impact thousands of people… 🙂

As promised last week, I want to share with you the 2nd principle of Eugene Schwartz – The 5 Levels of Awareness that you must understand before you create high-converting offers and get sales.

And in the Notes section of this post, I’ve also shared a couple of books you can get if you’re interested in discovering more.

The reason you need to understand your dream client’s level of awareness is that it’s going to dictate HOW you communicate with them.

Below are the 5 Levels of Awareness you need to know before you create any messaging.

Todd Brown Puts them into this nifty Prospect Awareness Pyramid:

I will briefly walk through each level. Keep in mind. Your dream clients/customers are throughout this pyramid. Your work is to UNDERSTAND each level and then choose the one where your course, product, or service fits in best.

Level 1 – Most Aware – These are the people who know you and your products, services, etc. (These could be your clients, social media followers, folks on your email list, friends, colleagues, etc.)

Level 2 – Product Aware – They know about your products and are not sure they want them yet. (Again, these could be the same folks as above.)

Level 3 – Solution Aware – These folks know their problem and what solution they need, yet they don’t know your solution yet.

Level 4 – Problem Aware – They know and are aware they have a problem and aren’t aware of your solution or aren’t connecting it with being able to solve their problem

Level 5 – Completely Unaware – They are unaware of their problem or your solution. And they have a hard time admitting it to themselves, whatever their issues are.

When walking through these 5 levels, keep in mind the folks at the top of the funnel will be easier to sell your solution to and will take less time because they are familiar with you and/or your solution.

And folks towards the bottom of the funnel, there will be lots more of them, yet it will be harder to sell to them because you need to take time for them to know, like, and trust that you know what their problem is and you can solve it for them.

Does this make sense?

The best thing you can do is look at these 5 levels and pinpoint where your product, course, or service falls.

For example – my strategy for paid ads is to go after my dream clients in level 3 or 4. I don’t want to go after level 5, even though they are plenty of people in that category. I’d rather go after more savvy folks who know a bit about online marketing and are aware of their problem, and even the ones who know what kind of solution they need.

Also, folks in level 1 who are the most aware are already in my sphere.

Why is knowing their level of awareness important, and how can it help you?

When you pinpoint your dream client/customer’s level of awareness, you can adjust your copy (headlines, core messaging) and the length of your online dream client/customer experience.

If they’re in levels 3 and 4 – you want to mention your product in the header or how you have a solution for their problem. Remember, those folks are aware of their problem or know the solution they want and haven’t found it yet.

Some headline examples could be:

  • “Are you frustrated and tired of the same ole skeevy type of marketing where you’re being harassed and sold every time you turn around?”
  • “There is another way to market your business that’s more authentic, trustworthy, and builds relationships – Interested in discovering more?”

In these two examples, I’m focusing on the problem, and in the second one, I’m hinting at my solution.

Here’s another one I got today from Perry Belcher, who’s one of the top copywriters and successful entrepreneurs in online marketing. He’s promoting a new live event in November.

  • “Weirdest Event Ever!” Discover The Details of The SIX Big Business Models I’ve Used To Generate Over $500,000,000+”

His folks are also in levels 3 and 4 because he’s selling his event in the headline.

When you look at your marketing through this lens, this will really help open up a brand new way of thinking about your messaging and focus.

I remember 15 years ago, when I left corporate America, and I had to throw out a lot of what I learned about corporate marketing. I was like a kid in a candy store, buying so many books and courses about copywriting, funnels, and direct response marketing and going to events like crazy.

This is what I want for you, to feel excited and know you got this.

These skills I’m sharing will give you a leg up from the competition.

I want you to know that what you’re creating and selling is much needed in the world – your gifts, talents, and how you can help your dream clients/customers transform and change… they need you – you got this!

And I’m here on the sidelines when you have questions or need some help. Simply hit reply, and I’m there with you.

Next week, I will share the last piece of Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising #3 Level of Market Sophistication.

Knowing what market sophistication stage they are in will help you focus your copy and core messaging to increase conversions. There are 5 stages of market sophistication.

Sharing these high-level skills will greatly help you write the copy yourself or decide to work with a copywriter.

At the core, you need to make sure you understand how you can benefit from this and make sure your copywriter “gets it.”

The more you know, the easier it will be to get your courses, products, and services out in the world with authenticity, transparency, and in a way that feels in line with your own values and desires.

Happy pumpkins, witches, and Halloween candy to you!

NOTE: Some resources if you want to delve more into the 5 Levels of Awareness –

Check out Todd Brown’s book – E5 Method. Just beware. He has a pretty intense online customer experience and tries to sell you A LOT of stuff. Not my idea of a soulful marketing online dream client/customer experience. And in transparency, I don’t have any affiliation with him. This is only if you’re interested in going deeper with this work. Or you can simply reach out to me. 🙂

Here’s the link again to – Eugene Schwartz’s Breakthrough Advertising


Missed the 1st Principle – Knowing what your prospect’s Mass Desire is Click Here.

Want the 3rd Principle What is your dream client/customer Sophistication Level?you can read it here.

Plus, whenever you are ready, here are three ways I can help you:

  1. Jump on a Free Call with me – just go here and answer a couple of questions – then, you will get to my calendar. The reason I ask these questions is so that our call will be much more productive. And I will give you at least three things to help you transform your business immediately.
  2. Get my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It contains all my best stuff on creating and launching your products. Plus, you get proven templates, tools, and worksheets valued at over $4,056! And it’s ONLY $97 – until I increase the price. Comment on this post, and I will send you more information.
  3. BONUS: Want more FREE content? Check out this Blog site –
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