It’s Time to Change Your Stories
What are the stories you keep telling yourself?
You know, the ones when it comes to putting yourself out there in a big way to promote your business –
“Oh, this won’t work. Someone else has already created something like this. I need to come up with a new idea.”
“Who do I think I am trying to sell and promote this course? I don’t have enough experience.”
“I can’t ask for $500. That’s way too much for this course. I don’ think they will pay it.”
Can you relate to any of the above statements?
It’s essential to pay attention to those thoughts that pop into your head, which are just stories you keep telling yourself. Most of them aren’t even based on facts at all.
Something else I’ve noticed, along with my thoughts and stories – is when I’m doing something I’ve done a million times before to ask myself – Why am I doing it this way? Is there a better way I can get this done?
Especially if I feel like I’m stuck in a rut. It’s when I step back and ask the question above that I realize I can change it.
Many of these thoughts (or stories) you keep telling yourself are based on beliefs created when you were growing up or any experiences you’ve had in your life.
These stories aren’t facts.
Paying close attention to these thoughts when they pop into your head is crucial to getting to the bottom of it and taking an honest look.
Then ask yourself the question – do I need to hang onto these thoughts (Stories – past beliefs) any longer? How are they serving me? Or, are they serving me?
Yeah, that last question is critical because what you will find is that it’s serving you by keeping you playing small.
It’s time you play a bigger game.
Don’t let time run out on you getting your brilliance out into the world.
Start paying attention to your inner beliefs that are holding you back.
It’s your time to make an impact on this world and kick those old beliefs to the curb.
Happy early Valentine’s Day – here’s to hearts, candy, and beautiful flowers!
NOTE 1: If you’re struggling with playing bigger and want to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs who want to get their brilliance out in the world, comment, I want to help.
NOTE 2: Quick moving update – All moved into the new house, and the old house sold – boom – we’re done. Now, if only someone could come to help me unpack all these boxes and answer the question – “where is my____” I’d be incredibly grateful. 🙂 Photo of our first sunrise from the deck of our new home in Northern CA.