Alchemy,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Product Creation

What 6 – 7 figure idea are you sitting on?

We had a lot of activity at our house last week. It’s hard to believe we’ve already lived in the house for three months now!

We had the shower glass guys replace the walk-in shower and we had the construction guys come and build my spouse’s new stained glass studio. (The shower door coming off was one of my posts a month ago – you can read about that post here.) (See the P.S. For the before and after shower pictures.)

What was really cool about the studio is we bought it with a company called Tuff Shed. We ordered it to our specifications. Then they came out about 6 weeks later and built it in our side yard in about 6 hours.

What a business they’ve created. Building prefab structures to put in people’s yards.

They came with a flatbed truck and the four walls were already built. They just had to put it all together like legos. Then put the windows, shelves, and roof on.

Here are some pics of the Tuff Shed building process below. (Can you tell I love taking pictures? I’m all about capturing stuff – the historian in the family.) You can see a picture of Ally, my spouse, who’s all smiles as they build her stain glass studio.)

This got me thinking – When it comes to your business, how can you make it more done for you?

Is there any process, method, or practice that can be easily customized and done for your clients/customers at a premium price?

The key is to make it more turnkey for them and look at how you can systemize it for them.

In my business, I have offered “Done for You” – which is a premium price, “Do it With You” – which is not as pricey, and a “Do It Yourself” with my help which is the lowest price.

And the one option the majority of people want is “Done for You” and then “Do it With You.”

I’ve got these services somewhat systemized, like the prefab walls for the Tuff Shed, so it’s easier to do them and at a good price because it’s not as hands-on.

What’s something in your business that you could systemize and offer a “Done For You” or “Do It With You” and charge a premium price?

Got a question? Want more help on this? Hit reply – happy to share more with you.

This is exactly what my current clients did. They came to me and wanted help to launch their cohort group program.

And while planning and analyzing their competition, we took a deep dive into who their dream client is so we could create their core messaging.

It was right after that, that they started getting inquiries and referrals for their not yet defined VIP program at $25k a person. (Hmmm I’m thinking we stirred up some good alchemy by manifesting these new clients.)

We stopped what we were doing and went to work on building the VIP program out. And now, two months into our work, they have four VIP people signed up. One of the things I love about this is they weren’t even going to focus on this yet. They had wanted to wait until later in the year. Hmmm.

These are the kinds of ideas that will shift and grow your business when you’re open to looking at your business differently – expanding your view. Following your gut, putting it out there and the energy just starts flowing.

What 6 – 7 figure idea have you been sitting on and not moved forward with, because you haven’t had the time to focus or you’re just too busy with other work, or not sure it’s a good idea, or overwhelmed with how to build it out?

Hit me up if you want to brainstorm. Simply hit reply – Or grab some time with me on my calendar.

Happy May – here comes the sun and warmer temps in Northern California.

Note 1: Here’s a before and after picture of our shower. The original shower was built with the house in 1995. Hence metal framing was popular at that time. The shower door broke and couldn’t be fixed because it was anchored on the metal frame, which isn’t as stable as the wall tile. So the shower company advised moving the heavy door to anchor on the tile wall. It works way better, and the door swings both ways. 🙂 We also decided to go with clean glass and simple brass connectors and extend the height a teeny bit.

Before is on the left and after is on the right.

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