How to go from Idea to total market domination
Have you ever had a pretty stellar idea and thought, “wow, this could be a winner, one that could help transform a lot of people as well as create some consistent income!”
What happened next?
Were you able to get it off the ground?
Why not? Or what happened?
Sitting here in my brother-in-law’s office on a very hot and humid day in Houston, TX, I’m faced these questions.
Yet, it’s not about my work, it’s about my Mom….
I flew down here to Houston, TX, and because I needed to help my sister out by taking care of my Mom (and the two dogs and cat). She’s going to be 83 in two weeks.
She’s getting to the point where she can’t live alone. We have to sell her house. And she just moved in with my sister a few weeks ago.
And my sister needed to go out of town and asked if I could care for my Mom.
When I was planning my trip here, I had, what I thought, were some really good ideas of how my Mom and I could spend some time together. (get a pedicure, watch a movie, go to dinner, etc.)
I had some bigger ideas of how I could help her with some of the stress she’s having and other mental issues affecting her.
I didn’t know how much my Mom had changed since I last saw her on her birthday 3 years ago.
All my ideas and plans had to go out the window, and I had to create a plan B, C, and D.
Then, I had to extend my trip by 2 more days. Guess that’s plan E!
I honestly thought I could run with my big ideas to entertain my Mom and myself, do fun things, and have my Mom be ecstatic about me and my visit. (No, not market domination!)
So, unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
Granted, my big ideas were not about creating something to sell… Yet some of these steps below still helped me stay on track being with my Mom… (As well as some meditation, regular calls with my spouse, and lots of walks with the pups.)
That’s why I want to share these steps with you to help get your ideas to fly and create your next success…(or world domination)
- You can’t go from idea to world domination in one single step. If you do that, like me, you will crash and burn.
- You have to PROVE first that your idea works!
- To do the above, you must first do it on a small scale. This means creating something on a smaller scale, picking one market, and then testing it with a small group of people. It’s all about PROVING your idea/concept works for this small beta test.
- Once you prove that your idea works with your beta group, you need to start scaling it.
If you want to create a course, program, live event, or membership with recurring revenue, it’s gonna take some time and some hard work.
There’s no real shortcut, especially if you want to create something that will stand the test of time and be scalable.
Here’s an example – You have this terrific idea for a course that you want to sell. Do a beta test of it. Create the course WITH the people who bought it.
This way, you can…
- Prove (or disprove) your idea.
- Get your customers can help you create it.
- You’ll get some awesome feedback.
- Get paid too.
- Not waste a ton of time creating something that might not sell.
I just bought two beta test copywriting courses that had about 25 – 30 people in them.As we were going through the course, the person who ran it was making tweaks, asking us lots of questions for feedback, getting some great testimonials and getting maximum feedback.
Both of these courses are now going to be mainstream, and there’s a lot of buzz in the networking groups I’m in about them.
That’s the other piece – don’t keep this a secret. Belong to as many like-minded groups as possible that can help support you and maybe even send you some good people to be in the course.
And to scale it, there are some amazing systems that can automate the process for you. I sent you a ton of links on that a while back – you can check out some tech that will help here.
Creating something new and launching it or relaunching it can be daunting.
You got this! (And you got me in your back pocket. Give me a shout if you want some guidance – I’m always here for you!)
Check out my Mom and her brother and meet the menagerie – Bentley (Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog – barely fit in the car on the way to Starbucks!) The cat – Charlie and the small Bichon – Gabe who likes hiding under the bed.