Best conversion tips for your website
A few weeks ago, I had a colleague reach out to me and wanted my thoughts on a new website that she had just launched for her mom’s business.
I always find it curious and fascinating to look at new websites. Especially when it’s someone I know, and I have a bit of a backstory.
I’m always happy to look at people’s websites because I can give some actionable feedback after looking at the home page for only 1 – 2 minutes.
(As an aside, if you ever want me to look at your site, schedule a complimentary call with me, and I will give you some actionable feedback on it.)
Creating a website these days can be like opening up a big can of worms because there are so many platforms you can use, and THAT decision can sometimes be a little overwhelming.
Do you use a done-for-you service like Squarespace, Godaddy, Weebly, Wix, or Kajabi? (Btw, there are MANY more than these. I’ve just listed the ones I’ve worked with.)
Or maybe you’ve outsourced it.
My colleague created her mom’s website on Squarespace. (If you watched the Superbowl, they spent a ton of money on an ad starring Adam Driver.)
Once you’ve secured your website platform, what do you put on those nice white blank pages? (There are a few steps before this, such as deciding your domain name, seeing if it’s available, then buying it.)
If this is your first site and you want to do it yourself, I’d suggest creating a one-page website. Or if you’re outsourcing the build, these tips will also help guide your web folks.
And if you already have a site, here’s a refresher on core pages to have on it. Plus, ideas about how to get more people to optin and reach out for more info on your products and services.
This framework is the same for a one-page site or if you’re creating each of these into separate pages. Here are the core areas:
- Home
- Shout Outs (Testimonials – just don’t call them that.)
- Services
- About
- Connect.
- You can also add a blog and a free gifts page.
Tips to Help You Get More Conversions for Your Free Lead Generator:
Your sole purpose for your home page is to get them to exchange their email for getting your free lead generator.
Then you want to start a virtual conversation with them through email.
You don’t want to “marry them.” So I wouldn’t recommend selling something on your home page.
You want to ease them into getting to know you.
The goal is to get them to know, like, and trust you.
When they get to your site – unconsciously, they are thinking these three things:
- Is this home page interesting or creating curiosity?
- Can I trust you?
- Is what you’re offering right for me?
You have 5 – 7 seconds to “grab” them before they leave your page.
Your home page needs to tell them what problem you can solve for them or how you can help them make “x” better, more impactful, etc.
Some Specifics About Your Home Page:
- The site is NOT for YOU. It’s for your dream prospect! Your bio and who you are doesn’t go above the fold. That goes further down the page. Yes, the design, colors, and layout are all you and your personality. Yet, the copy needs to be written for your dream prospect. This quote from President Theodore Roosevelt will guide you – “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”
- Copy on the home page – All the important curiosity-driven copy needs to be above the fold, like having an intriguing or curious headline and subhead and having your free lead generator optin.
- Speak directly to your dream prospect – Your headline needs to call out your dream prospect and address a specific problem, issue or challenge their having and how you, your product, course, service, etc., can help solve it.
- Free Lead Generator – Needs to help them solve one aspect of their specific problem. It needs to be something of value and fits within your soul’s purpose of how you can help them.
- Shout Out’s – These need to be spread throughout the home page. And address a specific objection someone might have to work with you. Don’t call them testimonials. It’s an industry term, and there are many other terms to describe them. (Case studies, raving fans, etc.)
- Who You Are – And how you can help them.
- Logos of Clients – Or logos of places you’ve been mentioned or logos of clients you’ve worked with – “As Seen On…”
Here are some terrific examples below to show you what I mean. These aren’t perfect yet, they will give you a good understanding and look and feel about what I’ve shared with you.
I know this is a lot of info!
Save this email for later, or bookmark my blog page next week when it’s posted. I will send you the link.
Also, hit me up if you want access to my one-page website template.
NOTE: Gathering your own swipe file of examples, websites, and templates will help you tremendously. Mine is from 16 years of work. It’s my personal vault that I use when working with clients. I don’t ever have to stare at a blank page again. These examples inspire me to look at what I want to create and how I can do it differently using a similar framework.
I had an awesome birthday week. And hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s day with your loved one. Every year I take two hikes on my birthday—one with the dog and a longer one by myself. The weather did not disappoint. The sky was amazing with clouds and sun.
Some Choice Pics: Emma is doing what she does best to get all the attention! Then I ALWAYS find heart-shaped rocks everywhere. This hike did not disappoint. And the amazing views of the snow and the colors and clouds in the sky. I love taking moments just to look up at the sky and be grateful for all its wonderment. 🙂