Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Mindset,  Motivation

The #1 Struggle Most Entrepreneurs Don’t Know that they have…

Someone reached out to me last week and needed some help with their business. They’re not getting many leads from their website and are spending money in many places, and nothing seems to be tracking.


That’s always a puzzle that I’m ready to jump into action to figure out what’s really happening.

What’s interesting is how, over the years, my process of helping clients has evolved. Often times when someone comes to me, they think they know the issue and may have ideas about how to fix it. Yet, after our conversation, I discovered that’s not the real issue at all. It’s something totally different.

So, let’s back up – the way I look at your business – I think this is worth repeating – There are 3 core ways that go hand in hand to grow your business. This is from working with and studying Dan Kennedy.

If something isn’t working in your business, it’s because one or more of these 3 core pillars aren’t working:

  1. Your Market – the “who” (your dream clients) you’re attracting
  2. Your Message – the messaging you are using to attract them
  3. Your Media – the tactics you’re using to attract them

In my experience, the one area that most entrepreneurs struggle with is #1 Market – attracting their core dream clients.

Then the next issue is #2 Messaging – this goes hand in hand with your market. You’re probably not getting the right dream client because your messaging is off—it’s not reaching tor resonating with them.

So, back to my business owner who reached out to me – he was off on #1 & #2, as suspected.

Something that happens when you’re an entrepreneur running your business you get what I call scotoma ( a blind spot) – it’s like you have tunnel vision. The reason is because you are SO close to your business, it’s hard for you to see things. I have it, too. That’s why I hire people to work with me for that reason: to see things that I can’t. 🙂

So, what else can you do in addition to hiring someone to help you?

Look more deeply at WHO (psychographics) your client is as opposed to WHAT (Demographics) they are.

You have to go deep to really understand what makes them tick. Most important is knowing what’s the biggest issue, crisis, or challenge they’re having that you can solve for them.

Then it’s about how you can solve it for them with zero pressure, so they are relaxed and relieved when they raise their hand and want to invest in you and themselves to help.

People buy solutions to problems they want resolved because they want to feel how they want to feel.

When looking at messaging (copy), the best copy that works is when it connects to your dream clients’ core emotion that they don’t want to feel any longer. This could be fear, sadness, anger, happiness, surprise, and anxiety)

Remember, your dream client buys on emotions, especially when it’s something that appeals to their desired identity or future self or to avoid an emotion. Then, you have to give them a logical reason why they need it.

You need to go beyond the surface of “I want to make more money.” Or “I want to help more people.” Those are good, yet they’re not deep enough to reach them. You need to go deeper so your messaging speaks to them at their core. So it connects with them on another level. (I keep saying messaging because you create core themes and messaging that you use throughout your marketing and when launching products, courses, and services.)

So WHO is your dream client?

  • What are their values, beliefs, or false beliefs?
  • What’s their attitude?
  • What’s been their past buying behavior?
  • What do they want to do, be, or have?
  • What are the biggest obstacles standing in their way right now from solving their biggest business challenge(s) so they can achieve their dreams?
  • What gurus or experts do they follow, what podcasts do they listen to, what are their favorite books, and what products, courses, or programs have they bought?

Answering these questions will give you a terrific snapshot of WHO your dream client is. AND will go a long way for you to hone in on your core messaging. And once you’ve answered his an advanced tip – use the words “so that” and see how much deeper you can go.

Example- My dream client wants to have consistent income coming in—so that they don’t stress out each month when they have to pay the bills—so that they can rely on a steady income to invest in themselves, their loved ones, and adventures… and you can keep on going.

And if you want more guidance around this – I’ve created this “Defining Your Dream Client Tool” which you can have with my compliments. All I ask is when you use it, I’d love to hear any feedback you have—if and how it worked for you. 🙂 And check out the P.S. for another cool gift I have for you.

Paragraph I’m Pondering:

“Be grateful for what you have, and you will attract more to be grateful for. Gratitude is the law of increase, and complaint is the law of decrease. Continually give thanks for what you have and for the manifestation of the invisible supply.” ~ The Magic Path of Intuition by Florence Scovel Shinn

Powerful Mantra to Inspire:

  • “I stand still and see the power within me.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
  • “. money goes out, I touch a hidden spring, which releases large sums of money to return to me, under grace and miraculous ways.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn

Latest Book Review:
The Future Of Love: The Power Of the Soul In Intimate Relationships
by Daphne Rose Kingma

Weekly Photos:
This week it was all about clouds, rain and colder temps. Emma and I went on some nice hikes in the woods. And the clouds and rain made for some sweet photos of the mountains and the skies in our little neighborhood. You get to see Emma and how much she LOVES the water, no matter what the temperature is outside.

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