Rampage of Gratefulness, Appreciation & Blue-Skying
Today in the U.S., we’re celebrating Thanksgiving. I love this time of year when friends and family get together to share a meal (or a feast), gratitude, and connection with each other.
This leads me to my fascinating adventure of this past week, where the topic was “the future of possibility.” It came up more than 3 times this past week. And as the Universe works in mysterious ways, none of them were planned…
The first was a class about “Choices” that I talked about earlier in the month, where the topic was imagining a future choice I wanted to make.
For me, it was about finishing my book. It was about delving into what’s possible for me and dreaming big without limits – how fun is that?! (Thanks, Kim DeYoung, for that amazing experience!)
The second was with my spouse when I told her about my class, and she called it “blue-skying,” which basically is what we did in Kim’s class – when you think big, without any limits. And I really like that term and hadn’t heard of it before—hmmmmm.
Then, I was on a coaching call with my dear friend and amazing coach, David Walsh. He’s been helping me these past two weeks to create, track, and accomplish some goals, which I’ve just put off and put off for way too long. He had me do this SAME exercise, too, for one of my goals. Whaaattt?
Now, none of these folks know each other, and yet this all happened in the same week. A coincidence? Nope, nada, no such thing. 🙂
That’s why, as everything flows in perfect harmony, I wanted to share this with you.
Let’s go on a rampage of appreciation, gratefulness, and “blue-skying” it.
Start simple – Pick a goal you’ve written on your list for a while and haven’t accomplished it yet. (And no beating yourself about it allowed here.) This exercise is about potential, opportunity, and envisioning and blue-skying what will happen after you accomplish your goal.)
Then, start thinking and dreaming big and writing it down. The more out of the box that excites and inspires you, the better. When you do this, you will start feeling pretty amazing and maybe even start believing anything is possible for you – BECAUSE IT IS! The bigger the envisioning, the better. There are no limits to this exercise.
The challenge in this exercise, I find, is that we usually don’t go big enough. Find a friend, family member, or colleague and do this together. You will both inspire each other to think bigger.
For example, let’s say your goal is to finish that book you’ve been writing. Let’s start envisioning what will happen after you get it written and published:
- 1 million people will read and be inspired by it.
- You will get a steady stream of 10 dream clients a day who reach out and want to work with you.
- Big influencers and experts in your space will want to interview you for their 1 million or more podcast listeners.
- Big news media outlets will reach out to get a copy of your book and interview you too.
- This book will generate $500k+
And soooo much more.
Do you feel it? The energy we’ve created just by writing, reading, and creating this list?!
That’s it – you’re on your way now – love it!
And let me end with a little rampage of gratitude and appreciation for you:
I am grateful for you…
- Hanging with me for a few minutes each week when you read this eNewsletter.
- Hitting reply and your responses, thoughts, and ideas, you continue to share with me each week – THANK YOU – means a lot truly! (And if you haven’t said hi yet, it’s not too late in the year. 😉
- Being open and receptive to discovering new ideas and learning and having a beginner’s mind.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
I hope this email finds you surrounded by loved ones and some delicious delicacies that only the holidays can bring.
Know you are talented and have MANY amazing gifts. Please continue to share them—the world needs your brilliance—always.
Here’s to apple pie, pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffin muffins, and sweet potatoes – food galore.
Paragraph I’m Pondering:
The fourth-dimensional world is the world of perfect ideas. As these ideas are established in consciousness, they must come forth on the external, for your world is crystallized thought. Most people have crystalized wrong conditions, for they served fear instead of faith. It takes a great stretch of the imagination to believe that life can be made perfect, free from all unhappy experiences. ~ The Magic Path of Intuition by Florence Scovel Shinn
Powerful Mantra to Inspire:
“I desire the Divine ideas only to come to pass under grace in perfect ways.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
“Let the Divine design of my life flash into my conscience mind. Let me see clearly the perfect plan.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn
Weekly Earworms: U2 – “Running to Stand Still” & Sinead O’Conner – “I’m Stretched On Your Grave” (That’s probably cuz I watched her documentary. So stunning and tragic at the same time.)
Weekly Book Review:
The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and Search For Meaning by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham.
Weekly Photos:
This week – some bitter-sweet sadness – I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since we had to say goodbye to Lily, my 15-year-old Golden Border Collie. I’m so grateful for all the time we had together. She LOVED the snow and was the best hiking buddy. I still love and miss her. Thank you for keeping me safe and being such a good snuggle buddy, Lily.
Then, there’s Emma in her favorite position. I wish you much rest and snuggle time over the holiday with your two-legged and four-legged loved ones!
This is one of my favorite pics of Alice and me in Seattle at the Van Gogh experience—wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving.
And I had to share one of Alice’s amazing talents – she’s a stained glass artist. She made these gift boxes (and sells them too). She’s so talented, and I love all of her wonderful glass creations.
That big ole mountain is Mt. Shasta, freshly covered in new snow. I love how she peaks out between houses and trees in our neighborhood.