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So Many Options, So Little Time—Which Marketing Strategy Works Best?

Core Article: So Many Options—So Little Time… Which Marketing Strategy Works Best?

Paragraph I’m Pondering: “Every successful business creates a new kind of customer…”

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “Every challenge I face…”

Book Review: Mindset The New Psychology of Success, by Carol S. Dweck

Cool Stuff: See the average working hours by country…

AI Info & Resources: If only I could see what those online clothes look like on me…

So Many Options, So Little Time—Which Marketing Strategy Works Best?

What truly astounds me sometimes is ALL the ways you can market your business! It’s actually kind of crazy when you start counting all the ways.

When I started my business 18 years ago, maybe there were 20 to 25 paid and free ways to promote and market your business.

Of course, that’s all that changed today. So, I had to find the actual count. Believe it or not, to date, I have found 59 ways to market your business! Yep, THAT’s A LOT! 🙂 And there’s probably more with the internet. Different places are popping up all the time.

What honestly surprised me is after I broke them down between paid and free, there are 27 ways you can market your business for free. Then, there are 32 ways that will cost you.

It was 2006 when I started my business. I built my 6-figure business using these 3 ways: (I even did presentations on it back then to teach others. And I might have mentioned it here once or twice before 😉

  1. Attending Conferences – Every year for 7 years. (cost of flight, hotel, event, food, etc.)
  2. Monthly Newsletter – Print and mailed a free newsletter. (cost of printing and mailing)
  3. Mastermind – Being in 3 mastermind groups. Some met monthly. Others met quarterly or once or twice a year. (One was free because I managed it. One was paid. The other I traded the owner for my services to be in his mastermind group.)

There was a cost associated with all of the above. Yet, when you look at all of them, there were several people I met and ended up working with over many years, and many I’m still friends with today. It was totally invaluable, and it really wasn’t a cost. It was an investment in my future business. 

There’s something to be said about doing something consistently, pressing the flesh, getting to know people, and seeing them on a regular basis. No matter if you go to live or online events, send out regular emails, etc.

The goal for your business is still the same: do 1 thing every day that will help grow it. Just one, and it can be as simple as emailing your community or reaching out to a colleague to reconnect on a Zoom call.

I have a gift for you – Download my free 59 Ways to Soulfully Market Your Business. No optin required. This is a comprehensive list of Online, Offline, Free, and Paid ways you can market and grow your business right now.

Look this list over and see what you’re already doing and what you’re not doing. And start doing some research on the ways that resonate with you. (You can also reach out to me. I’m happy to guide you with this.) Then, go below to see more ideas about how to use this.

(Total Side Note & Bonus Strategy: The download doesn’t have a ton of big colors cuz I thought if you wanted to print it out, I didn’t want to kill your color ink on your printer like many entrepreneurs have done to mine! HA. I’m currently in Mel Robbins’ Launch program, and she offers different color options for materials—full color, low color, and digital mode to type your answers in. More entrepreneurs should consider doing this. If I were giving you 100 pages, I’d definitely do the same—just something to think about.)

How to Use These 59 Ways to Soulfully Market Your Business:

  • Don’t do anything on this unless it’s aligned with your mission and values. 
  • AND, is it something you are inspired to do consistently on a regular basis? Whether it’s attending conferences, sending newsletters, or joining mastermind groups, consistent effort will guide you to long-term relationships and business growth. Remember, if you’re not consistent, people will start to distrust you.
  • Not all of these ways will work for everyone. Just because an entrepreneur tries to sell you what’s working for them and their people, it may not work for you. No two businesses are exactly alike. So follow your inner guidance when making your decision. 🙂
  • Focus on Daily Actions: A simple daily action, such as sending an email or reconnecting with a colleague, can significantly impact your business’s progress over time.
  • Balance Free and Paid Marketing: Balance is crucial. There are 27 free methods and 32 paid ones, so leveraging a mix of both can optimize your marketing efforts without breaking the bank.
  • Commit to Continuous Learning: Whether through direct experience or learning from others (like Mel Robbins’ program), always be open to new ideas and ways to improve your marketing and business strategies.

Paragraph I’m Pondering

Every successful business creates a new kind of customer. That customer’s story changes because the business exists. There is a before-the-product story and an after-the-product story. The change that’s brought about doesn’t have to be as monumental as the changes that companies like Google create; they can be small shifts in attitude and perception, nearly imperceptible changes in habits that become rituals over time.
~ Bernadette Jiwa, Meaningful: The Story of Ideas That Fly.

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire

  • “I am grateful for the financial blessings I have, and I joyfully share my wealth with others.”
  • “I am constantly healing and rejuvenating, achieving balance and well-being in all aspects of my life.”
  • “I attract opportunities for financial growth and seize them with confidence and gratitude.”

Book Review

Mindset The New Psychology of Success: How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential by Carol S. Dweck

Cool Stuff

AI Info and Resources

Weekly Photos

This past weekend, we drove up to Astoria, OR, to get some relief from the heat. And it did not disappoint. We had lots of clouds and rain, and the high all weekend was in the low 60s. Just what we needed: a beautiful town that’s on the Columbia River. You can see Washington. If you drive a little further, you can see where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean. A very beautiful part of OR.

  1. Emma’s point of view in the front seat is a true lap dog. Yep, she’s on my lap!
  2. Love this mountain from the highway, like we’re going to run right through it. I do love the clouds circling the top.
  3. Alice and I are doing what we do best – traveling in the car.
  4. One of my favorite shots of Emma on this trip is of her literally looking like Yoda!
  5. Nighttime in Astoria, OR
  6. I basically stumbled upon the Astoria Column, which looked more like a very cool carved totem pole. Emma and I climbed all the way up this hill to the top. What a wonderful cloudy and rainy day.
  7. The super moon this morning at way too early o’clock.

P.S. Being Totally Honest & Upfront With You: I want you to know that all the links in this email and all my emails are not meant to sell you anything. I just like sharing resources with you. If I did have an affiliate arrangement, I would definitely disclose that upfront with you.

And, if I did want to sell you something, I promise I’d be upfront and personal about it. I would also come out and ask you. I want to be as honest, authentic, and transparent always in these emails. 

P.S.S. Now, don’t go away yet – mindful purpose-driven entrepreneurs hire me to increase their ROI on their websites, courses, products and services, including walking through their online customer journey, and launches. By using Soulful Marketing principles and strategies rooted in authenticity, engagement, and creating genuine connection while building a thriving community.

Whenever You’re Ready: Here are 4 Ways I can make an impact on creating greater success in your business using marketing that’s aligned with your mission and values without feeling like you’re selling your soul.

1. Make Money Now Sheet It’s one of the bonuses in my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. I wanted to give it to you for free to help you create more success.

2. Love Books Like I Do? – I’m always reviewing the best nonfiction books – Where Buddha Meets Business.

3. Join the Waitlist for my Soulful Marketing & Launch Accelerator

4. Get my proven 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It gives you the framework you need to implement authentic and connected marketing using online customer experiences and launching your products, services, or courses. It will help you create greater success.

It’s a simple system, especially if you love to read like me. There’s no video or audio. Plus, you get my proven templates, tools, and worksheets, all with tremendous value. And I’m pricing it incredibly low so it can be more accessible to more people. 🙂

Some legalese: Copyright © 2024 All rights reserved. is a division of McCaffery Communications LLC. all rights reserved. You may forward this to others. Yet, no reproducing, republishing in any other form or by any other means without written permission from McCaffery Communications LLC.

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