• Marketing

    Lessons from Oprah

    Last night was a pretty big internet event—Oprah held her first ever online, live-streaming video class. It was the first class of ten, and she interviewed and talked to Eckhart Tolle, author of A New World, Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose. It was a fascinating event. I signed on early and got my “seat,” wondering how they would pull this internet feet off without a hitch. I mean, trying to stream video to over half a million people around the world is pretty gutsy and courageous, yet this IS Oprah. The first 20 minutes were amazing. Hearing him talk about why he wrote the book and how important it was for…

  • Marketing

    Too many overwhelming Marketing Ideas and Too Little Time…

    Welcome to my first MarketingImplementer.com blog post! You might be one of those entrepreneurs, information marketers or business owners who has way too many marketing ideas and just never enough time in the day to implement or take action on them. Or maybe you have the opposite problem. You’re able to implement your ideas, but they’re not working to bring you the new clients that you’re seeking. These are both stressful and frustrating places to be in, especially when all you really want is for your business to be successful, to make some real money so you can have the financial freedom you deserve. I’m with you on all fronts.…