Never Ever Cold Call Again to Get New Clients!
Something I learned over 6 years ago from “the Millionaire Maker” Dan Kennedy is that in order for you not to do cold calls, and to not be stressing out where your money will come from each month— you need to create a “lead generation funnel.” I not only learned it from him, but I also shared the stage with him where he asked me to share the strategies I used to help grow my business here are a few of them below. What you need to pay real attention to is that After I did that, created and implemented those strategies… I never had to worry about getting any…
Attitude, Challenges, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Goals, Implementation, Motivation, Overcoming Obstacles, Taking risks
What’s Holding You Back From the Success You Deserve?
This question I’ve been asked countless of times from coach’s, mentors, therapists, and many an event speaker. In fact, I just got back from listening to Larry Winget speak at the Glazer Kennedy Super Conference in Dallas and his approach was more like a baseball bat to the forehead, but I think it worked. I know I GOT it- what he was saying… let me explain… If you don’t know Larry he has several best-selling books out there- one called- Shut Up, Stop Whining & Get a Life, my other favorite is- You’re Broke Because You Want To Be. He has an interesting no holds bar approach to success and…
Blogging, Clients & Customers, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Marketing, Survey Tips & Techniques, Technology
Commit to Your Plan to Create Success
I was recently listening to a panel discussion made up of several well known marketing experts and one of the panelists said something that really jumped out at me. The panelist was Jay Conrad Levinson who is known as “The Father of Guerilla Marketing.” He said that he believed “…a mediocre marketing program with commitment will always prove more profitable than a brilliant marketing program without commitment. Commitment makes it happen.” As soon as I heard that I knew he was right… but I was not really sure why. So I thought about it for a while and came to a conclusion. Commitment is when you— Create a marketing program…
Blogging, Coaching, Communication, Entrepreneurs, Implementation, Marketing, Survey Tips & Techniques, Technology, Website
Whose Shoes Are You Walking In?
Your customers, (this includes those that have not bought anything from you but who have read your blog and subscribed to your newsletter or visited your website) look to you for help, motivation, advice, entertainment, and valuable information. To really do this effectively you have to walk in your customers shoes. Everyday I encounter businesses that really miss the mark on this. One way to really get this is to BE your customer. Go to your website, cruise it like a potential customer, sign up for your optins. Even better, get your friends, colleagues, and those that work for you to do the same. Have them document what they see…
Here’s the 1 Thing That Will Help You Get More Clients…
Searching for the magic bullet can sometimes be an elusive struggle. However, I think I’ve found just 1 thing above all others that I’ve done in my business that’s helped me create an endless stream of new clients. I know because I’ve used it over and over again and guess what – it works! So what is it? It’s sending out a PRINTED newsletter every month to my clients, prospects and colleagues. I’ve been doing it for the past 4 years and it’s the one thing that over and over again has proved its worth in getting many new clients. The key here is that I’m connecting and communicating with…
How to Leverage Your Relationships With New Influential People You Meet
In the past 6 months, I’ve met over 150 people, or probably more than that, simply because I traveled to some conferences and workshops where like-minded entrepreneurs gather. At those meetings, I simply meet a lot of people and give away a lot of cards, and I also get my share of cards. The real question here is how you leverage those new folks you meet. How can you turn them into more influential and helpful relationships? I’ve created some step-by-step guidelines that I’ve used over the past years that have helped me cultivate these relationships. This is what I do when I go to a conference or workshop and…
Missed Product Launch Opportunities or Creating Money-Making Products….
Hmm, as I sit here in my comfortable laid back office, enjoying this amazing spring type weather in June in Jersey, the dog is sleeping at my feet, and I’m having twinges of second thoughts for having to cancel my trip this week to Jeff Walker’s Platinum Product Launch Mastermind Group. I know, I know, I made my decision and it’s all said and done, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts, you know the ones that just pop in your head to mess you up. Those thoughts driven by the ego to stop you in your tracks… Thank goodness I can recognize them right away now and not pay them…
Luck is related to choices….
This is what Dan Kennedy said to me — “Luck is related to choices…” This totally made me hunker down and think about this very deep statement. You see I’ve believed in luck all my life, but I never thought it had anything to do with me and my choices. I always thought that the luck was simply about being in the right place at the right time, or maybe even silly as it seems, because I’m part Irish. I NEVER thought it was because of something I did. So here was Dan Kennedy, the millionaire maker, telling me over dinner that luck was about choices… Since that dinner I…
The Process of Getting New Clients…
I wrote this while I was sitting in the President’s Club in Cleveland, on Sunday, waiting for my plane back home to New Jersey. I was going over all my notes I took from Dan Kennedy & AWAI’s Business of Copywriting Workshop. As I was looking over my many pages, it struck me that this might make for a good blog this week. The focus of his workshop was on the BUSINESS of Copywriting. I was at this conference because Dan had asked me to speak. He thought my story of how I’ve used his principles to grow a really nice direct response marketing, coaching, and consulting business might help…
Is resistance the “real” dream killer?
Much debate goes on about what kills dreams these days, and of course there are many things. But, how many of these things can be directly attributed to the person themselves? What I mean is, instead of blaming the world, money, people, competition and everything outside of us, why not look within us first. I just finished this book, The War of Art, Break Through The Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. It was given to me at a Dan Kennedy workshop called the 7 Figure Academy. The sole focus of this workshop was on the 7 ways to take your 6 figure business to 7…
How you can raise prices- right now- promise…
I know what you might be thinking- “how could I possibly raise prices right now with what’s happening in the economy?” The “sky is falling” down on Wall Street and banks are imploding. In fact my little brother works for Lehman Brothers and still has a job- for now- thank goodness. But the real deal, is you can’t get sucked into the negativity and mind set that all businesses are going to go under. This is actually NOT TRUE. There are many businesses who are making tons of money. The fact is, you just might have to dig a little deeper and change the way you’re marketing or change the…
You are who you hang out with…
Have you ever heard this statement before? “You are a product of who you spend the most time with.” I’ve heard this a number of times in the past two years since I started my own business. In fact my friend and Master Coach, Rob Berkley just wrote about this and tells me and our Mastermind group this all the time. I think I finally get it now… I just came from a very inspiring and idea-filled event- Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle Marketing SuperConference in Nashville. It was amazing to me how being surrounded by immensely successful people really elevated my thinking and opened my eyes to a much bigger way…