Am I the Type of Person People Want to be Around?
In my last blog, I encouraged you to pay attention and be aware of whom you’re hanging out with. As I wrote and posted that blog last week, the thought came to mind “Am I the type of person people want to be around?” I am going to share my thought process as I evaluate if I truly am the type of person someone wants to be around.
1. Do I personally encourage others?
Believe it or not, there is a real and fake way to encourage others. Can you identify a real encouragement versus a fake encouragement?
- Encouragement One: (You and someone that works for you – you tell this to someone else.)
You: “I think Melanie is the glue that holds our business together.
Department Manager: “Hiring her as Project Manager` was the best thing for our business”
You: “She really has done an amazing job at re-vamping the daily project flow. We have gotten three more clients in the two weeks since she started as Project Manager.”
- Encouragement Two: (You and Melanie, someone that works with you.)
You: Melanie, you really have a natural talent at organization. The amount of work you have been getting done this past two weeks has been phenomenal!
Melanie, Project Manager: Thank you. I am glad you gave me this opportunity to prove to you what I can do to help your business.
You: Keep up the good work-especially with getting new clients! I have full faith in you and your potential!
If you said, Encouragement One was a fake way to encourage people, than you are right! Granted, before I explain this, know that both options are good ways to encourage others but option two is more personal. Telling how much you appreciate Melanie, who works with you, is a form of encouragement. The reason it’s fake is you are not taking the time to tell Melanie as well face to face like in encouragement two. When you encourage others, PERSONALLY tell them.
2. Am I always saying “No” to new ideas or offers?
- In Your Business:
When it comes to running a business or overseeing a group of people, this is something where you must find the right balance. I am not saying to always
say “Yes” to all the off the wall crazy ideas someone may come up with. In doing this, your business may run the risk of going off track and losing its main focus. What I am saying is this: If someone presents you with an idea that comes with a detailed proposal, don’t say NO right away. This is especially true if they hardly ever share ideas or is relatively new. By saying “NO” right away, you are presenting yourself as unapproachable. At the same time, pay attention as you can apply this principle to your personal life as well.
- In Your Personal Life:
Do you hear your friends often say “You’re going to say no but I’m going to ask…”? Have your friends all of sudden stop asking you to go out with
them? If yes, you might want to evaluate how much of a friend you are being by always saying no. It’s true you have to find a balance between family and friends, but both need attention and that can be challenging. The key is to find the right balance best for you.
Tune in next week as I cover the last two parts of my thought process in answering the question “Am I the type of person people want to be around?”