Go Big or Go Home
Finally, I was able to get out of town. (I just got back last night!)
Sheesh, with all the flaring up of the pandemic again, I was second-guessing my trip. Yet, I honestly just wanted to get out of town.
I had registered for the Traffic & Conversion (T&C) Summit, which I used to go to every year. I slacked off in 2019, and of course, they didn’t have it in 2020.
In 2019, I attended at least six different events.
So I knew that this was the only event I would attend this year with what was happening with the pandemic.
That’s when I made the all-important decision that I would go big at this event, or I was gonna stay home.
What that meant was I sprang for the $1,200 VIP ticket, which got me into the VIP lounge, food, hobnobbing with folks in my league or above, and more swag.
Some important tips:
- Always have a couple of goals when attending an event. My goals are to meet 1 – 3 people that will turn into clients. Building new relationships, and simply helping people.
- Try to go to the same event every year. I did that for six years in a row, and it was one of the best things I could do for my business. Seeing the same people over and over again enabled me to create some life-long colleagues and friendships.
- It’s always good to know WHERE your potential dream clients/customers hang out. (live or virtual) That makes it easier to decide which events and which event tickets make the most sense to invest in.
- When buying tickets to an event, look at them as an investment (not a cost) because you’re gaining new knowledge, new clients, meeting new people, building new relationships that will continue to help grow your business. That’s why I got the VIP ticket, because I knew it was going to be a smaller audience that I could meet and hang out with in the VIP lounge. (They expect 4k or more at this event.)
Continuing on my theme of going big, a friend told me about a mastermind the day before the T&C event.
There were going to be some heavy hitters I wanted to meet, so I plunked down the $1,500 for the day – all food for the day included.
This wasn’t your average one-day mastermind event. I had to fill out an application, and they interviewed me too. What’s cool about the interview is that they’ve hand-picked out of the 200 people that are attending, specific folks that I ought to meet.
Plus, they had assigned seating, so you know where this is headed…
NOTE – if you ever do an event – this is a HUGE BENEFIT for people attending, whether live or virtual – find out a bit about them and match them up with other attendees where something cool might come of that connection.
Something interesting I wanted to point out – this mastermind was definitely worth the price. In one three-year span of my business, I was in three different masterminds. And they totally helped launch my business.
There are people I’m still friends with today that I’ve met in those masterminds and from events I attended 14 years ago.
Here’s how I made the decision to invest big in this trip to San Diego:
- I added up the prices of the events, plus the air, hotel, and food. When I came up with that figure, I knew that all I needed was to get one new client to break even.
And as I said earlier, I know that whenever I attend an event like this, I always pick up at least one client and usually more.
So what happened? How did I do?
Well, I surpassed any previous notions of new clients. Hands down, I’d definitely do this again.
The best part about it is that I’m launching a new program next month and had set up my waiting list web page that I shared with folks I met that were interested.
Now I have a lot more people interested in it. Plus, I have some affiliates who will help me promote it.
And I’ve also made some amazing new friends and am thrilled to help so many more people – YES, that’s why I do what I do.
Then there’s all the NEW CONTENT I learned, holy moly. It was like getting a master’s degree in Internet Marketing in 4 days.
I’m happy to share what I learned in the next post I write.
Look out for more.
NOTE: Interested in taking a journey with me? I’m looking for 30 people (or a few more) who want to take a journey with me for the next 12 months. This won’t be like any other journey you’ve ever taken, promise. It’s one that will be filled with like-minded people to pick their brains, fun, laughter, entertainment, and so many hot strategies and ways to create amazing launches, copy, and more.
The crazy thing about it is you’re not gonna believe the crazy low price tag I’m going to be offering to you. And I can’t wait to introduce you to my new business partner, my million-dollar copywriter who’s doing this program with me! Click HERE to Get on the waiting list and be first in line to discover more.