Not one of my usual posts – this is a little different…
Do you ever feel like your messaging in your business is falling on deaf ears?
Or maybe you feel like the market you’re in is just way too crowded, and you’re frustrated because your messaging just isn’t getting through because of all the competition?
I know how it can be really frustrating to market yourself in a very crowded online world.
That’s why today, as promised from last week – I want to share how The Ad Girls (Jennifer Spivak and Courtney Tarrant) created a million-dollar funnel with this incredibly simple Facebook ad sequence.
The information in this email was a presentation that Jennifer did at the Traffic and Conversion Summit I attended back in September.
I also need to be upfront. This isn’t my niche – teaching how to do ads on Facebook, I leave that to the experts. I also want to share that I don’t recommend using one way to drive sales in your business. As we saw this week with Facebook/Instagram outage. One is definitely a lonely number when it comes to your business relying on just this one media, not a good idea. Diversification is best.
I’m sharing these nuggets from The Ad Girls presentation because I think there’s a lot of awesome info here you can actually use for your business, not even having to do with FB ads.
Plus, it’s totally in line with Soulful Marketing and what I teach – being authentic, transparent and coming from a place of integrity.
It’s important to note: This ad sequence they created is still running today, and they have calls booked out through the rest of the year.
Wait – What? How did they do that?
Let me share with you…
What’s their Business?
They run a Facebook/Instagram ads business. Base to use them a month is $5k, plus ad spend.
The Stats:
Here are the numbers – They spent $51k in ads over 16 months and made 1.1 million dollars. They made 22% on their return on ad spend. It cost them $650 to get a client. These clients are worth $10k+
The Online Dream Client Experience (aka – the funnel):
- Ads to cold traffic
- Ads went to a landing page to optin
- Complete application form
- Book a time to meet
- Then they get a booking reminder email sequence to show up
- Plus, they also did nurture retargeting ads as well
Why did this work so well?
They had a unique messaging approach that made the competition irrelevant. Their dream clients they went after were done for you buyers who behave differently. They don’t want to learn. They want you just to give them the solution – do it for them.
Their ad copy was Insanely simple – “Done for you Facebook & Instagram Ads – Apply Now!” It specifically targeted those “done for you” dream clients.
Plus, they had four messaging buckets:
1. Credibility – Jennifer was written up in Forbes about her FB ads company
2. Vulnerability – They told their own personal stories about how they’ve been abused and it goes to their core message of giving back. See more in #4. This created more of an intimate connection with their audience.
3. Personality – They showed their personality and wanted their dream client to say to themselves, “I’d love to hang out with them!” And they both are incredibly transparent, authentic, and honest. I loved their message and presentation so much. We connected afterward and talked about working together. I resonated with their message and wanted to help. Their drive, amazing attitude, and openness were infectious.
All of these are terrific takeaways to look at in your business. How open, honest, and transparent are you? Is there a cause or something that drives you in your business? Have you shared it?
In my experience, people want to see the real you – resonate with your values and vulnerabilities.
4. Feel Good – They talk about empowering women and how they are big givers to women who have been abused and in abusive relationships. Both Jennifer and Courtney are in this camp, and now it’s part of their company mission to help other women. This is a big part of their platform and the drive behind their agency.
Check out their ads below. When you click here or on the photo, you will be taken to the Facebook ads library where you can view their sequences. (And you can also search for other ads from other companies here too!)
Other ideas that you can borrow if you have a high ticket offer – This is how you can create aggressive price qualifiers in your landing page and application:
- Be super transparent on your application – In their application, they tell them about the price upfront.
- The goal is to make sure you are attracting and get your dream client.
- They mention price three times in the application – They tell them how much their services will cost. They tested this, and once was not enough.
- By doing this, they’ve created a transformational experience for people who are filling out the form. (They told them so on their free consultation appointment.)
Their free consultation appointment is geared to get them to show up, build a relationship, and want them to fall in love with them and their services.
They mainly do this with their following email sequence where they give case studies, results and talk about their giving to empowering women charities.
Takeaways – Be willing to deter the wrong people and attract the right ones.
As I was reminded last week by amazing coach and friend – Debbie Phillips, her husband Rob used to use this analogy – “If you have Chevy in your driveway, the new Lamborghini won’t be able to fit in .” (Or, in my case, my new Rivian SUV. 🙂
It’s time to get rid of those clients (Or maybe your old messaging that might not be working any longer.) who aren’t a good fit to make room for the ones that are.
Think about aligning your business with your values and making that a part of your marketing. As some of you might know, I love dogs and have had several over the years, and I was a dog trainer in another life too.
I give a lot to the Best Friends animal organization because I’m in alignment with their goal of making all the shelters in the US No-kill by 2025. A huge lofty goal and they’re at 48%.
Some questions to ask yourself:
How open, honest, and transparent are you with your clients, customers?
Is there a cause or something that drives you in your business that aligns with it and that you can share with your people?
In my experience, people want to see the real you and know that you’re human and a bit like them. As my friend and colleague Brian Kurtz always says – he wants to attract people just like him to be in his tribe. He’s a huge generous giver. He even wrote a book about it called Overdeliver.
I love hanging out with like-minded people, don’t you?!
NOTE 1: If you’re longing for another way to market your business… and don’t want to use all the sleazy tactics and over-rambunctious hype to get folks to buy your stuff… If you think this is how you need to promote yourself and it just doesn’t jive with you, please keep reading. I’m launching the Soulful Marketing & Launch Accelerator with my 7 figure launch copywriter Renae Rockwell. We can help!
I’m launching the Soulful Marketing & Launch Accelerator with my 7 figure launch copywriter Renae Rockwell. Want to be in a like-minded community with monthly hot seats, guest experts, live copy critiques of your copy, and more? Want to be in a like-minded community with monthly hot seats, guest experts, live copy critiques of your copy, and more? We’re all about surprising, delighting, overdelivering, and, of course, practicing what we preach. Get on the waiting list to be first in line when we launch! Check it out here.
NOTE 1: Because I know you read these 🙂 – I wanted to be transparent with you about this email. I am not getting any type of compensation for sharing this information. The Ad Girls don’t even know I wrote this! Honestly, it was a very cool presentation and awesome learning, so I just had to share these nuggets with you.