Attitude,  Balance,  Challenges,  Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Mindset,  Procrastination

The Soul’s Compass: Follow It to Where You Belong

Core Article: The Soul’s Compass: Follow It to Where You Belong

Paragraph I’m Pondering: It’s time to stop being manipulated by someone else’s guilt…

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “My financial freedom inspires others…”

Book Review: Daring Greatly by  Brené Brown

Cool Stuff: Check out what authors’ work is now in the public domain this year…

AI Info & Resources: Where is AI in business headed in 2025?

The Soul’s Compass: Follow It to Where You Belong

This is the first full week of January 2025, how are you feeling?

I’m still a bit dazed from the holidays, and getting back to work has not been quick or easy. Especially after I got the flu right after New Year’s…

Yeah, getting sick sucks. Just throws everything off…

While I was recovering, I did something I almost never do: I got caught up in social media scrolling.

Usually, I’m the “book and podcast” type to wind down, yet my flu-fogged brain couldn’t focus on much else. 

As I was scrolling, I noticed all kinds of thoughts popping into my head.

(So fascinating what the mind will do when left to its own devices – ha!)

It reminded me just how easy it is to fall into the illusion that everyone else has life all figured out—beautiful homes, amazing vacations, perfectly put-together lives.

Have you ever scrolled through social media thinking, “Wow, their life must be so much more meaningful. They have it so together…” 

Yet, the real truth is no one’s life is perfect or “together” all the time. On social media, life’s about moments and snapshots in time.

Their struggles? Probably not all that different from yours or mine. 

Yet, we continue to scroll, not realizing all those thoughts we absorb are sneaky. They shape how we feel and see ourselves, often without us even realizing it.

If you’ve ever felt stuck, overwhelmed, or just… off, here’s the best thing I learned from Melody Beattie:  You don’t have to stay there! Truly, you don’t. 

Sure, there are lessons to learn in the moment. 

Life isn’t about staying stuck. It’s about taking steps, even tiny ones, toward what soothes your soul, what inspires you, and what makes you feel just a wee bit better.

Let’s get back to: It’s the start of a brand-new year. 

How are you feeling? Are you feeling a little exhausted, maybe even overwhelmed? 

Not quite ready to jump into the – “get ready to set your goals mode?” 

I want you to know that’s okay. You don’t have to be. (As an aside, Alice and I still haven’t been able to get all the holiday directions down! At this point, we may have more needles on the floor than on the tree! That’s gonna happen this weekend. 🙂 

When you get ready to look ahead, take note: If you’re not happy with the path you’re on, or it just doesn’t feel right anymore—maybe it’s time to choose a new one. 

It doesn’t have to be some grand, mystical epiphany. Sometimes, it’s as simple as realizing it’s time to head toward the metaphorical mountains—the ones calling your name.

Life is too precious to settle for “just okay.” If there’s a pull inside you, a whisper that says, “Go this way instead,” listen to it. That whisper? That’s your soul speaking. That’s your soul’s compass guiding you toward something better. And it knows things your logical mind hasn’t caught up to yet.

Change isn’t always easy—it can be scary. Yet, what’s scarier? Taking a chance on a new path or staying stuck in a place that drains you?

You already know the answer.

I’ve been there. Stuck in jobs that weren’t aligned, relationships that weren’t working, and living in spaces that felt foreign to my soul. 

What was so fascinating to me is that every time I chose to move—physically, emotionally, spiritually—it wasn’t just a change of scenery. There was a change in me. 

Every step away from what wasn’t serving me became a step toward the life I knew I was meant to live.

So, are you happy with the path you’re on? If not, what’s holding you back? Maybe it’s time to choose a new one.

And remember, you don’t need a perfect plan. You just need a first step—a decision, a commitment to follow what feels true to you.

Life is too short to ignore the call of the mountains, metaphorical or otherwise. So pack your metaphorical bag. Trust your soul’s compass. Be where you want to be. It’s time.

Here Are 3 Things You Can Do Right Now:

  1. Pause and Reflect: Take a moment to check in with yourself. Write down what feels out of alignment and what your heart is longing for. Sometimes, just naming it is the first step toward clarity.
  2. Follow Your Soul’s Compass: Ask yourself, “What feels good, true, and right to me?” Start small. What’s one change you can make today to move toward joy and simplicity?
  3. Give Yourself Permission: Remember, you don’t need anyone’s approval to choose a new path. It’s okay to try something completely different. Honor what feels true to you, even if it feels scary.

You’ve got this. Trust yourself, and take one small step forward today.

Here’s to listening to your soul and embracing your unique path.

And if you need anything, I’m here for you always, hands at your back.

You’re invited: I’m starting a new 8-week program to jumpstart your business in 2025. It will be something I’ve only done with people one-on-one, and I want to do it for a small group. You will have complete access to me. And it will be a very low price since you will be the first to do this program. And you will shape it for everyone who joins afterward.

Simply hit this and say you want to know more, and I will send more info to you.

Paragraph I’m Pondering

“It’s time to stop being manipulated by someone else’s guilt, anger, or disappointment. Other people’s emotional reactions are not your responsibility to manage. I learned this from my therapist, Anne Davin, Ph.D., who is a depth psychologist, writer, and the smartest woman I’ve ever met. One day, I was talking with her about her creating boundaries with a particularly difficult family member. The thing is, I don’t want this person to bother me. It’s just that they have this way of constantly making it about them. I bet you have someone in your family like this. You know an evening with this person is going to be incredibly draining. If the attention is not on them, they have endless ways of bringing it back to them—positive or negative.  ~ Mel Robbins. The Let Them Theory

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire

  • “Opportunities to create wealth are always within my reach, and I act on them with confidence.”
  • “I am grateful for the endless supply of wealth and resources in my life.”
  • “My financial freedom inspires others to achieve their dreams.”

Book Review

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

Cool Stuff

  • The most clicked map is the first week of 2025. Umm, yeah, I get it.
  • Every New Year, I’m always interested in the books that are now in the public domain. January 1 is Public Domain Day, as the copyright on many works of art expires, and they are released into the public domain. With this, they become free for anyone to enjoy, share, and reuse for any purpose. (Yeah, I know I’m a bit of a book geek like that! Well, when I was in the corporate world, I did work for all the major publishers 🙂
  • 100-year-old predictions for 2025… interesting— from futuristic Manhattan to catapulting planes…

AI Info and Resources

Weekly Photos

  1. Emma’s always spending time posing on the couch. (Really, she’s looking at Emma TV-aka looking out the living room window for dog walkers.)
  2. When you least expect and happen to look down, embedded in the road is a heart. Love when that happens. Thank you, Universe!
  3. I’m taking a selfie with these weird cloud patterns. I swear it looked like a really bad waffle mattress. 🙂
  4. This was kind of cool. Shasta Bally had these misty clouds covering it, and it almost looked like it was floating above the trees.
  5. The hilarious dog and all her faces. This was after a very long off-leash romp in the woods. She was a bit soggy and couldn’t keep her eyes open.
  6. There’s Emma in mid-yawn. I don’t think I could redo this again if I tried. I just hold the camera button down and see what pics I happen to get. Yep, that’s my big photo secret. 🙂
  7. Shasta Bally was from another angle, and the clouds were really closing in like they were trying to make a cloud sandwich.

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