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9 Years Ago, I Made a Choice… and Here’s What I Discovered

Core Article: 9 Years Ago, I Made a Choice… and Here’s What I Discovered

Paragraph I’m Pondering: “Go into yourself. Find out the reason that…”

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “My vision grows clearer every day…”

Book Review: Tribes: We need you to lead us by Seth Godin

Cool Stuff: The fascinating fix they’re researching to slow down aging – hmmm

AI Info & Resources: OpenAI just unveiled its new “Operator” tool – huh?

9 Years Ago, I Made a Choice… and Here’s What I Discovered

I have a truth I want to share with you…

Today marks 9 years since I had my last alcoholic drink.

Nine. Whole. Years.

And honestly? I still catch myself wondering—how did I actually do that?

The simple yet trite answer is: One day at a time.

What I wanted to share with you is that the truth runs deeper.

As Harv Eker taught me: ”How you do anything is how you do everything.”

So as January wraps up tomorrow – wow, I want to ask you—how’s this new year feeling so far for you?

If you’re anything like me, maybe you started the year with big goals. 

Maybe you even did a deep dive into what you want to create in 2024. 

And now? 

Maybe even some analysis paralysis around taking that next step.

Maybe there’s a little bit of overwhelm creeping in. 

A little fear. 

Can you relate?
Fear of…

  • Promoting yourself and being seen.
  • What others might think.
  • Not being able to communicate authentically.
  • Rejection – That your products, services, and ideas won’t resonate with your dream clients.
  • Tech overwhelm.
  • Wondering if you’re even on the right path.

So, how do you move forward when fear is calling your name?

For me, the answer is always the same: One step. One choice. One day at a time.

Mel Robbins talks about how you don’t just find your purpose—you build it. 

And you start by carving out just 15 minutes a day to take action. To stop thinking about it and simply do something.

What’s so fascinating to me about this concept is that it’s based on science and research and my own experience. I had put off writing my book— Soulful Marketing Manifesto for 3 years. (Yeah, I know, right?!)

When I carved just 15 minutes on my calendar a day to look at and tweak my outline, then simply write my introduction, those 15 minutes oftentimes got me excited to do more. So, I ended up writing a whole chapter in an hour.

The key was I had to be specific about what I was going to do in those 15 minutes. My calendar didn’t say, “Write my book.” It said, “finalize my table of contents.”

This actually can apply to everything in your life, not just work. It can also apply to stop drinking, take it a minute, an hour, and then a day at a time.  

Think of what you could get accomplished if you practice this: 

  • Want to write that book like I did? Start with 15 minutes today.
  • Want to launch a course, program, new service, or more? Do one small thing that moves it forward. And please email me, I’m happy to schedule a complimentary call and help you.
  • Feeling stuck? Take care of yourself first. A walk. A deep breath. A moment to reset.

The above may have triggered the big “F” again. (No, not that one!) This one: Fear – maybe that’s showing up. 

If so, it might be time to practice R.A.I.N.

  • Recognize what you’re feeling.
  • Allow it—no need to push it away.
  • Investigate what’s underneath it.
  • Nurture yourself through it.

Click here if you’re interested in discovering more about R.A.I.N. in more depth from a previous eNewsletter.

Something that constantly inspires me is when you take a deep look at your whole journey on this planet—whether in business, life, or anything else—it isn’t about having all the answers. It’s about trusting yourself, leaning into what lights you up, and taking that next step—even when you don’t feel ready.

My absolute favorite quote: “Be patient towards all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” ~ Ranier Maria Rilke

So tell me—what’s one small step you’re going to take today?

Leave a comment and let me know. I’d love to cheer you on.

You got this. Hands at your back always…

And check out the P.S. for more. 🙂

Paragraph I’m Pondering

There is only one thing you should do. Go into yourself. Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depths of your heart; confess to yourself whether you would have to die if you were forbidden to write. This, most of all: ask yourself in the most silent hour of your night: must I write? Dig into yourself for a deep answer. And if this answer rings out in assent, if you meet this solemn question with a strong, simple “I must,” then build your life in accordance with this necessity; your whole life, even into its humblest and most indifferent hour, must become a sign and witness to this impulse. Then come close to Nature. Then, as if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters To A Young Poet

Powerful Affirmations to Inspire

  • “My vision grows clearer every day, and I am confident in my ability to lead my business to unprecedented heights.”
  • “I communicate with clarity, honesty, and kindness, deepening the bonds with those I care about.”
  • “I align my thoughts and actions with prosperity, and wealth comes to me from expected and unexpected sources.”

Book Review

It’s time to check out Tribes by Seth Godin. His subtitle says it all. It’s time…
Tribes: We need you to lead us by Seth Godin

Cool Stuff

AI Info and Resources

Weekly Photos

  1. Hmmm, caption this picture! 🙂 That face, I swear she’s like a little person sometimes, sitting on top of the armrest between Alice and me.
  2. This quarter – yep, a story – I found this last Thursday after my eNewsletter went out where I launched my new program. I was walking Emma around the neighborhood, and something said to look down. There was Maya Angelou with her arms raised and the sun rays beaming up at me. Yeah, don’t tell me this was just happenstance. The day I launched my new program, I found this. Again, how do I find so much change in our neighborhood? I don’t ever carry change… a mystery to inspire—anything is possible.
  3. This is the front of our house. I love how our flowers are blooming now and match our Flamengo; who knew?!
  4. Yep, this dog always has a date with the sun in the afternoon.
  5. This was the perfect heart. I took her home, and now Alice wants to put it in her next stained glass project. Love my finds on my hiking adventures.
  6. Shasta Bally as the sun’s just hitting it in the early a.m. She looks so vibrantly red and glowing.
  7. This is Emma and I trying to pose during one of our hikes. It’s always a challenge. I’m amazing when it works. Even if I’m a bit wonky in the pic.

P.S. If you missed last week’s email or maybe you forgot to click on the link… If you’re longing to be around like-minded people, and want to move through your fears, to create an even more successful business, built upon your purpose, values, and based on authenticity, while attracting your dream client and more success.... Welllll. you know what to do below. 🙂 

P.S.S. Whenever You’re Ready: Here are 3 Ways I can make an impact on creating greater success in your business using marketing that’s aligned with your mission and values without feeling like you’re selling your soul.

1. Make Money Now Sheet It’s one of the bonuses in my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. I wanted to give it to you for free to help you create more success.

2. Love Books Like I Do? – I’m always reviewing the best nonfiction books – Where Buddha Meets Business.

3. Get my proven 7-Step Soulful Marketing System. It gives you the framework you need to implement authentic and connected marketing using online customer experiences and launching your products, services, or courses. It will help you create greater success.

It’s a simple system, especially if you love to read like me. There’s no video or audio. Plus, you get my proven templates, tools, and worksheets, all with tremendous value. And I’m pricing it incredibly low so it can be more accessible to more people. 🙂

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