A Little Love, A Lot of Mindset: The Soulful Marketing Journey…
Core Article: A Little Love, A Lot of Mindset: The Soulul Marketing Journey…
Paragraph I’m Pondering: “When we hoard what we have been given, we block the…”
Powerful Affirmations to Inspire: “I nurture my relationships with love…”
Book Review: The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling by Ernest Kurtz & Katherine Ketcham
Cool Stuff: The perfect body shape that wins hoola hoop contests! Seriously 🙂
AI Info & Resources: How to make the most out of AI by lowering your expectations…
A Little Love, A Lot of Mindset: The Soulful Marketing Journey…
I truly do love connecting with you each week, I do. It’s something I look forward to every Monday when I sit at this big old desk of mine (It’s actually an old banker’s desk we found on one of our trips to Portland, OR. It has that leather embedded in the wood. And tons of drawers…)
Ahhh, I digress once again, it’s the little things that can get me going…
Where was I…
Ohhhh my favorite place, connecting with you each week!
And you know what’s one step I love even BETTER than that, is connecting with you by Zoom.
I had the most wonderful conversation with a dear friend and colleague, Carole Murko, who shared with me where she is in her business, and we caught up on all kinds of things she’s been up to.
She’s an energy healer, trained in medical Chi Gong, a Self Love & Mastery expert, and also an Eating to Heal expert. (Apologies, Carole, if I didn’t get this totally correct. I was so excited after our call that I wanted to share it.)
You will be hearing from Carole, I’ve asked her to do a guest post. And she graciously accepted. She’s definitely a mindful, purpose-driven entrepreneur…
So, why did I bring up Carole?
When we connected, I asked her what she thought about my emails lately being much more about mindset and not so much about marketing.
She had this wonderful insight about how you really need to get into a specific mindset to be able to market yourself. How sometimes, you have to dig deep to deal with mindset issues, and when you do, you can make a bigger impact on your business. And if you’re not in the right frame of mind, it’s just not gonna happen.
And I totally agreed with her. It’s about getting through our “mind fields” of what’s keeping you from living into your greatness, your success, and your ability to share your brilliance and earn a comfortable living from it…
That’s what I’m trying to do here each week. And share what I’m learning with some humor, humble pie, and hopefully adding a bit of inspiration to your day, or your week.
Above all else, I want to be real, authentic, and honest with you about my journey.
I’m not one of those marketers who’s gonna pull the wool over your eyes and tell you all you need is this one thing I’m selling, and you’ll make a lot of money.
We all know that’s B.S., yet we still do it. And yes, I do it too. Not as much lately, though. 😉
Yeah, marketing can be hard and frustrating, and you feel like you need to keep buying stuff, yet it gets frustrating cuz it still doesn’t work.
I’m here to tell you to stop buying tactics. In case you don’t know what I’m talking about— it’s those selling the latest Google, Instagram, or Facebook ads courses and videos, how to create higher engagement content, latest book funnel courses, and more.
And don’t buy anything about product launches. I can share way more about this than most in this eNewsletter with you. (I worked with Jeff Walker in the early days, helping him build his Product Launch Business. 🙂
After being in marketing for over 18 years and working with the best marketers for most of those years, it’s not about the tactics that created their success. It’s about their core focus on mindset, mission, vision, and values, then finding the best marketing path and strategies. Once you get that down, then you focus on a specific tactic. Yet, by then, you may not need the tactics.
If you will indulge me further…
I have a unique offer for you this week.
I know, I know, you’re not used to me offering something to you. I rarely share anything for you to invest in in these eNewsletters.
That’s because they’re so sacrosanct for me.
Yet, today is different.
Because I’m finally doing something I’ve tried to do for years and failed…
I want to offer you an incredibly reasonable way to work with me. I’m tired of working so hard with just a couple of clients. And working too hard for too long to create some masterpiece of a program that maybe won’t sell.
I’m doing something really different for me…
I want to create my new program WITH YOU! (Hint, hint: you can do this too.)
Yep, no fancy slides and zillions of videos, audios, and more that you don’t have enough time to listen to and end up not ever finishing.
How do I know that? It’s me. I do the same thing!
So my offer is – I want you to join me in my 10-week journey.
We will start with everyone who joins getting a 60-minute one-on-one call with me.
Then, for 10 weeks, I will walk you through one of the most successful systems I created that has created million-dollar marketing launches for clients. I will personally walk you through my 7-Step Soulful Marketing System.
We will have 10 group calls over 10 weeks. One call a week. Starting at the end of February – promise dates/times coming. And for those who join, I will confer to ensure we have a group census.
One call a week. I will work with you to help you create your marketing and launch plan that includes your mission, vision, values, dream client focus, clarify your offer, marketing path, and more. You will leave with your:
- unique positioning in the marketplace
- core messaging to market your business
- juicy offer
- defining your dream client,
- and we’ll map out your marketing path.
- Plus, we’ll ensure your business is aligned with your mission and your values.
If you’re the kind of person who wants to explore your business and how you market it in a way you’ve never looked at before, then this may be the program for you.
The best part is you’re going to work with me to create this program to customize it for you. And for anyone who takes this program after you.
Because you’re helping me while I’m helping you, I’m giving you steep savings. Normally, working with me for a month, which is four Zoom calls, is $2,500. (This year, my prices are going up to $3,500) I’m not saying this to brag. It’s what I charge.
And here’s the deal – I truly want to make this so affordable cuz I want more people like you to join. Plus, you’re helping me create this program live-in-person, and you will be able to help me shape it.
Since it’s the first time I’m teaching this, and you’re helping me, I want to give you incredible savings.
Drum roll, please… (too hypey??? 🙂
You can join the first Soulful Marketing Accelerator Program for only $497 or 2 payments of $259.
Just know that this will probably be the only time it will ever be this low. So, if it sounds interesting and right up your alley, then check out the next steps below.
Note: I know this could come across as sales speak. And I want to be honest with you. What I’m doing is anchoring my price with you. I’m letting you know this is a special price since this is the first time I’m teaching it, and the next time, it will be higher.
That way, if you have the funds and the time available, don’t wait. If the timing is right, I’d LOVE you to join me.
This will be a collaborative effort to guide you in creating a marketing plan and system that resonates with your mission, vision, and values and that will create authenticity, genuine connection, and more. All I ask is that you give me honest feedback and attend as many calls as you can for maximum benefit.
It’s time for a new way to market, one that’s soulful, authentic, integrity-based that’s transparent, and one where you truly connect with your dream clients.
Next Steps:
- Want more information? I’ve created a Word doc. You can access the doc here.
- Questions or Want to Connect? If you want to connect over Zoom to see if it’s the right fit, schedule a call on my calendar.
I appreciate you for indulging me in my long-winded eNewsletter today. Soooo much more to come.
Whatever you decide, you still have me here in your inbox every week. Plus, I’M HERE – got a question? Want to connect? Need help? Hit reply. I promise I don’t buy and I always reply to my emails myself. 🙂
And I hope you’re hanging in this week with the Inauguration. Yeah, I didn’t watch it, and I’m doing a moratorium on watching the news. I never watched the first inauguration of his or watched the news when he was president before, so why start now? 😉
It’s amazing how much more I’m getting done with this “new diet” I’m on. (Just promise if something scary’s gonna happen – send me a note!)
Remember this:
You are not alone. You are part of this magnificent, messy, beautiful world with me.
Let go of what you can’t control. It’s not yours to carry anymore.
Choose love—over and over again, even when it’s hard.
Every moment, even the tough ones, holds infinite possibilities.
You are stronger than you know, and no matter what’s happening around you, you have the power to create peace within yourself.
And we are stronger together.
Let’s hold space for that peace tomorrow and in the days ahead.
And let’s promise to show up for each other—with compassion, kindness, and love.
Sending you much love, healing hugs, and a shoulder to support you and my hands at your back always.
You are so loved.
Paragraph I’m Pondering
“Try sharing with someone else. When we hoard what we have been given, we block the door to receiving more. If you are feeling stagnant in your life, share some of what has been given to you.
Let go of some of the sorrow that you have experienced by sharing your experience and the compassion that you have learned from it with another. Share your success by teaching someone else your methods. Share in the abundance given to you; donate to a favorite charity. Give of your time, your money, your abilities. When you give, you open the door to receive more.”
~ Melody Beattie, More Language of Letting Go
Powerful Affirmations to Inspire
- “I am a magnetic force for success, attracting ideal clients, partnerships, and opportunities effortlessly.”
- “I nurture my relationships with love, mutual respect, and understanding.”
- “I am worthy of infinite wealth and abundance, and I receive it with gratitude.”
Book Review
I remember this book when I first read it during the pandemic. It saved me from myself. I loved how It nudged and even provoked me at times to realize that control is just an illusion. It proposed that I surrender the pursuit of perfection. Hmmmmm. It might be the right time to read it again.
The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham
Cool Stuff
- This is definitely one of those stories you look up to the right and think Huh? Or it’s just instant clickbait! “What’s the perfect body shape to win that hoola hoop contest?” Yeah, I know you’re curious, just like I was… Yep, someone mathematician really figured this out…
- The interesting and enduring themes of the Beat Generation. It refers to a literary movement that emerged in the 1950s that emphasizes spontaneity, spirituality, and a desire to break away from mainstream culture. Beat writers, including Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs. Curious for more? Check out this YouTube Short
- Leave it to Popular Mechanics to research the circadian clock that rules your body. Well, guess what? They actually found that our body has more than one circadian clock. It turns out if we can figure ot how to maintain their synchronicity, it could help slow down premature aging. Hmmmmm.
AI Info and Resources
- How to make the most out of AI by lowering your expectations. It’s not God, yet maybe if could be your intern. 🙂
- If you’re into creating social media carousels, then this new tool might be of interest and help you create them much easier…
- ChatGPT can now schedule tasks for you. Note this is for the paid version. Here’s a tutorial that is super helpful to help you set this feature up. (Schedule Tasks allow you to automate interactions with ChatGPT at predefined times.
Weekly Photos
- It’s January and that means it’s time to use The Great Start Program from my amazing Executive Coaches Debbie Phillips and Rob Berkley. It’s when Alice and I (and in this pic, Emma, decided to attend) review and make peace with 2024 and create our new goals for 2025 in these 5 areas: Work, Financial, Relationships, Health, and Spiritual. We added a 6th – Travel. And yes, I greyed the flip chart part out. Well, some things are kinda personal. 🙂 If you want to more, ask me, I’m more than happy to share with you!
- Love this stained glass piece by my most amazing creative spouse. It looks like there’s a deer peeking in through the window.
- Yep, after last week. I found more change – thank you, Universe! Two dimes and a shiny penny. In fact. I have a thing for dimes. I find a lot of them. Ever since my grandmother died, she left me her jewelry box filled with dimes. I find them all the time. Thanks, Mimi, I always know when you’re nearby and thinking about me. 🙂
- This was funny. You know how I mentioned I’m an Amazon reviewer. Well, I got this pet travel case thinking I could try it out with Emma. Well, it turns out she’s a bit loooong for it. Oh well, it will find another nice new home for a very small pet.
- Well, you know who this is. Me on a VERY cold hike in the woods with the dog. Thank goodness we had lots of sun trying to warm us up.
- I’m always looking for another shot of Shasta Bally. I see her every day on my walks. This one was her peaking through the neighborhood. I do love those lenticular clouds always hoovering.
- Yeah, my favorite – albeit a little out of focus, makes it more artsy, right? 🙂 That’s the grand dame herself – Mt. Lassen. She gets TONS of snow in the winter. We keep threatening to go one weekend and check her out, snow shoes included.

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And if you decide that we need to break up 🙁 It’s hard, I know. You can unsubscribe from this eNewsletter instantly. (Scroll down to the bottom of this email and hit the “unsubscribe” button.) I promise no crying on your email doorstep, no sad-faced, tear-smeared goodbyes. And no more emails – so you sure you wanna go? 😉 Ok, no hard feelings, I understand. And if you feel up to it, I’d love to know why you’re leaving. I’m always trying to make this eNewsletter better and better. Thank you!
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