• Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation

    Oprah’s Not the Only One Who Can Have Fun While Working…

    It’s true you know, Oprah’s not the only one who can have fun while working.  You can too!  Yes, I know, I know, it wouldn’t be called work if it was fun and all the other dreary sayings.  Listen, you have a choice when it comes to work.  The choice is in your attitude and how you view it.  Yes, for some work is simply the thing we dread that we must do in order to make money, pay the bills and live. Sounds dreary and boring yet as I said earlier, it can be fun, it’s your choice.  In my last blog, which I got a ton of great…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    How Firing a Client Will Set You Free…

    This blog may be a bit unorthodox and I might even get some negative comments about my headline… However this subject has come up in conversations, no lie, with at least 5 people in just the past 3 days!  What’s going on here?  I think what’s happening in this “new economy” business owners, coaches and consultants alike are just incredibly thankful to have work and have clients that they are just taking anyone who shows up.  Now I’m not saying this is a bad strategy, in fact I did this when I first started out. It actually helped me develop and shape my business into what it is today.  By just saying…

  • Coaching,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    Moving Forward by Measuring Your Results Backwards

    On the 4 hour drive home from D.C. after being at Yanik Silver’s Underground 7 event, I spent a lot of time mulling over the one day training we spent with Dan Sullivan of www.StrategicCoach.com He gave us SO MUCH valuable information, there’s no way I can tell you everything here in this post.  The one thing that really stuck with me is his whole process of the 21 Day Positive Focus exercise. I do something similar to this now, but this took what I do and put it on steroids. Let me explain… The whole philosophy is that we won’t have a huge amount of forward motion, unless we’re…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Survey Tips & Techniques

    Picking, Choosing & Investing In the Best Resources For Your Business

    So the groundhog didn’t see his shadow and they’re claiming we’re in for an early spring.  I’m all for that after we in the northeast have been slammed since December with lots of snow.  Thank goodness this week the temperatures are getting warmer and all that snow is finally starting to melt.  So I thought this was the perfect time to get an early start on some spring cleaning of sorts. The word for this week is “Resources.”  I speak to a lot of my clients about how to pick, choose and invest in the best resources that fit their business.  The one thing that I have a lot of and…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    How to Turn Your Contacts Into True Connections

    What’s the one word you ALWAYS hear when you ask someone, “How do I get more clients? More Business?”  That word is – NETWORKING. I think this word has gotten a bad rap over the years, and I’m wondering if it’s because the MLM (Multi Level Marketing) industry has used and abused this word to the nth degree.  It doesn’t really matter; what does matter is this is not a bad word at all. In fact, what I want to do in today’s blog is give you some amazing tips on how you can turn the people and contacts you meet into terrific connections. The real key, I think, is…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing

    What’s your plan to build profitable relationships this Year?

    I remember back in January  2011, it was so darn cold, winter was surely coming in like a lion!  And we’d already gotten almost two feet of snow and I was torn on whether to travel or not the next two months, because itwas proving to be a bit of a challenge fly out of the New York/New Jersey area.  And I wrote this from writing from sunny and warm Phoenix, Arizona where I had just attended Jeff Walker’s Product Launch Manager (PM) Mastermind meeting. I almost didn’t make it because it snowed the morning I was supposed to leave and I was about 3 hours late to the meeting.  And…

  • Coaching,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Implementation,  Marketing,  Survey Tips & Techniques

    Are you tired of second guessing what to do next in your business?

    Maybe you’re stuck, or not quite sure how to move your business forward, or maybe you have too many ideas and just not sure which one is the best one that will bring you the success you so deserve.  I’ve been through all of these things and as you may know, I’m totally hooked on just creating a simple survey and sending it out to my list to let them TELL ME what they want.  I mean, why am I trying to figure all of this out in a vacuum?  When I have all those people out there on my list who want and need something, let me just ask…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    3 Proven Strategies to Implement and Get More Done Each Day

    My rear end was glued to the TV screen last night watching one by one as those miners in Chile were being pulled out from under all that rock and rubble… It was such an amazing feat of team work, brains, ingenuity and global communication. So I got to thinking: Well, if they can do this, what’s stopping me from accomplishing all I want to do? And I’m not even trapped in a mine. I looked back at my long “to do” list of a few things I had planned to do in March and that were supposed to be completed by now and aren’t… All I can say is…

  • Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Here’s the 1 Thing That Will Help You Get More Clients…

    Searching for the magic bullet can sometimes be an elusive struggle. However, I think I’ve found just 1 thing above all others that I’ve done in my business that’s helped me create an endless stream of new clients. I know because I’ve used it over and over again and guess what – it works! So what is it?  It’s sending out a PRINTED newsletter every month to my clients, prospects and colleagues. I’ve been doing it for the past 4 years and it’s the one thing that over and over again has proved its worth in getting many new clients. The key here is that I’m connecting and communicating with…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    How to Leverage Your Relationships With New Influential People You Meet

    In the past 6 months, I’ve met over 150 people, or probably more than that, simply because I traveled to some conferences and workshops where like-minded entrepreneurs gather.  At those meetings, I simply meet a lot of people and give away a lot of cards, and I also get my share of cards.  The real question here is how you leverage those new folks you meet.  How can you turn them into more influential and helpful relationships? I’ve created some step-by-step guidelines that I’ve used over the past years that have helped me cultivate these relationships.  This is what I do when I go to a conference or workshop and…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Dog Marketing,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing,  Taking risks

    Product Launch Disasters, Delayed Planes & Flat Tires

    What do you think these three things have in common?  Well besides the obvious, that we wouldn’t want any of these to happen to us, or wish them upon anyone else… The commonality in these three things, is each of them has happened to me… Thankfully only two of them have happened in one week, the other one occurred many moons ago.  So the two I had happen to me this week are the flat tire and the delayed plane. The ironic part about the delayed plane is not once in my 7 trips I’ve taken this year was I ever delayed or have any issues flying.  So the one…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Missed Product Launch Opportunities or Creating Money-Making Products….

    Hmm, as I sit here in my comfortable laid back office, enjoying this amazing spring type weather in June in Jersey, the dog is sleeping at my feet, and I’m having twinges of second thoughts for having to cancel my trip this week to Jeff Walker’s Platinum Product Launch Mastermind Group. I know, I know, I made my decision and it’s all said and done, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts, you know the ones that just pop in your head to mess you up. Those thoughts driven by the ego to stop you in your tracks… Thank goodness I can recognize them right away now and not pay them…

  • Coaching,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Luck is related to choices….

    This is what Dan Kennedy said to me — “Luck is related to choices…”  This totally made me hunker down and think about this very deep statement.  You see I’ve believed in luck all my life, but I never thought it had anything to do with me and my choices. I always thought that the luck was simply about being in the right place at the right time, or maybe even silly as it seems, because I’m part Irish.  I NEVER thought it was because of something I did. So here was Dan Kennedy, the millionaire maker, telling me over dinner that luck was about choices…  Since that dinner I…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    Your Singing Frog Won’t Make You Rich If Nobody Sees It!

    There’s an old cartoon that taught me an interesting lesson. Odds are, you might have seen it a thousand times, but I bet you’ve never watched it as a learning tool for your business! In the cartoon, a man is down and out on his luck. Then, one eventful day, he finds a frog. But this is no ordinary frog… it can sing and dance! The man immediately sees dollar signs and realizes this little green guy will make him rich! So he rents out a theater and puts a sign in front of the building, saying “SINGING FROG!” Well, nobody comes to watch it. So he thinks for a…

  • Coaching,  Communication,  Entrepreneurs,  Marketing

    The Process of Getting New Clients…

    I wrote this while I was sitting in the President’s Club in Cleveland, on Sunday, waiting for my plane back home to New Jersey.  I was going over all my notes I took from Dan Kennedy & AWAI’s Business of Copywriting Workshop.  As I was looking over my many pages, it struck me that this might make for a good blog this week. The focus of his workshop was on the BUSINESS of Copywriting.  I was at this conference because Dan had asked me to speak.  He thought my story of how I’ve used his principles to grow a really nice direct response marketing, coaching, and consulting business might help…