Are you tired of second guessing what to do next in your business?
Maybe you’re stuck, or not quite sure how to move your business forward, or maybe you have too many ideas and just not sure which one is the best one that will bring you the success you so deserve. I’ve been through all of these things and as you may know, I’m totally hooked on just creating a simple survey and sending it out to my list to let them TELL ME what they want. I mean, why am I trying to figure all of this out in a vacuum? When I have all those people out there on my list who want and need something, let me just ask them…
So let’s do a survey! What’s the first thing you need to do once you’ve figured out you want to do a survey? How I work with my clients is I simply ask them what’s their goal for doing the survey, or better yet, what’s the outcome they want to achieve after doing it. These are both terrific questions and get a the heart of doing a survey.
The one thing you DO NOT want to do is start by writing questions. If you don’t know what outcome you want, how in the world are you going to be able to create the best questions?
You start by figuring out your goal for your survey, what’s the outcome you want to achieve? What problem are you having, and how can you doing a survey solve it for you and your business. Here are some of the many goals and outcomes I want from my surveys:
– Need more and better testimonials
– Don’t have any testimonials, I need those now!
– Testing out a new product or idea
– Getting feedback on your current products or services
– Getting a read on your customer satisfaction level
– Figuring out what keeps your prospects awake at night
And there are so many more goals and outcomes for surveys! Hopefully these have got your mind churning so you can start using surveys in your business as soon as possible! The truth is, by being able to ask my list what they want and run ideas by them, I’ve been able to build an incredibly successful business, not only for me but for my clients too.
If you want more information about surveys, check out these other posts
Jump on Creating An Amazing Year
How to Quickly & Easily Read the Minds of Your Prospects
Truly Connect With Your Clients
The Real Secret to Being Incredibly Successful Selling Online
PLUS– FREE 60-Minute One On One Call with ME!
If you’ve made it all the way down here to the bottom, thanks for reading, and here’s a gift for you. I want to give you 60 minutes of my time for free, with my compliments. Maybe you’re:
- Stuck in your business and not being able to increase your profits fast enough
- Frustrated your launch didn’t go as well as you planned
- In need of some help and guidance with your launch
- Finally ready to create your online marketing funnel and don’t know where to turn
- Searching simply for some strategic online marketing help, and hand-holding from an expert who’s got proven experience and helped thousands already….
- problem or issue isn’t listed here… I know I can help….
Well, here’s the deal, you’re in the right place. I can help you! Just click here. I want to give you a FREE 60-minute call with me. I’d love to see how I can help you create the business you so deserve.