It’s All About the Questions
There is quote by Albert Einstein that says “If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand it well enough.”
This quote says it all when it comes to the topic of this week’s blog.
It’s ALL About the Questions!
This is actually STEP 2 – AFTER you figure out your goals and outcomes of what you want from doing your survey. Creating questions for your survey products is incredibly important because it will shape the answers you will receive and ULTIMATELY what you will be able to do with that information. Through this questioning process, you will step closer to finding success in your business.
Step # 2 –It’s ALL About the Questions!
When you are coming up with questions, there are SO MANY types of questions to choose from. So let’s start with this— phrase:
“Short, Sweet & to the Point”
One way to keep questions “Short, Sweet & to the Point” is to use open-ended ones. These are the questions that will bear the most fruit for you in your surveys. A lot of researchers and statisticians don’t particularly like open-ended questions because they are the most difficult to measure because each answer is unique, so when sifting through 10k open-ended answers, it can be overwhelming in going through all of them. So I highly recommend using open-ended questions when you:
1. Want detailed information in the respondent’s voice
2. Don’t have good solid answers to create a multiple-choice—because a lot of times you can miss an answer because you didn’t give them one they would have chosen. (When you create multiple-choice you’re forcing them to answer the answers that you’ve created.)
The real key to using open-ended questions is they can really help not only shape your business, products, etc.; they can also shape YOUR MARKETING. They write the answers in their voice and will give you keywords and key phrases that you can use when you market to them.
Here are some guidelines for you to keep in mind as you create your questions.
1. Are your questions short or wordy?
- Simple and concise words are the best to use
2. 5th Grade is your target when it comes to the understanding level.
- Do not make assumptions
- Everyone needs to understand them
3. Stay Away From Complicated.
- Complications will lead to people not wanting to participate in your survey
4. Keep your goal and the main thing you want to achieve in mind.
Next week, I am going to take you deeper into how to create those easy and inviting questions that will give you the answers to help shape your business.
PLUS– Join me for a FREE 60-Minute One On One Call!
If you’ve made it all the way down here to the bottom, thanks for reading, and here’s a gift for you. I want to give you 60 minutes of my time for free, with my compliments. Maybe you’re:
- Stuck in your business and not being able to increase your profits fast enough
- Frustrated your launch didn’t go as well as you planned
- In need of some help and guidance with your launch
- Finally ready to create your online marketing funnel and don’t know where to turn
- Searching simply for some strategic online marketing help, and hand-holding from an expert who’s got proven experience and helped thousands already….
- problem or issue isn’t listed here… I know I can help….
Well, here’s the deal, you’re in the right place. I can help you! Just click here. I want to give you a FREE 60-minute call with me. I’d love to see how I can help you create the business you so deserve and help you help thousands more people.