The “Oprah Factor” and how you can create your own “ X Factor”
It was so exciting to be a part of that experience.
I also talked last week about why Oprah is so phenomenally successful and popular. It is because she focuses on giving her audience what they want. She goes out of her way to create an experience that will get her audience excited and make them feel good.
Oprah as an entrepreneur is worth billions and she continues to operate and launch very successful ventures with her latest being her OWN Network on cable which only 72 hours after launching was the #3 Cable Network for Women.
Oprah is a very good entrepreneur and business to model and emulate, not only because she’s worth billions but because she’s also an information marketer just like you and I. She produces content that people are either willing to pay money to consume or advertisers are willing to pay huge money to sponsor because she has such a valuable audience.
There is even something called the “Oprah Factor” which refers to what happens when she mentions a product or business on her show. That alone can make millions for the company or businessperson promoting their product.
The reason the “Oprah Factor” exists is because Oprah has created such trust with her audience they jump on any product or service she endorses. Even if it is not an official endorsement but only an offhand comment.
But the real reason at the core of her success and how she was able to create trust is that she is hyper focused on the wants, the frustrations, the fears, and the passions of her audience. She communicates to her audience as if she was speaking with you personally. She is empathetic and understanding. She get’s excited for you and she gives you information you can use to make your life better and help you feel good about yourself.
It is imperative if you want to be successful in the information business or even if you are using content to market whatever business you are in, that your content hits your target market at the core of their wants and fears.
In order to do this consistently and powerfully you have to get feedback from your customers. And by customers I do not mean just those that have paid money for a product or service. I mean anyone who is reading your blog, your articles, and your emails.
You have to find out if they find your content meaningful. You have to know if you need to adjust your message.
From my experience the fastest and most cost effective way to find this out is by asking them. A simple questionnaire or short survey to your list can provide astounding and many times, very surprising results that can prove to be very profitable.
And guess what. You can create your own mini “Oprah Factor”.
As you ask your customers for feedback, acknowledge that you value their input, and then go the extra mile to demonstrate that you are listening to them by actually implementing and delivering on what your customers have shared you. In doing this, you will create new levels of trust and understanding with your customers that will allow you to not only help them more effectively than you ever have before, but you will also be able to grow your business and profit more than ever as well.
Great writing!
Choose Happiness & Success!