How to Really Get Things Done, Check Things Off Your List part 1
Stress, Guilt, Anxiety…three things that occur when you look at your to-do list at the end of day and hardly anything is checked off. Immediately you think “What happened?!” In the back of your mind though, the answer lies in a 15 letter word:
Just saying that 15 letter word, makes me cringe because we all experience a time where PROCRASTINATION slips into your life. Are you at that point in your life? Have you been stuck in a rut of procrastinating? If so, continue reading because I have the solution to get you unstuck. And, if by chance you are one of those super-human people who never procrastinate, then keep reading as a motivation to keep focused.
Tip#1: Make a daily to do list
Before you say “What?!? Make a list? Isn’t that setting me up to fail before I start?”
The answer is NO and here is WHY:
1. Instant Reward: You accomplish something by sitting down every day to make a list.
2. Constant Insurance: By not taking the time to write everything out, you run the risk of forgetting something. Also, by forgetting things, you end up spending more time than you would if you had taken the time to make a list in the first place.
3. Prioritize: Nothing motivates someone more than making a plan and knowing exactly what to do. Make the top three things on your list, things you have to do IMMEDIATELY.
Tip#2: Motivate Yourself
The best way to motivate involves visualizing what it would feel like to cross off the top three items of your list. If you continue to focus on what it looks
like, then it will motivate you to keep on going.
Tip#3: Set a Timer
This may sound like a waste of time but it really does work. While I am not advocating multi-tasking, this is a way to get you going. Start with setting the timer for three minutes. Pick an item on your to do list and do as much as you can in three minutes. After three minutes is up take a break, a 2 minute break, and then go right back to it. This time set the timer for 5 minutes and pick up from where you left off. Continue the process by increasing the time until you get to the point where you are constantly working at finishing your task. Eventually you won’t need to set the timer because your motivation to get things done will be a habit.
I am going to stop there with three tips today. One of the main things I want to pass on to you is to STOP PROCRASTINATING and get working. Those three worrisome words: STRESS, GUILT, ANXIETY cause more problems than they are worth.
Check back next week for the last three tips on working towards crossing things off your to do list and stopping the horrible cycle of PROCRASTINATING!